display prob.


Limp Gawd
Mar 15, 2004
ok i have the computer fully built (this is my 7th pc i've built) ok everything just got installed. i take it over to a monitor/mouse/keyboard and power cables. plug it in. the monitor says NO CONNECTION... now why in the hell would it do that? the HDD is brand new nothing on it to get the video confused with the driver, and normally when i boot up a virgin pc it works fine. i havent even got to install window's yet. so...what is the problem? its a standard CRT monitor. and a 6200 128mb AGP video card...... i've tried plugging it into the VGA and the DVI and no dice. yet when i plug the monitor into a different pc it boots fine. is there something i forgot to do with the video card?

EDIT: also tried resetting the bios as well
Check the beep codes in the manual, if there are none, perhaps try reseating the video card. Have you tried the display on another PC?
If it is powering up and video is not being displayed the first thing I would do is go to my motherboard and see if it has any diagnostic features. MSI's have D-LED's that can be a big help (saved me more times than I can remember)

I remember on my first PC build (I was in 7th grade I think) the thing would turn on but just kinda stall with the fans running. It turned out (discovered after I read through the manual in a panic) that I had a jumper set at 133mhz fsb instead of 100...I thought I had just wasted 700+ dollars (which is like the end of the world at that age)...lol. That probably won't help you much though but you didn't mention the specs of your system. My guess is that it doesn't have anything to do with the monitor (obviously) or perhaps even the video card. Make sure that if it is one of the newer video cards that requires a molex (or I guess all of them are like this now-a-days) that you have plugged a power connection into it, and of course if it is AGP that it is seated correctly in the back. If you have another PC and nothing else works then you could see if the video card is just DOA....
hmm... there are no beeps, the mobo is a NF7-2SG and the video card is a 6200 128mb AGP Kaser. on the mobo its self it has some led's that light up 1 led for power, 2nd is for pc running. and they both light up good...i'm going to try to install this TI4200 video card i got... we will see if that works, thanks for the advice....
well i just put ina new PSU and nothing... tried new ram... nothing.... wth could it be?