Ditch my 7950GX2?


The Chairman
May 8, 2006
so with tax season here im curious....

Should i ditch my 7950GX2 and sell it and put the money towards a 8800GTS/X?

think its worth it or waste of money/time/effort?

and what do you think id even be able to get for this antiquated peice of technology?
I'll give you $20 minus the environmental disposal fee.

Ship it to me collect and we'll call it even.
Hold on to the 7950 until the DX10 cards come out, skip over the 8800's that way and save some money.
dx10 already out

But if I had your card i would wait till atleast late summer even fall refreshes
I have a 7950 GX2, and from what I understood its performance is comparable to the 8800 series of cards. I am also going to wait until the fall refreshes like was mentioned above.
stop saying dx10 is out. its not out, it requires two things to work, dx10 titles and dx10 hardware. half of the equation is out right now, but doesn't mean shit without the other half.
stop saying dx10 is out. its not out, it requires two things to work, dx10 titles and dx10 hardware. half of the equation is out right now, but doesn't mean shit without the other half.

Isnt FS-X DX10?

either way, dxdiag can be considered a "title" :D

[/devil's advocate]

some reviews (Like [H] ) peg the 8800GTS as the better card, others say GX2 falls in the middle.

for sheer reliability, id put my money on the 8800GTS as its a 100% single card, normal set up, where as the GX2 is hybrid SLi :p

try to get a 320MB GTS :D be the test monkey for all of us :D it couldnt be that much different from the 640MB...
I heard that it was or will be x10. Like COH will convert over.

If you're staying with XP for the time being, keep the 7950gx2 until everything dx10 and their sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts and uncles comes out.
stop saying dx10 is out. its not out, it requires two things to work, dx10 titles and dx10 hardware. half of the equation is out right now, but doesn't mean shit without the other half.

ya FS 10 released a dx 10 patch so its official :p
well im glad that some of you informed me that the 7950 actually performs better than the GTS.. i definitaly do not want to downgrade.
well im glad that some of you informed me that the 7950 actually performs better than the GTS.. i definitaly do not want to downgrade.

It doesn't outperform the 8800gts. Where did you get that from? And besides, the picture qaulity of the 8800 blows away the 7950. Get what you want, but dont for a second think that you are getting a better card by chosing the 7950.
It doesn't outperform the 8800gts. Where did you get that from? And besides, the picture qaulity of the 8800 blows away the 7950. Get what you want, but dont for a second think that you are getting a better card by chosing the 7950.

he already OWN the 7950gx2....
It doesn't outperform the 8800gts. Where did you get that from? And besides, the picture qaulity of the 8800 blows away the 7950. Get what you want, but dont for a second think that you are getting a better card by chosing the 7950.

It out performs it according to the linked article, could you post some evidence to back up your statement please.

I'm in a very similar position, I have a 7950GX2 which actually overclocks a LOT and so I get pretty damn good performance out of it, if it's true it beats the GTS in most benchmarks then I wont bother with the GTX, I will save for the R600 launch and probably get the Nvidia refresh card, no doubt the 8900GTX or any similar dual card variant kinda like the GX2.


Seems like this set of benchmarks puts the 7950GX2 on par with the 8800GTS, it beats it in the majorety of tests, especially at the higher settings (which are all playable and would mostly be desireable to owners)

It out performs it according to the linked article, could you post some evidence to back up your statement please.

I'm in a very similar position, I have a 7950GX2 which actually overclocks a LOT and so I get pretty damn good performance out of it, if it's true it beats the GTS in most benchmarks then I wont bother with the GTX, I will save for the R600 launch and probably get the Nvidia refresh card, no doubt the 8900GTX or any similar dual card variant kinda like the GX2.


Seems like this set of benchmarks puts the 7950GX2 on par with the 8800GTS, it beats it in the majorety of tests, especially at the higher settings (which are all playable and would mostly be desireable to owners)


What about image Quality?
What about image Quality?

I suspect the 8800 is running all the newer better versions of AA and AF

To be perfectly honest at them kind of settings, 1680 1050 the quality of the AA and AF becomes less important since there is more sample data to begin with, even more so at higher resolutions.

I'm personally happy with the IQ of the 7950GX2, I can afford to run it in HQ mode which clears up the picture quite nicely.
You have a video card that is totally droolworthy to most gamers. I felt like bursting into tears reading "Ditch my 7950GX2" - :eek: :confused: :eek:

Maybe save your tax money and wait for the G80 refresh. 8900 and such. Cooler and faster than the 8800, what could be better?
Look, I was in the same boat as you. I decided to get the 8800 gts. Couldn't be happier, and I cannot imagine going back. Bottom line is that the 8800 gts blows the 7950 gx2 out of the water in terms of performance and image quality. And it OCs like a beast :D
I am in the same boat, and I decided to wait a while. Besides, I have gone from a 7800gtx to a 7900gtx and now to a 7950gx2, so I need to stop being so gullible and buying into the hype of buying new hardware all the time.
People are sayin wait, I agree, wait until, WQHL drivers are released for Nvidia's upcoming and current products, and also wait until Crysis comes out.

I would wait until refresh of generation and all of the above, but that is just me.
They compared them both (7950gx2 8800gts) along with an ATI 1950xtx. 3Dmark05,06 PREY and Quake4. The GTS was on top of every test.

the X1950xtx also spanks the 7950GX2 in FEAR and HL2 BY A HUGE MARGIN , I wouldnt trust those benches at all... but on topic... the performance difference is small... like everyone else says.. wait for the refresh... 8900gts/gtx or whatever ati has..