Do certain games make you dizzy/sick?


Jul 30, 2004
I've had this problem for as long as I can remember.

Halo and Halo 2 are the worst for me. I can't play them without getting nauseous feeling. I think it's the colors.

An old game called Blakestone did the same thing to me (believe it used many of the same colors as Halo - purple/green/blue). Maybe it's just that color scheme that triggers something for me.

I can play other FPS fine with no problems.

Anyone else have to deal with this?
HL2 I think is the only game that does that to me. Literally felt like I was going to throw up at one point when I finally realized it's motion sickness. Only game I can think of that I've felt that way.
A few games have done that to me, I chalk it up to motion sickness.

The worst is probably Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64, because the camera whips around a lot. Katamari Damacy does it to me too, and most FPS's will eventually. It sucks :(
Lately poe2 has been making me sick but only on Fallen...I'm not really sure why though. Maybe because I have to really focus and squint to find people hiding in the shurbs :rolleyes:
digital_exhaust said:
I actually witnessed a friend of mine violently throw up wile playing Halo.

wow. My roomate and I were playing through Halo 2 coop a couple months ago and I had to suddenly throw down the controller and run upstairs to lay hit me pretty hard.

Glad to know I'm not the only one this happens to :p
Happens to my girlfriend whenever she plays Gauntlet: Dark Legacy at length.
The only games that make me feel ill are games which have a 'cockpit' view. Such as GTR2, Project Gotham 3. The only one to make me actually throw up was Colin Mcrae 2 a few years back. I was playing on pc with a force feedback wheel and the cockpit view. I played for a couple of hours then felt sick and rushed to the bathroom.

I think its the way the cockpit moves different to the background or something like that. If i just use bumper cam i'm fine. I get a similar feeling with Darkstar One as well, a little queasy but not enough to complain about.
Only time it's ever happened to me: the first three minutes of Narbacular Drop :D .

Even though I only played it for twenty minutes, I was still pretty well-adjusted to the whole thing when I got Prey a month later.
yes and as i get older i cant even play fps games anymore....

very sad i try and try but it keeps getting worse. google it - this actually happens to alot of people and fighter pilots when they use the sims.
When the original Doom came out, it would sometimes do it to me. Haven't had it happen to me in quite a while, though.

most game from EA make me sick... and with the new ads system... ill get dizzy for sure


no game really made me sick seriously...
Slartibartfast said:
A few games have done that to me, I chalk it up to motion sickness.

The worst is probably Conker's Bad Fur Day on the N64, because the camera whips around a lot. Katamari Damacy does it to me too, and most FPS's will eventually. It sucks :(

Ha! I almost forgot, see Katamari doesn't make me sick normally...but if you have a few drinks in you....

I had to put the controller down and just stare at the ceiling. :D
The Descent series and Panzer Dragoon Orta made me very sick. I think its the constant motion. Normal FPS's don't do it to me though.
Look at the bright side, you're not getting seizures. Video games cause epileptic seizures in thousands and thousands of people. Google Dark Warrior epilepsy.

Worst I've had was an intense panic attack while playing desert combat, though it's not clear wether the game triggered it or not.
F-Zero on an SNES emulator on a BIG projector. (86") .. since the whole screen fills your POV, whoa...
Half-life 2 make me sick. I played the first Halo and that made me sick too. If you move around in your seat while you play you wont get sick. Just gotta remember to keep shifting in your chair.

Now that I remember there was a game on the Dreamcast that I couldn't LOOK at for 30 secs without feeling like I was gonna throw up. It was a game with little animals running around shooting each other.
EvilNando said:
any game that drops below 30fps does it for me
(no joking here)

Perfect Dark. I cant play it.
First the eyes start burning, then the nausea. I still dont know how that game is so popular with its HORRID frame rate.
yes, wolfenstein 3d is prone to making me very nauseous. Doom(2) also have that effect as well as HL1 to a limited degree.
Netrat33 said:
HL2 I think is the only game that does that to me. Literally felt like I was going to throw up at one point when I finally realized it's motion sickness. Only game I can think of that I've felt that way.

Same here. I play FPS titles mostly, and have for years, but HL2 is the only game that ever made me feel sick. I noticed it the very first time I fired it up, too. Very strange.
The only game that ever made me sick was Prey. It only happend once and i wasnt really sick, just dizzy. It may have been the fact that I had just smoked a stogie before sitting down to play it but im not really sure. I dont get sick from smokin.
I never get sick or dizzy...

The only feeling I get when I play games thats out of the ordinary is if I jump off a high platform or cliff and watch myself fall. As a skydiver that view is very familiar to me and i can feel my stomach tighten up like when you jump off of something tall in real life. Other then that just normal online aggravations and laughter.
I think it has to do with having a bound FOV. I think that is the term used. Basically when you get close to the edges of your FOV the angle greatly increases. This makes the edges of your screen look like it's moving really fast but the center isn't. Kind of like looking through a fish eye lense.

I know for a fact that HL2 has an option to turn it off, I can't think of it atm but if I remember I'll post it.

Some games come with a FOV lower than 90, that can really make you sick.
not one game makes me dizzy not even prey, i'm thankfull too, I'd imagine it would suck to be stopped from doing something you love because of bad physical side effects, someone should make a pill to fix that :p ;)
Play SWG Jump to Lightspeed (like go up in space and do like 20 barrel rolls), you'll see if you're motion sensitive or not. That segment of the game made me dizzy as hell.
I got "the world is not right" feelings while playing Oblivion after buying a widescreen monitor, but got used to it after a week or so.

Prey was actually a blast for me. :D
i had a friend who felt sick looking at any FPSs....doom through to quake4, didnt matter...
and recently he had a tumor removed from his neck (it was wrapping around some funky nerves or soemthing apparently), and i dont know if it was the tumor or that he just convinced himself it was, but they dont make him sick anymore, but he has been playinf farcry for months now and loves it. ehe
ITs just a matter of getting acclimated. I used to be unable to play Halo 2 period, but i just eventually got over it. I'm that way with most FPSs though. Guess i'm not cut out for the fps world. I'll stick to rts and rpg.
Games (or anything else for that matter) very rarely affect me and make me dizzy. But the last few times I've played Dungeon Siege II I felt woozy and sick to my stomach. I can't really explain it. I used to play the game alot but I think my excessive use of rotating the camera around finally caught up to me :rolleyes: The last time I played it was in the Spring and I haven't felt up to trying it again. But it's strange...that's the only game I've ever played that even gave me a hint of feeling sick.

But, I don't miss the game. I've had plenty of other games to keep me busy the past few months.
halo 2 sometimes makes me feel crappy. esp on split screen mode.. *pukes*
I play a lot of fps games, from wolf3d to Prey, and only one has ever made me dizzy, and that's Half Life 1.

I missed HL1 when it was popular the first time around, so in order to prepare for HL2 launch, I picked up a pack of HL1 game/mods for like $20 to learn the story. That game made me so sick, no matter what res I tried. And I was running it on modern hardware so my fps was like 100, even with lots of aa and af. No idea why it happene.d
Thankfully, I never get motion sickness from FPS games... and I play alot of them.

However... I have fairly severe fear of heights, and a few games have triggered a reaction, sort of a stomache turning type feeling. Its gross, but I've never felt like I was going to actually puke.

The WORST offender was the Star Wars rouge jedi game... not only is it third person, but there is a level where you jump from ledge to ledge in an urban skyscraper environment. That was a hard level for me.
The HL series, HL2, CS, and RTCW made me sick, I cannot play them for long.
I've had no problems with any of the UT, BF, MoH, CoD, and Jedi Knight series. I can play them for hours and feel fine.
pretty much any fps give me motion sickness. I used to play CS a lot and basically if i ever took an extended break (like a week or more) from gaming at all, the first 2 hours used to make me sick. I would take a short nap after and play again. It eventually would go away.
No. I used to be a Descent addict back in the day. That game had six degrees of freedom and if any game would have made me sick, Descent would have. In fact, I know some people who absolutely cannot play it. Damn, I miss that game. I wish there were something similar that was popular today.