Discord Bans NSFW Content for Partnered Servers


Aug 20, 2006
Discord reportedly updated its TOS last week, banning NSFW content from partnered servers. The FFXIV Discord server discovered it went further than that when they also lost partner status for hosting bad language, however: its privileges were terminated when Discord found “a staggering 4,869 results” of the word “retard," among other things.

This did not sit well with the Discord community, and they in fact began asking more questions about Discord’s policies and why there’s such a lack of communication regarding the policy changes and their enforcement. One user in particular pointed out that Discord’s staff seemed to be playing favorites with removing partnership status from servers.
Out of the books 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 I always feared 451 more... society choosing to limit what could be discussed (and thus the books that were "offensive" were burnt" ).
We are living in 1984 and Fahrenheit 451... Not as established but at the turning point.

The recent US election and Brexit showed this... The EXACT same tactics that are now denounced (mining and targeting) was used by Obama and were tolerated YET when it is used against the will of the establishment and the militant left it become ban worthy...

At some point the means to ban what you want banned will be used against that which you don't... why give the power to enable it...
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Heck I’ve used that more than the entirety of the FF channel in like a year.

Amazing what this world has come to. Retards.

So, this generation has pussified us down to can't even use the word retard in the context of idiot......

This country doesn't have thin skin, it has no skin anymore. Oh, that might be offensive too.

The correct word is "Fucktards".
As someone who was born without skin, I find your remarks tasteless and offensive.


I've been using that word many many years before that came out. That said, first time I've seen that clip. That was funny as fuck lol.
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What a fucking police state.

Show me one person that was tangibly harmed by looking at nudity or hearing "swear" words, and I'll show you a liar.

edit: Since it clearly is beyond comprehension based on my words above alone, I am NOT _JUST_ talking about Discord. I am talking about society at large.
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What a fucking police state.

Show me one person that was tangibly harmed by looking at nudity or hearing "swear" words, and I'll show you a liar.

a private sector service deciding to update its tos and enforce what it feels to be normal behavior does not a police state make seriously find another service if their action upsets you crying about isnt going to make them change their tos.
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A private company updating its terms of service = the end of free speech as we know it, also Obamaclintondidit? Nobody knee-jerks off like conservatives.
A private company updating its terms of service = the end of free speech as we know it, also Obamaclintondidit? Nobody knee-jerks off like conservatives.

And they call all non-conservatives sjw's and snowflakes
Ironic, don't ya think?

noun: discord
disagreement between people.

synonyms:strife, conflict, friction, hostility, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, bad feeling, ill feeling, bad blood, argument, quarreling, squabbling, bickering, wrangling, feuding, contention, disagreement, dissension, dispute, difference of opinion, disunity, division, opposition; infighting
Discord is a private company and can set its own rules. Who really gives a shit?! To the retards crying, "It's the end of free speech!", listen up! Nobody is stopping you from finding another service like the phone or a fucking box and a street corner, so STFU as you really don't know what it means.

So, this generation has pussified us down to can't even use the word retard in the context of idiot......

This country doesn't have thin skin, it has no skin anymore. Oh, that might be offensive too.
"Pussified" is not harsh enough for this generation of thinskins on BOTH sides! A tag a friend and mother of three uses all the time to describe this sub-level of idiocy is much more fitting "t**twafles"!
a private sector service deciding to update its tos and enforce what it feels to be normal behavior does not a police state make seriously find another service if their action upsets you crying about isnt going to make them change their tos.

i am in total agreement with you on the fact that its a private service and they can do whatever the hell they want.

I do start to wonder though, at what point does it cease to be a private service and more of a defacto state when more and more are doing stuff like this? there is the strictest definition of a police state, and then there is the fact that you cant seem to fucking sneeze these days without some idiot flying off the handle about how you hurt their feelings and then having some sort of modern day lynch mob after you to destroy your life.
completely expected of a corporate product

whenever $ and profits gets involved, everything needs to be as politically and socially non-reactive as it can be

p.s : still angry IMDB lost its boards
i am in total agreement with you on the fact that its a private service and they can do whatever the hell they want.

I do start to wonder though, at what point does it cease to be a private service and more of a defacto state when more and more are doing stuff like this? there is the strictest definition of a police state, and then there is the fact that you cant seem to fucking sneeze these days without some idiot flying off the handle about how you hurt their feelings and then having some sort of modern day lynch mob after you to destroy your life.

well, cause the top 100 richest people in the world only give lip service to freedom of expression, community interaction, and anything that supports multiple viewpoints, and yet the tech and media world do not call them out for it.

concerns of money and income controls nearly everything significant on the internet now
I was talking about society at large, not just discord.

a private sector service deciding to update its tos and enforce what it feels to be normal behavior does not a police state make seriously find another service if their action upsets you crying about isnt going to make them change their tos.
completely expected of a corporate product

whenever $ and profits gets involved, everything needs to be as politically and socially non-reactive as it can be

p.s : still angry IMDB lost its boards
Me too! It was much easier to find relevant discussions about shows/movies.
This is really a major concern. Though Discord has some clear benefits, I've long warned that a transition for gaming messaging and VOIP from a community of user owned/hosted independent servers, to one massive centralized monolith - worse, one that offers all this stuff "free" yet has heavy venture capital investment - is a problem. Discord has become too central, to official, too quickly and there are many ramifications for everyone from individuals through communities and even game publishers/devs etc, this being one of them. All of this is very similar and related to other monolithic, proprietary platforms like Twitter and (especially) Facebook. Others saying "just go to another service" is good advice - and I'll get to that later - but since Discord has become so ingrained into the gaming community going away means losing access to things like avenues of communication with developers or potential for certain contests and whatnot, not unlike Facebook and Twitter etc...

On the specific issue discussed here there's a bit to unpack. From Partner server requirements, the apparent lack of a grievance process outside of a swift revocation, what kind of NSFW content is permitted if any and who makes the call about even things like language, potentially biased or uneven application of policies, and the broader issue of "lolicon" ( drawn erotica of underage-looking female characters.) drawing being targeted specifically beyond other sorts of drawn or even real life porn.

Discord needs to make their policies much more clear and evenly applied, for all Partners. Furthermore, I think in all but the most grievous offenses there should be a chance to remedy a problem rather than simply going right to Partner termination. Regarding permitted or prohibited content, they need to generally relax - especially when it comes to things like language. They have finally come forth with a "porn ban" for Partner servers and that's okay, but even (as detailed in Polygon) Discord reps themselves said it wasn't properly publicized - another reason not to simply remove Partner status in this case. One problematic response form Discord staff was something to the effect of "People wrote in to us about someone doing a bad thing on your server" which was their justification for a complete revocation of Partner status an being unwilling to return - that's a problem. So if one person does something wrong and someone else goes and reports them to Discord for whatever reason (instead of going to server admins etc), the whole server and its admins are punished, even if they resolve the issue properly as soon as they're made aware of it? That's not just unacceptable, it offers another avenue for vindictive people to exploit. "Oh Discord, Discord! Someone on Server X was doing Y which makes me feel hurt and unsafe! I really feel that this server environment is not the welcoming environment that I thought Discord stood for, yet you Partner with them?! " Even worse this could be used with uneven application to crack down on certain groups, while letting others get away with a warning or whatnot because they have big money from a developer/publisher behind them, or the heuristics and big data analysis spits out something saying that Server X is especially valuable.

Discord has created a good underlying product, but these issues are another reason I think its better for users - and especially major developers and publishers - to stay off proprietary monolithic community/social software when possible, choosing instead Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) alternatives. For instance, instead of Discord, check out the (mentioned above by BloodyIron) the Matrix network ( https://matrix.org/blog/home/ ) and Riot ( https://about.riot.im/ ) which is one of its most popular clients. Matrix is probably the closest analog to a Slack / Discord style "all in one, modern" messenger service however its even federated! Much like XMPP (another good messaging platform), individuals can host/run their own servers and people from any server can talk to those on any other server! This is good for everyone from big corporations to individuals seeking maximum privacy. I should mention there are other Discord alternatives out there for messaging, from XMPP , Signal, Tox, Wire, Ring, to Mumble ( all with different strengths and weaknesses even though they're all FLOSS, so they're all moving the right direction. For those who want to expand this to other parts of their communications/social networking, I suggest looking into services like Diaspora* ( https://diasporafoundation.org/ ) and especially Friendica ( https://friendi.ca/ ) for those looking for full-featured Facebook-style social network alternatives (some of them can even connect to "foreign" proprietary networks through a module so you can maintain your privacy and still interact wit those who haven't left thme behind as of yet).. Those seeking a Twitter style microblogging alternative should check out GnuSocial (https://gnu.io/ ) which powers servers like the Quitter network, and especially the aesthetically pleasing Mastodon ( https://joinmastodon.org/ ) ; both of the aforementioned are federated and servers based on either one are interoperable so that's really neat.

With the huge Facebook stock price drops now is a better time than ever to try and showcase the problems with proprietary monolithic services, Discord included. All of these services are trying to crack down on bad actors like bots and those spreading intentional disinformation/spam/trolling etc.... but we must be cautious that everyone, especially these monoliths that have such a huge reach currently, are not going too far when it comes to free speech, discussing unpopular topics or opinions, and/or evolving to de-facto censorship - all while still having clear, stable guidelines on what is and isn't allowed, not reactionary ones that suddenly drop in because of a complaint or two without considering the ramifications thereof. This is not a left vs right issue or an issue of political teams, but rather a multifaceted problem where the "enemy" are those sowing division and profiting from it, while giving lip service to opposition on the centralized, proprietary platforms they own. Discord appears to be stepping into the arena; who knows how things will evolve and how it will end, but all we can do is try to move things in the correct direction.
Ironic, don't ya think?

noun: discord
disagreement between people.

synonyms:strife, conflict, friction, hostility, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, bad feeling, ill feeling, bad blood, argument, quarreling, squabbling, bickering, wrangling, feuding, contention, disagreement, dissension, dispute, difference of opinion, disunity, division, opposition; infighting
You mean it wasn't designed to allow people to snipe and bitch at each other?
I'm talking about society at large. Not just Discord. The whole fallacy that swearing hurts people is completely false. Same thing with nudity.

Oh, and I actually am using other services, thanks for noticing ;)

a private sector service deciding to update its tos and enforce what it feels to be normal behavior does not a police state make seriously find another service if their action upsets you crying about isnt going to make them change their tos.