Disney Trademarks "Seal Team 6"

Given that Disney has moe than just this kiddy shows and cartoons companies I could see them making a real movie about the ordeal.

Touchstone Pictures, Hollywood Pictures, and Marvel Studios are all 3 "Disney" companies.
Snow White and the Seven Seals
Seals of the Caribbean
Winnie the Pooh and Seal Team 2
etc etc, you get the idea
This has massive implications for those who have setup shop on Print On Demand sites like zazzle, cafe press, etc and are selling seal team 6 tshirts.
This has massive implications for those who have setup shop on Print On Demand sites like zazzle, cafe press, etc and are selling seal team 6 tshirts.

Yes implications such that how can a company who has NEVER fucking used a phrase, one that has been plastered everywhere, get a trademark on it.

I think Seal Team 6, needs to fucking show up at a Disney board meeting, and let them know that the phrase "Seal Team 6" is currently already trademarked, and if they can't see that, have them peak through the barrel of their gun!
Well since "Seal Team 6" was dissolved in the late eighties and they are now called DEVGRU a lot the mock outrage is a little silly.

And there are many many companies that use or trade in trademarks, I would not be worried about some offense being given to an organization that does not exist in this name anymore, especially from a company like Disney.
I don't think the Navy has any plans to market toys under the name "Seal Team 6" so Disney is probably OK.
The trademark is unenforceable broadly. Depending on the specifics of the their application it may get thrown out. They may have protection over specific logo designs for example. Using the wording by itself may not constitute a TM infringement.
Yes implications such that how can a company who has NEVER fucking used a phrase, one that has been plastered everywhere, get a trademark on it.

I think Seal Team 6, needs to fucking show up at a Disney board meeting, and let them know that the phrase "Seal Team 6" is currently already trademarked, and if they can't see that, have them peak through the barrel of their gun!

And all living Medal of Honor winners should show up at EA headquarters and do the same.
You guys are missing the big picture... the big cash cow that will really do it for Disney...

Seal Team 6 on ice
The SEAL team I worked with (One) spelled the number out. It was never SEAL team 1. So I'd Imagine calling it SEAL Team 6 instead of Six would be wrong.

And like others have said, it was always called DEVGRU, anyway.
Congratulations, you've just killed the world's most wanted man! What are you going to do next?
