DIY projector

Thats some cool stuff. I may have to try this

I'm wondering though if there are any overhead projectors out there that are big enough to accept a 17" panel to get 1280x1024
for some reason I see this not being as cool. I'd figure the picture would be washed out, and dull. That and those projectors are huge. I'd rather buy a little box the size of a cerel box then have something that huge and ugly looking.

still pretty cool though
for some reason I see this not being as cool. I'd figure the picture would be washed out, and dull. That and those projectors are huge. I'd rather buy a little box the size of a cerel box then have something that huge and ugly looking.

still pretty cool though

It isn't but I know a few people that have made them for 100 bucks or so. One of my friends found a real nice overhead at country surplus that ran dual bulbs so when one dies the other kicks in and a used lcd. Did his a little different though. Did some other work to get the screen to run cooler and put his in a closet with a hole in the door to help hide the extra light.

Big thing here is price. It is becoming less of an issue now adays as you can pick up a pretty good projector for what 600 bucks. A nice one for around a grand or maybe a little more?
my buddy has one made with a overhead... is ok but you cant play during the day mostly

the overhead projector style used 1 fresnel,, to focus screen to the top part. the one im building used 2 fresnels 1 on each side of the screen so one focal point is bulb the other is the projection lens. i have a 400w metal halide bulb but thers others now that ate better

its fun if you have a old screen you want to take apart
posted on tomshardware about 2 years ago, how to make a $300 projector or something like that.