dlnk 4500 network issues, lost ipv6


Limp Gawd
Mar 12, 2006
Currently running the windows 7 (7127 build) since it was released.

My issue is, after a thunderstorm, i unplugged pc/modem from outlet till storm passed. Next day internet was down, modem wasnt connecting. Got verizon on phone, tested line, ok reconnected modem, PC has internet.. ipv6 wasnt working.

Decided to update firmware to router (dlink dgl-4500 to 1.20) mistake?? This new firmware you cannot revert back to a previous firmware :mad:.

I can surf the net and also my fiancee's pc fine. Just seems slower.

For instance, before storm, i can run torrent downloads max download speeds / upload set to 10kb. surf net fine, play online games fine while doing this.

For the life of me i cannot get the ivp6 working. I installed all the win7 releases in the past from fresh format, ipv6 was working before the storm hit & firmware update. Just installed OS and it worked from default.

What am i missing, or can i do to fix this?

When i get home i can post any info you guys need to help

Thanks for your time.
Why are you using IPv6? Its not going to make it any faster.

Did you run a speed test? What's the advertised speed?
Not really the point of being faster. more so why its not working currently.

Speed in speed tests are benching the same as before that i recall.

Just web browsing doesnt feel snappier like before. nothing running in the backround.

well the plan i get is 7meg / 768 dsl..when looking at the modem login page it shows speed of 5888 / 768
Would you be able to plug directly into your modem? If it works well through a direct connection, you might try doing a hard reset on the router and reconfiguring it.
For you to be able to truly run IPv6 requires that all the devices (including computers, switches and routers) on your network to fully support it. This is why it represents a huge upgrade rather than an arbitrary one and why many companies have not upgraded to it just yet.

I cannot find anything that claims the DGL-4500 supports IPv6, indeed the firmware has only IPv4 values within it. What was most likely occurring was that Windows 7 (and/or Vista) was tunneling IPv6 over IPv4, which is its default behavior. Many people find that speed increases when they disable IPv6 as it actually removes some overhead when operating on a network that does not fully support it.

Google brought up this little PDF that shows the steps - try disabling IPv6 and see if the speed returns.

But your web browser not feeling 'snappy' doesn't mean IPv6 is broken - if TCP/IP of any flavor was /broken/ you wouldn't be going anywhere.