Disenchanted with the 9800 GTX, now going for the GX2!


Feb 16, 2007
Ref link: http://www.techpowerup.com/53685/NVIDIA_GeForce_9800_GTX_Scores_14K_in_3DMark06.html

After the disappointing reported score of 14K on 3DMark06 for the 9800 GTX, I am thinking the GX2 is now my first choice.
Granted these are not official numbers, but I am buying into it so far...

I can only guess that me wanting to fit my GPU with waterblocks will probably not be possible with this dual PCB card?

We still have no firm release date on the GX2 correct?

I hope there are a few cards already in the reviewers hands, and they are just waiting to post their results. I would like to be able to determine the pick of the litter on the GX2 cards ASAP.

If the 9800 GTX is just an OC'ed GTS, the GX2 will have to be my card now. My 1920 x 1200 res is just begging for it....

So who else is thinking the GX2 is their first choice now, and just waiting to click buy!
Mabey so, but I have the feeling I'm not alone on this....

Unless allot of the reported stats on the 9800 GTX are wrong, I dont believe it is going to be the workhorse I was hoping for. I don't think there is allot of room for error here.

Now I know why nVidia was listing the GX2 as their Top Dog card over the 9800 GTX. Simply put, it is their Big Dog, and probably by a decent margin too!
Ref link: http://www.digitimes.com/mobos/a20080222PD207.html
"At the top-end of the 9-series cards will sit the dual-GPU GeForce 9800 GX2 which will launch on March 11 this year. This will be followed by the GeForce 9800 GTX and 9800 GT between the end of March and beginning of April".

Zinn's post also hits like a sledgehammer!
Okay, that's really sad. So the 9800 GTX has:
  • Less ROPs than the 8800 Ultra (16 as opposed to 24)
  • Less memory than the 8800 Ultra (512 as opposed to 768)
  • Slower memory than the 8800 Ultra (1100mhz as opposed to 1150mhz)
  • 40 GB/s less memory bandwidth than the 8800 Ultra (70 GB/s as opposed to 110 GB/s)
  • Less texture fillrate than the 8800 Ultra (37 vs 47 GTexels)
  • Still no DX10.1 compliance (duh it's a G92)
This card is a downgrade in so many ways, it's sad. Prepare for Geforce FX series all over again.

Most 9800 GX2 info taken from here: http://techreport.com/discussions.x/14173
Most 9800 GTX info taken from here: http://www.vr-zone.com/articles/GeForce_9800_GTX_Card_Photos_&_Specs_Unveiled/5599.html
Head to head, place your bets... :)

Hypothetical 9800 GTX ---------------------------------------------- Hypothetical 9800 GX2
Stream Processors= 128 --------------------------------------------- A full 128 stream processor on each card, 256 Total.
Core= 673MHz ----------------------------------------------------------- Core= 600MHz
Shaders= 1683MHz ---------------------------------------------------- Shaders= 1500MHz
Memory= 1100MHz 512MB GDDR3 (136-pin BGA) -------- Memory= 970MHz 512MB x 2 (1000MHz GDDR3)
256-BIT BUS -------------------------------------------------------------- 256-BIT BUS
Two DVI-I and one DHTV-out --------------------------------------- Two DVI Out
Two SLI Connectors --------------------------------------------------- Supports Quad SLI Configs.
Two 6-Pin PCIe Power Connectors ------------------------------- Not sure.
Total Board Power= 168W.
CoolerMaster TM67 Cooler (I believe it's this one: http://en.expreview.com/?p=276)

One other Plus for the GX2: Each chip's 256-bit memory bus will be hooked up to 512MB of 1000MHz GDDR3 memory, which should add up to an aggregate of 1GB of RAM and 128GB/s of memory bandwidth.

1 blade of the GX2 isn't going to be quite as fast as the GTX, but two of them in SLI, my money is on the GX2...

There is this report too: http://www.vr-zone.com/articles/GeForce_9800_GTX_(D9E-20)_to_launch_in_Late_March/5574.html
"VR-Zone learned that the fastest single card from Nvidia, the GeForce 9800 GTX (D9E-20) will be launched in late March, about 2 weeks after the 9800 GX2. It is G92 based and it is rumored to be clocked between 750-850MHz",

Sounds to me like they were guessing A tad high on the clock, but mabey not? That would put each card higher clocked than the 9800 GTX. The GX2 could turn out to be a runner...
Way too early to making a decision, on information which you can't possibly prove its validity ether way. Bandwidth in SLi isn't aggregated like that, all data is mirrored in an SLi setup on each card's vram.
That's the beauty of it, I'm not trying to prove anything and used Hypothetical 9800 GTX, and Hypothetical 9800 GX2.

I'm just saying if the info we picking up on the web from multiple locations, is even close to being correct, I think the GX2 needs to get a second look.

Especially if like me, you had much bigger hopes for the 9800 GTX than how it's currently looking, given our current info...

If you have any other info in the 9800 GTX or GX2 that makes any of the above info look way out of wack, I would be glad to read it myself.

Don't keep it a secret... :)
i guess OP only upset about rumors around 98gtx, i'm sure he'll still wait for gtx until it's official.
I probably will, if it's true that it will only be a short time until it's release also...

I hope it dosen't take too long on conformation numbers. My hand is twitching to buy now, and I am more than ready to upgrade from my current 8600GT.

We have HardForum's RoadMap confirming that the GX2 is the new King at least 30% faster than the Ultra, and also that the 9800 GTX is slower than the 9800 GX2: http://enthusiast.hardocp.com/article.html?art=MTQ0MCwxLCxoZW50aHVzaWFzdA==

I won't wait to see the numbers on the confirmed loser too long!

It is disturbing news though about the GTX and the 14K....

It makes a man want to look for a new hero. I can only hope I find it in the GX2.
As long as the GX2 comes in under $600 (I'd sill prefer 500, but w/e), and won't heat my home in the winter with the furnace off I will probably pick one up. Plan on selling my GTX and going from there.
Ref link: http://www.techpowerup.com/53685/NVIDIA_GeForce_9800_GTX_Scores_14K_in_3DMark06.html

After the disappointing reported score of 14K on 3DMark06 for the 9800 GTX, I am thinking the GX2 is now my first choice.
Granted these are not official numbers, but I am buying into it so far...

I can only guess that me wanting to fit my GPU with waterblocks will probably not be possible with this dual PCB card?

We still have no firm release date on the GX2 correct?

I hope there are a few cards already in the reviewers hands, and they are just waiting to post their results. I would like to be able to determine the pick of the litter on the GX2 cards ASAP.

If the 9800 GTX is just an OC'ed GTS, the GX2 will have to be my card now. My 1920 x 1200 res is just begging for it....

So who else is thinking the GX2 is their first choice now, and just waiting to click buy!

The GTX will NOT just be an overclocked GTS 512...so definitely wait and see, before you go with the GX2 route.
Why would you buy a 9800GX2 if you have a 8800GTX ? Why not just buy another 8800GTX and go for SLI ?
The GTX will NOT just be an overclocked GTS 512...so definitely wait and see, before you go with the GX2 route.

I want to believe that more than you know...

If it's true, I wish nVidia would throw us a bone. I would like something to look foward to about the cards late release. I was big on hoping revision A3 would make it into the GTX'es G92 chip, but with the GPUZ shots displaying an A2, the odds are again slim.

One thing I am wondering about as of late:

The 9800 GTX dude is using: "Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 @ 3GHz, 2GB of DDR2 memory, ASUS Maximus Formula X38 and a single GeForce 9800 GTX @ 675/1688/1100MHz the result is 14014 marks".

Reading some GTS (G92) reviews, I spotted this:

Cons: For those of you that are 3dmark06 junkies like me...i bought one of these and scored a 13414 on 3d mark with q6600 ocd to 3.0, 4gb 1066 ocd to 1200, 2 10000rpm raptors raid 0. i added another 8800gts for sli and got 14500, only 1000 difference! after spending all day switching cards around and on the phone with evga we finally found out that it was being bottlenecked by my cpu, people with the exact same setup with their cpu ocd to 3.6-3.8 were getting 4to5000 more points than me which is exactly what i thought i should get.

Made me glad I am running a Quad at 3.8GHz, but also made me wonder if the 9800 GTX dude @ 3GHz might not have a CPU clocked fast enouigh to let the new GTX shine? I am digging here I know....

I just was looking for a shiny spot to dwell on...

It is truly tragic that after more the 9800 GTX specs are starting to be known, I have to find myself looking through GTS (G92) reviews, to find something that would excuse the GTX'es shamefull score...
Talonman, you're right that Nvidia's 9800GTX looks pretty disappointing.

However, given Nvidia's shitty track record with releasing dual GPU graphics cards (7950GX2), I think it would be crazy to "decide" on it before you read some reviews, and more importantly hear what people on the forums say about it.

The 7950GX2 was one of the buggiest devices ever created and Nvidia pretty much dropped support for it when it became convenient. Fool me once, Nvidia...

I think you should wait and then evaluate your options carefully once both the 9800GTX and 9800GX2 are released. If the 9800GTX is affordable ( < $400 ), it might actually be a good deal if it WORKS better than the GX2 which is rumored to cost $450. All the rumored pricing right now is complete BS, and I'm not really buying that the new GTX will cost over $400 given the specs.

I've learned from experience that jumping on a technologic bandwagon before giving things time to settle can be a VERY bad idea, especially with Nvidia (680i series, 'nuff said). A little patience could go a long way for you.
Talonman, you're right that Nvidia's 9800GTX looks pretty disappointing.

However, given Nvidia's shitty track record with releasing dual GPU graphics cards (7950GX2), I think it would be crazy to "decide" on it before you read some reviews, and more importantly hear what people on the forums say about it.

The 7950GX2 was one of the buggiest devices ever created and Nvidia pretty much dropped support for it when it became convenient. Fool me once, Nvidia...

I think you should wait and then evaluate your options carefully once both the 9800GTX and 9800GX2 are released. If the 9800GTX is affordable ( < $400 ), it might actually be a good deal if it WORKS better than the GX2 which is rumored to cost $450. All the rumored pricing right now is complete BS, and I'm not really buying that the new GTX will cost over $400 given the specs.

I've learned from experience that jumping on a technologic bandwagon before giving things time to settle can be a VERY bad idea, especially with Nvidia (680i series, 'nuff said). A little patience could go a long way for you.

Thats definately some good advice.
Good advice Zinn.

As you can probably tell my little spirit is sick about the 9800 GTX.

The 8800 GTX was just such legendary card and all... I think crapping on the GTX letters is like giveing Bambi a fire-hose enima. It simply should not be done.... :eek:

I wanted a single bad boy GPU that I could add into my water loop. The GTX was my no 1 selection.

I will ride it out for GTX numbers. I just hope the 14K was way low...

I think I have lost the faith.

Do you guys think there might be anything to the 9800 GTX Dude running only at 3GHz, and bottle-necking the cards performance?
Does anybody think this card should be called the 8900gtx and the 8950gx2 instead of launching a "next gen" card that doesnt perform like it?

Honestly Nvidia did all they needed to do. The g92 GTS trades blows with the current GTX. While we all wished they either slapped a G92 core on the current GTX platform, or bumped it up in specs even more, Nvidia did not.

The 9800gtx(overclocked g92 GTS) will be faster than the GTX, in probably ever benchmark except super high resolutions and ultra high texture qualities, where the 8800GTX is still unplayable.

Shitty job Nvidia, but nobody is forcing you to jump on the bandwagon.
I am afraid I agree...

And if you do blow the big bucks for the GTX or the GX2, you can be King for 6 months only or so, before they dethrone you with a true next gen GPU.... (A true 9 Series card. cough, cough!)

It dosen't exactly give you that 'money well spent' feeling any more does it... (These 8 series cards, in 9 series skin are trickey beasts.)
I also know it's not a big thing, but also count on being left behind with DirectX also with you shiny new 'half a grand' card, in the same short timeframe.

If they drag-ass on the release of the 9800 GTX, I will go for the GX2. Heck, if I only get about 6 skinny months before officially becoming old tech, I dont want to spend a month of it just waiting on some numbers that fall flat. :)

I also am unwilling to run my 8600GT for 6 more months...

I almost better buy the GX2? :)

Get them cards out the door nVidia, so we can see the numbers!!
I would take ALL of the recent posts about the 9800GX2 and GTX with a bag of salt. None of the people releasing these so called "screenshots" have submitted anything that can't be done with a bios flash, much less an easy photoshop. We are yet to see pictures of the real card in someone's real hand. We've seen pictures of the "9800 GTX" card on a white background that we saw the same picture being touted as the 9800GX2 months earlier. I'll wait for some hard evidence before I go believing these rumors.
yeah dude you're buying into these rumors way too fast. nothing is out yet, and i'm sure the numbers taht dude came up with are crap, but trying to speculate on which card is better without and hard-written evidence or benchmarks, please you're just wasting your own time.
You don't need to guess which card is faster... The Hard Forum Road Map told us already.

It is just a matter of how much faster they are than an Ultra...

But aparently it is too early:
"Nvidia has informed their partners the upcoming GeForce 9800 GX2 launch is delayed again till March 18th. No reasons provided by Nvidia. However, it is probably due to drivers issue according to partners. Right now, the card is scoring about 14K+ in 3DMark06, lower than the Radeon HD 3870 X2. "

From VR-Zone http://www.vr-zone.com/articles/GeForce_9800_GX2_Launch_Delayed_Till_18th_March/5602.html
Personally, I am disenchanted with the 9800 GTX and the GX2.
R700 or NVIDIA true next generation will make me sing...
It is sad...

Both cards getting around 14K...

I think we can pritty much consider the info to be true, especially if nVidia is officially moving the product's release date back!

You just know after 18 months, and previous delays, there is no way they wanted to do this... Not again...

Now I am worried the GX2 might have issues with SLI...

Does this mean there will actually be a double delay, and the GTX will now also be moved back too. It will probably be even longer before we can see the GXT for ourselves?

I would love ATI to sweep me off my feet.
I don't follow their cards as close as nVidia's.

What is their next big card to be released that will be a speed deamon, and how long would I have to wait. (In real time.... , not nVidia time)

nVidia is the one that promised me 1TF in 07!! :rolleyes:
When are they going to fire these clowns that write their drivers?? Always with the drivers. First we endure a year of crappy drivers for vista because their driver guys are tools and now they still can't even get them right with new hardware. Those guys are worthless sacks that should be greeting customers at walmart, not writing drivers for the world's fastest gpu corporation. Sad.
Half of me wonders if they saw all the backlash on the web posted about how well a 9800 GTX would be received, that could only pull of 14k. They probably realized what a total abomination it would be, and now are hitting the breaks again...

People are dieing every day, waiting for these jokers to get their shit togeather and release us an Ultra killer.

If their only goals with G92 was cooler, and lower power, they messed up bad.

We simply wanted speed. That should have had the highest priority, with the others being 2nd and 3rd. Done right, we could of had all three...

Don't they know it's the age of the large FPD?

I hope somebody is getting their butt ripped over this.

I now bet it is going to be rough for them to just get the reported 30% faster than an Ultra out of the GX2, lol on anything more...

Where exactly does that put the GTX which we know is slower than the GX2? I bet the 'New Improved G92 9 Series GTX' will have a rough time with the 18 month old GTX? It looks to be turning into a good foot race.

They probably are considering messing with the old GTX'es drivers some, just so it won't shame the new 9 Series GTX so bad... :) (Just kidding... I think?)

I better not give them any ideas... They may consider that a valid option if things start to look like they can't be fixed on the up and up! ;)
why do you guys not belive these rumors?
Some numbers have came out for the gx2 (supposally) and since we know thats the high end card why are you guys expecting the 9800gtx to be better than the gx2 witch isnt all that impressive?
Its sad, people use 3dmark06 to choose what video card to buy. Why the hell didn't the 2900xt sell again, it wiped the floor with the 8800ultra, atleast with half of the peoples logic in this thread.
a single 2900XT for me scored lower than my 8800GT, by a margin of about a few huindred points. it was about 800 or so with my 8800GT in overclocked state.
if you want a gx2, go buy 2 8800 gt's. u can have it RIGHT NOW.

SLI is not supported on the Maximus SE... ;)

The GX2 taking 1 slot would have been fine...

why do you guys not belive these rumors?
Some numbers have came out for the gx2 (supposally) and since we know thats the high end card why are you guys expecting the 9800gtx to be better than the gx2 witch isnt all that impressive?

I don't expect the 9800 GTX to be faster than the 9800 GX2. What we do expect is that the 9800 GTX should be faster than an 8800 GTX. That is the shocking part...
How little the difference is. :)
We also should expect that a 9800 GTX should be allot faster than an 512MB 8800 GT.

Joe Consumer may be shocked to not get the performance increase he has currently enjoyed, when previously moving to the next series of nVidias GPU's, and the letters GTX were sacred.

One might easily think that from upgrading from an 8800GTX to a 9800GTX, you should find an entire new level of performance....
"One might easily think that from upgrading from an 8800GTX to a 9800GTX, you should find an entire new level of performance...."

SLI is not supported on the Maximus SE... ;)

The GX2 taking 1 slot would have been fine...

I don't expect the 9800 GTX to be faster than the 9800 GX2. What we do expect is that the 9800 GTX should be faster than an 8800 GTX. That is the shocking part...
How little the difference is. :)
We also should expect that a 9800 GTX should be allot faster than an 512MB 8800 GT.

Joe Consumer may be shocked to not get the performance increase he has currently enjoyed, when previously moving to the next series of nVidias GPU's, and the letters GTX were sacred.

One might easily think that from upgrading from an 8800GTX to a 9800GTX, you should find an entire new level of performance....

Agreed. When I jump from an 8800GTX to a 9800GTX I would expect NO LESS than 75% more performance. I just do not understand what is going on here. These numbers better be fake cause there are some heavy hitting game titles coming out and I want to play them @ 1080p on my 42" LCD. Crysis is not possible @ 1080p on my machine. My 8800GTX is overclocked as well as my CPU and memory and I get between 25-35Fps in Crysis at all high settings and it is not smooth ever. I can just barely play the single player and the multiplayer is literally unplayable. I was sure that I was going to be able to get no less than 40-50 fps at the same settings on these new 9800 series cards, but it looks like I won't. Not even close. The GX2 is looking less and less of an option. Such a letdown.

Also I wanted to mention that I used to have a 680i motherboard and I had SLi 8800GTX's and the performance increase was practically nothing. It was almost as if I didn't have an additional card on some games. I am sorry, but SLi is NOT EVER worth it until the end user can be GUARANTEED double the performance. nVidia needs to get on the ball and fix their multi GPU support cause I swear I have never wasted so much of my money on anything before. 4 680i motherboards gone bad and 6 kits of memory burned up by those shitty boards. WOW!
yeah dude P35 and crossfire 3870's are great! i can definitly see some increase in performance on crysis with my 2900XT's crossfired.

if not I'm selling one.
i am pretty disenchanted with all of this bidniz.

coming from a 7900 GS KO, i recently purchased a used 8800GTX for 300. should be a pretty substantial improvement. i still haven't played more than the demo of crysis and am looking forward to it with the 8800 coming in the mail. i know it won't max the game out but it will at least be much better than the 7900.

gonna skip the 9 series altogether and wait for the real goodies... gonna be a long haul though.
I feel like the tide is turning... One month ago I was thinking ATI was in trouble, and nVidia had such a lead that it was going to be rough catching them....

Now it's time for the Big Dog cards to come out from nVidia, and they are delaying the release with reported speed issues....

Now I am wondering if ATI can actually release a new high end card that will trigger our Performance GPU money, that has been waiting for about 18 months for the new King to arrive.

There is a good chance that allot of the performance boys will be going for ATI now, if the GTX and GX2 fall flat.

I want them to be super fast, and really wanted a watercooled 9800 GTX. I just don't think it's in the cards now?
wahhhhh..... i want somethi more exciting then these g92 based parts... :(:(:(