Do I dare try WoW?


Limp Gawd
Jul 28, 2004
I've been looking for something radically different from my current addiction to first person shooters and looking for something to occupy some of my time. I like how this game looks and all, I'm just wondering is it really worth the money when you don't have a ton to spend in the first place?

I've never really ventured much into MMORPG's or anything even similar to it. My wife will attempt to kill me when I mention "monthly fee" but I can handle sewing my head back on IF the games really worth it. Do people tend to get bored with it quickly, or after they hit this level 60 I've heard about?

Can some of you fellow [H]'ers help sway me one way or another? :D

Sorry for not searching if it's been asked 10000 times before. :)
if you asked me yesterday if it would be worth buying id tell you without a doubt...however...

Today they came out with the new "pvp honor system". Now if you plan on playing on a pve or rp server than this newly added content wont be a big deal to you. But if you planned on manning up and joining a battle feild/ war feild type setting then this patch will affect your enjoyablity.

What the patch does is it gives players "honor points" for killing people who play on the opposite fraction. The thing is there in no "dishonor points" for killing people who are of substanitally lower level than you. So while its a pain right now to grind/quest up to the next level, its presumably going to be much harder now that there is an incentive to "kill on sight".

Goto go class just ended. Hope somebody can pickup where i just left off
id say stay away from MMORPG's if at all possible

theyre just a drain on your time and wallet

i hate em cuz they dont have an ending
(ive done my time with some mmo's and its not really worthwhile)
Eh, Im enjoying it, just started a week or 2 ago. Its easy to pick up (read play, not find), and no one knows how the honor system will impact the game yet (came out today, the world hasnt ended yet).

If you want to give a MMO game a try I would recommend it. As far as the no ending thing goes, play untill your bored or 15$ isnt worth it to you anymore. My first MMO was Star Wars Galaxies, I spent about 8 months playing it, enjoyed every minute of it till I got my jedi, its "endgame" was a poor excuse for people to play longer so I sold him for 1500$. No char in WoW will give that kind of sale price but you get the idea. Play like you want, its what makes these games fun.

I was real sceptical after my experience in Diablo II after Blizzard nerfed by characters I had spent months developing and ruined them but I must say that after buying WOW about 4 days ago, it's awesome.

The best game of it's type ever. Nothing else I've played compares with this.

Yeah, so it's like $12 a month (if you pay for 6 months up front) but compare that to what
someone who likes to golf pays for greens fees, or better yet what someone who likes to fish spends. Let's see... 20-30K for a nice bass boat, 30-40k for an SUV to pull it around,
50+ in gas every fishing trip, several K for electronics and rods and reels, fishing licence fees, etc.

In otherwords, playing a game like WOW is just about the cheapest hobby you can have.
By "Or anything like it" do you mean you've never even played Diablo2 or NeverWinter? That's gonna be tough :(

Dunno about WoW in particular, but let me tell you that MMORPG's aren't for everyone. You say you're into FPSes? That's the genre that's practically the exact opposite of RPG's and MMORPG's are actually several times harder than standard RPG's bordering on being unfair. Many Diablo2 players had a hell of a time adjusting to the new system.

With that being said, i'm not a good fan of RPG's either, but i AM into MMORPG's for the community aspect, meeting online friends every night, exploring the land with them, bartering with another player for his wares, it's like MIRC except you get to do stuff other than chatting. Other players play them like RPG's and do nothing but level, ignoring the "MMO" aspect of the game. If you're gonna be like them, then i suggest you stay away from MMORPG's altogether.

If you don't have much of a cash and you're not even sure if you're gonna like this genre, i suggest you try other (FREE) MMORPG's first (WoW doesn't have a trial period AFAIK), i'm currently subscribed to RagnarokOnline (2D Sprites on 3D World;low system req;15 days free) and R.O.S.E. (Full 3D;high system req;open beta).

Many players picked up WoW just because they're a fan of the Warcraft Series, not the genre, and ended up burning themselves out and selling the game a few weeks later. MMORPG's are not for short term gaming, you should expect to still be playing it for years to come. I've been playing RagnarokOnline for almost 2 years :)

If after trying out the RPG system from other MMORPG's for a couple of weeks and you feel like it's something you can live with (Seriously, you're gonna be playing this for atleast a year!) then you can might as well move to one with a backstory you like and buy World of Warcraft with no regrets :)
wow is very VERY time consuming.. but it can be very fun.. grouping up with people to do instance runs, soloing quests and exploring new areas, getting cool new items/weaps, id say try it for a few months, if you hate it, quit.. personally i think its great, i have a 48 ne rogue (yea dime a dozen) but it's still fun.. this coming from someone who played fps's and ONLY fps's nonstop since quake1 came out :p
Firstly I would like to say I am a CounterStrike : Source addict and a heashot master.

I bought wow yesterday.

I cant put it down it is my second day in and I am already a level 10 Palladin with somewhat decent weapons and armor.

This game is awesome and looks beautiful with fun gameplay and cool spells. Definite must have.

I am in the Killrog server everybody look me up. Names Bambamrock.
DemonDiablo said:
What the patch does is it gives players "honor points" for killing people who play on the opposite fraction. The thing is there in no "dishonor points" for killing people who are of substanitally lower level than you. So while its a pain right now to grind/quest up to the next level, its presumably going to be much harder now that there is an incentive to "kill on sight".

Goto go class just ended. Hope somebody can pickup where i just left off

Actually your thoughts on this are slightly flawed. True that there are no "dishonor points", but you do not get points for a dishonorable kill, or a kill several points below you. On the pvp servers you have always been able to kill other factions players despite player level, so IMO people hunting lower level players for honor points will be no more then they have ever been. If people dont like the thougt of being killed on site for any reason, points or not, they should join a normal server and not a pvp or pve. The killing on a normal server are totally up to your descresion.

As for the topic, yes play the game, its one of the greatest time killers ive ever played. Its my first mmorpg and i have enjoyed it far more than the money i paid for it. Hope to see you on Elune.
Level 11 Tauren Hunter
Name: Selvalin
Server: Uther

Been playing for a few days when a friend of mine gave me his guest pass. I'll probably end up going out and buying it once my 10 days are up.

I also play EQ2 and plan on keeping both accounts. I love them both for their unique styles. I do not recommend FFXI though...too much xp for quests...gotta wait for hours for a party.
If you can find someone who has the game, it should have come with a 10-day guest pass (what I'm using right now). The goal is for the friend to give you the guest pass and loan you the install CDs. You then install the game, register the code and play for 10 days. If you like it, you buy your own copy.
I have tryed many MMORPGs and ussually I get bored to death in 2 weeks. I am on my 4th month of WoW and I love it!! I can't get enough. I have a lvl 60 hunter and serveral lvl 20+s
laserdemon said:

Actually your thoughts on this are slightly flawed. True that there are no "dishonor points", but you do not get points for a dishonorable kill, or a kill several points below you. On the pvp servers you have always been able to kill other factions players despite player level, so IMO people hunting lower level players for honor points will be no more then they have ever been. If people dont like the thougt of being killed on site for any reason, points or not, they should join a normal server and not a pvp or pve. The killing on a normal server are totally up to your descresion.

As for the topic, yes play the game, its one of the greatest time killers ive ever played. Its my first mmorpg and i have enjoyed it far more than the money i paid for it. Hope to see you on Elune.

if you look at my first paragraph i already pointed that out about the pve server thing. also consider the fact that a lvl 60 player can kill a level 48 player and get honor points and then you can start to see how hard and pointless it may become in trying to get to level 60 on a pvp server.

well just finished dl'ing and installing my 1hr and 13min update. hopefully the server is up...tomorrow...
DemonDiablo said:
well just finished dl'ing and installing my 1hr and 13min update. hopefully the server is up...tomorrow...

You know if you use fileshack or something you can get it in like 5 min right? Or are you using 56k?
DemonDiablo said:
if you look at my first paragraph i already pointed that out about the pve server thing. also consider the fact that a lvl 60 player can kill a level 48 player and get honor points and then you can start to see how hard and pointless it may become in trying to get to level 60 on a pvp server.

well just finished dl'ing and installing my 1hr and 13min update. hopefully the server is up...tomorrow...

Acutally when a 60 kills a 48, there will be far less if any honor points provided if any according to blizzard. its hard to tell how much as they have not provided that information. I am not sure how you know that a lvl 60 character killing a 48 would get honor points. I am not trying to start an argument, just stating that blizzard has not provided enough information for us to make that assumption
it does. level 48's are still green for 60's. grant it you wont get much pvp points for killing one but hey your still getting more than you would be if you killed a grey.

oh yea i was on the test server for a small bit to try out the honor system so i know alittle bit about it. I spent maybe awhole whooping 3hrs total on it from when it was opened up untill now. But all you did on the test server was pvp anyways :/
I got bored after hitting 60... there really isn't just much to do, and like, half of the people in-game are lvl 60.
If ya do join our [H]ard Guild on Stormscale. It's a Lower Pop server so less lag but enough people to have some good PvP and Items on the AH. Oh and were Horde

For The Horde!
For someone new to WoW what would be your suggestion for a solo character?

I have read many different things and everybody says something different.
jimbojones1013 said:
For someone new to WoW what would be your suggestion for a solo character?

I have read many different things and everybody says something different.
That's because everybody likes different classes. Just depends on what you like, they'll all be able to solo.
Ok, so what I am really asking is, for a casual player (no more than 2 hours or so a day) what is the easiest class to use solo.
Solo if ya want to Solo I suggest a Hunter. They Lvl the fastest and do alot of Dmg in PvE, but I heard there not greak on 1v1 PvP, but will ecvell in the BG.They also get Mail armor at lvl 40. ALso Rogue is a good choice becasue I think they have the highest Melee DPS and pretty much own in PvP, but there are so many Rogues, I'de say at least 40% of a server are Rogue. Rogues get Leather. Mages also produce great AoE Dmg but are cloth wears so they can be killed very fast, but can Nuke to Hell. Now if you wan tto own in 1v1 PvP try out a SHadow Spec preiest, but let me tell you they are very tedious and boring to lvl and probally the slowest lvler in the game, but everyone want a prest for Big Raids, Also be aware that if ya do go Priest most people only want you to heal even if you're a Shadow Spec. Priest also are Cloth wears so they can be killed quick, but we do get a nice Arrgo Managment spell that does help.

I hope that helps a bit, anyone else feel free to add.
Thanks Sky15 that is the exact type of info I was looking for. Just a little personal experiences on what is good for a casual solo player.

Again Thx.
versello said:
I got bored after hitting 60... there really isn't just much to do, and like, half of the people in-game are lvl 60.

killed onyxia already have ya?
Steel Chicken said:
killed onyxia already have ya?
He's got you there.

Also, Rogue is really good solo. Stealth gets you to places others can't go.
FYI - I made 60 back in January.
At first I thought, WTF do I do now? No more XP? Why bother with quests?

Then I started working with large groups, going on instance raids.
Since then, despite playing 20+ hours a week, ive yet to kill Lucifron (allthough hes killed me 20+ times) and i havenot even gazed upon Kazzak or Onyxia, etc.
Doing weekly raids into Strat and Scholo to try and get better raid gear (like +fire protection for Lucifron, etc)

And some other 60 buddies of mine just discovered some dragon caves in Winterspring we didnot know where there. We've been in there a few times. Theres Alcaz island just NE of Thereamoore I havenot explored in detail. Theres the Island West of Feralas that supposedly has some dragons. Hell, theres some zones on the eastern continent i havenot even BEEN into.

Theres LOTS to do at 60. To people who complain about nothing to do at 60, I can only say look outside the box of "heres a script of quests to follow" and go explore. The world is huge!

Never mind making alts. Making an alt on the other team and its like playing the game all over again. Lot of stuff isn't shared.
Bane said:
He's got you there.

Also, Rogue is really good solo. Stealth gets you to places others can't go.

I'll second that. Also, as a Shaman, I have no problem soloing a lot of quests simply because I can self heal. I get mail at level 40 and pitch in groups with various totems that affect all party members nearby (healing, windfury, stoneskin, magma, etc.)
Go in knowing that your inscentives are basically of a carrot on a stick quality. You will never be done, you just get to do more. If you can accept that as your reward, you'll have a lot of fun.

Now if they will just fix this damned patch...
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
Why do we solo in an MMORPG? :confused:

less hassle. I prefer soloing, unless im with guildies.
i only not solo in larger raids because its impossible