Disk Array Suggestions


Limp Gawd
Oct 3, 2007
I am looking around for a rack mount SAS disk array and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions.

*Price Range: Under $1500
*Do not care about hardware raid, will not use it. However any hardware monitoring functions would be cool
*More disks better, at least 15
*Redundant Power Supplies

MD1000 on ebay or if you want to spend a tad more, you can get a brand new MD1000 from dell.com's small business site, I believe they have it for around $1750.
1500 is going to be hard to do. do you need all the components? ie: the controller cards, PSUs, and mobo?

I have a host machine with a SAS HBA. I just need an external JBOD to hook up to it.
Check out iStar and Norco they make some stuff that is kind of what you are looking for....SAS is going to be expensive especially for 15 bays, you could prob get 2 8-bay setups cheaper than you could get a 15 bay setup.
This really does seem like the best option http://www.supermicro.com/products/chassis/4U/846/SC846TQ-R900.cfm

Its priced around $1200.

Search the forum for "Galaxy 5.0"

You will find what you are looking for ;)

As for your question of the MD1000 vs MD3000 :

The MD1000 is a disk enclosure and requires a SAS raid card in a server to work.

The MD3000 is the same chassis but has integral raid contollers, it requires SAS Hba's in the server(s), you can expand the 3000 by daisy chaining MD1000's.

An MD1000 can't be used for clustering and has no redundancy other than raid and 2 powersupplies. The MD3000(i) supports redundant connections for when 1 raid controller fails, and also supports clustering.

You can pickup an MD3000 for really the same price as the MD1000 on ebay. The MD3000 on ebays goes for about $1,200 with rails and controllers and is a refurbed unit.