Do i get this right? Crysis is unplayable on VeryHigh settings on any current system?

30 fps? You're enjoying 30 FPS? I get 30 FPS on High, too... Whoopty do.

Nothing like a nice slowdown in a firefight, right? I'm glad you're having fun...

All I know is, I can max out Episode 2 at 1440 x 900 with 16X AA and 16X AF and never dip below 50 FPS and it looks gorgeous. Why is that?

Why can Valve make an awesome-looking game that almost everyone can play comfortably, when CryTek can't? All you need to do is look at the sponsorship of Crysis.
They sold out to Intel and nVidia and purposely made a game that runs like crap on high end systems. Hell, if they cut out just half the foliage, it would probably run twice as fast.
Who needs all those tress, grass and brush?

It's the same reason I can't play World in Conflict. The opening cut scene has a big firefight in front of a Burger King- "Home of the Whopper". Then when you start playing, the grunt troops are always mumbling. "Man, I could go for a hamburger right now."

$49.99 for a subliminal Burger King ad. Fucking great.

I say, all the people with 8800's and Core 2 and Quads who say they are happy with the performance in Crysis are in denial- They don't want to feel stupid having shelled out all their paper route money for a top-of-line system.

Episode 2 is a dx 9 game. it doesnt have the extreme physics engine the crytek has put in crysis.
its got that many trees because it looks amazing. thats why. Give it a rest. the game looks amazing on medium anyway, just scale back your setting slightly. That or go SLI. its really not that big a deal. 30fps isnt the best, but its playable. if you dont like it, turn done the AA or set back the texture detail a bit.
If you don't have a quad, then stop complaining. They have been saying for months that a quad core will be better for the game then a dual. I know its working great for me.
S[H]ady;1031613274 said:
Episode 2 is a dx 9 game. it doesnt have the extreme physics engine the crytek has put in crysis.
its got that many trees because it looks amazing. thats why. Give it a rest. the game looks amazing on medium anyway, just scale back your setting slightly. That or go SLI. its really not that big a deal. 30fps isnt the best, but its playable. if you dont like it, turn done the AA or set back the texture detail a bit.
If you don't have a quad, then stop complaining. They have been saying for months that a quad core will be better for the game then a dual. I know its working great for me.

You just made my point... If I want to play the game more comfortably, I have to upgrade to a Quad, don't I? And by the way, I was playing the game in DX9. It should be faster shouldn't it? (Direct X is another scam to get us to upgrade, anyway.)

I know everyone is drooling over this game, and from what i've played it's with good reason.

But don't think for a second Crytek is doing Crysis because they want to give you a great gaming experience. They are doing it to sell CPUs and graphics cards. Just like World in Conflict was made to sell us fracking hamburgers. I used to like Burger King burgers. I might never eat there again...
Um what slow downs? The game is smooth as butter for me except in the opening cinimatic when the plane is flying in the clouds

Edit, I think you need to spend less time ranting and more time tuning your rig.

Another person in denial pleads his case.

If you're laggin' in the first the dark...with no foliage, then you are MOST CERTAINLY laggin during the firefights in the daylight.

I want to see real-time fraps demos from you people before I believe a word of it.
Another person in denial pleads his case.

If you're laggin' in the first the dark...with no foliage, then you are MOST CERTAINLY laggin during the firefights in the daylight.

I want to see real-time fraps demos from you people before I believe a word of it.

Ogilvy, after having read a lot of your posts, I've come to the conclusion that your title does you justice <3
They are doing it to sell CPUs and graphics cards. Just like World in Conflict was made to sell us fracking hamburgers. I used to like Burger King burgers. I might never eat there again...

Yes, all those Crytek brand CPUs and video cards. Sheesh, you are an idiot.

Here is an idea. Launch the game, go in the console, turn off the FPS display and just play it and have fun.

The measure of a man's worth cannot be counted in frames per second.
Yes, all those Crytek brand CPUs and video cards. Sheesh, you are an idiot.

Here is an idea. Launch the game, go in the console, turn off the FPS display and just play it and have fun.

The measure of a man's worth cannot be counted in frames per second.

That's the whole key isn't it? Just turn off the FPS counter and have fun. I'm glad you're all content doing that. Ignorance is bliss.
That's the whole key isn't it? Just turn off the FPS counter and have fun. I'm glad you're all content doing that. Ignorance is bliss.

Yes, that's the key. Have fun, play the GAME. It's a GAME, after all.
Yes, that's the key. Have fun, play the GAME. It's a GAME, after all.

It's a game that no one can play as it should be played. That's the point of this thread isn't it? It's not like i'm speaking off topic.
It's a game that no one can play as it should be played. That's the point of this thread isn't it? It's not like i'm speaking off topic.

Ultra high at 2560x1600 in DX10 at 60 FPS is not necessarily the only way it should be played.
Here's the deal with this whole gig. They are using what seems to be one of the best FPS ever to sell as many high-end video cards and CPU's they can. They know that we wanna see it in all of its glory and some of us are willing to pay through the nose to do it. They wanted 8800 GTX and 8800 GT systems to run like crap. Hell, i've got a Core 2, 8800 GT and 3 gigs of RAM and if I set everything to LOW on 1024 x 768 it STILL lags in fight scenes and it looks worse than far cry. It's like putting a carrot on a stick in front of a dumb mule. We'll keep chasing it...and they'll get richer. It's a scam, I tell you .... A SCAM.

then you need to work on your system some.

my 3800x2, 7950GT (256mb), and 2gb of ram, I can run 1280x960 with medium everything and get 35-40fps in everything but the inital plane section. You've got stuff running in the background or other problems with your box.

It's not a scam, they don't sell cards. They made an engine that pushes the envelope, like people always have.
Yes, all those Crytek brand CPUs and video cards. Sheesh, you are an idiot.

I guess you missed the "Intel Inside" and "Nvidia- the way its meant to be played" adverts when you load the demo, right?

Smart people in this forum. Brilliant.
Another person in denial pleads his case.

If you're laggin' in the first the dark...with no foliage, then you are MOST CERTAINLY laggin during the firefights in the daylight.

I want to see real-time fraps demos from you people before I believe a word of it.

I am not lagging in the first scene, just the cinimantic for some reason. IT shifts to smooth the moment the platoon leader gets your attention inside the plane. I have no reason to be in denial.

If the shit does not work , I would say so lol I have spent thousands of dollars this year playing with various configurations jus to see what web sit is telling the truth becuase its a hobby of mine. I do not need to justify my expenditutures, its entertainment , nothing more. Denial? Denial of what?

That's the whole key isn't it? Just turn off the FPS counter and have fun. I'm glad you're all content doing that. Ignorance is bliss.

So this is what I usually do: start with optimistic settings, play the game, and as I run into unacceptable slow-downs, I throttle back on the settings. I don't use a FPS counter ...unless it's an FPS counting game ...? :confused:
I can't stand playing anything under 60fps....

For Crysis - I've made an exception.... I turned down the rest, and shadows/particles... and I manage decent frames. I hit 60fps+ in the beta easy as pie when I modified my config and it still looked great.

The game is fun as hell... I would enjoy a nice smooth frame rate - but once I get immersed in the game and all the detail they've put into it.. I forget all about FPS and enjoy it for what it's worth.
It's a game that no one can play as it should be played. That's the point of this thread isn't it? It's not like i'm speaking off topic.

which is the way games have been for decades. Systems have always grown into games, at least the ones that push what we expect. No one could play WC3 at its best when it came out. Or even WC2, for that matter. Origin used to make EVERY game they sold push the envelope, and we thanked them for it because they didn't just settle for what everyone else was doing. The original Quake 3 barely ran at 1024x768 on a TNT2 Ultra.

Why would you expect you could run a new top of the line game at 1600x1200 with AA and AF?
QUOTE lopoetve: then you need to work on your system some.

my 3800x2, 7950GT (256mb), and 2gb of ram, I can run 1280x960 with medium everything and get 35-40fps in everything but the inital plane section. You've got stuff running in the background or other problems with your box. [END QUOTE].

That's a negative. I can run all my other games cranked up to the max except this one?

Bioshock, Battlefield, Half-Life 2 Episodes, CounterStrike Source....all run like champs. But my rig all of sudden goes out of whack when I load Crysis?

Dude, you sound reasonable. But you are lying when you say you're running smooth most of the time with a 7950 GT.
I guess you missed the "Intel Inside" and "Nvidia- the way its meant to be played" adverts when you load the demo, right?

Smart people in this forum. Brilliant.

Um that just old fashion marketing and thats how they butter thier bread . You do not spend years developing an engine thats from i can tell is more advanced than anything available to date just to give it away for free. No, you market it and then you pimp it to the manufacturers for ad space and the beat goes on.

I agree with you to some extent but I think you misjudged Cryteks priorities

1.) Make the best gaming engine avaialble and they will follow
2.) Make it so good that eveyone wants in on the action
3.) If the result is it sells more products for your advitisors then thats a good thing since you making money not only on licencsing but you get reoccuring revenue from the adds( assuming Cytek bundles with VC) and I think it will
I can't stand playing anything under 60fps....

For Crysis - I've made an exception.... I turned down the rest, and shadows/particles... and I manage decent frames. I hit 60fps+ in the beta easy as pie when I modified my config and it still looked great.

The game is fun as hell... I would enjoy a nice smooth frame rate - but once I get immersed in the game and all the detail they've put into it.. I forget all about FPS and enjoy it for what it's worth.

Now see, this is the most honest opinion of the game i've heard yet.
which is the way games have been for decades. Systems have always grown into games, at least the ones that push what we expect. No one could play WC3 at its best when it came out. Or even WC2, for that matter. Origin used to make EVERY game they sold push the envelope, and we thanked them for it because they didn't just settle for what everyone else was doing. The original Quake 3 barely ran at 1024x768 on a TNT2 Ultra.

Why would you expect you could run a new top of the line game at 1600x1200 with AA and AF?

There have been many new games that just came out that my system, and many of yours can pwn. Why not this one? Maybe to get us to buy another vid. card for SLi? Maybe to upgrade to a Quad Core? Come on, dudes..... get real. This game is meant to make us lust for bigger and better systems.
QUOTE lopoetve: then you need to work on your system some.

my 3800x2, 7950GT (256mb), and 2gb of ram, I can run 1280x960 with medium everything and get 35-40fps in everything but the inital plane section. You've got stuff running in the background or other problems with your box. [END QUOTE].

That's a negative. I can run all my other games cranked up to the max except this one?

Bioshock, Battlefield, Half-Life 2 Episodes, CounterStrike Source....all run like champs. But my rig all of sudden goes out of whack when I load Crysis?

Dude, you sound reasonable. But you are lying when you say you're running smooth most of the time with a 7950 GT.

I'm not lying. I don't have fraps, but on a slimmed down system, the only time I don't is in the initial level inside the plane as the rest of the level loads. Once everything is up, it's fine at those options. It's still a beta demo, you may have a hardware edge case that's causing problems, but I'm doing just fine with it :confused: Heck, I played through it 5-6 times trying different things.

One other place it slows: The end cinematic, with the ice area, is slow. Combat is plenty fast though.
There have been many new games that just came out that my system, and many of yours can pwn. Why not this one? Maybe to get us to buy another vid. card for SLi? Maybe to upgrade to a Quad Core? Come on, dudes..... get real. This game is meant to make us lust for bigger and better systems.

none of the games you've mentioned are truly pushing the envelope though. Bioshock is on an engine that was built to scale and not nearly as detailed as the CryEngine2 is.

HL2 was designed for the 9700 era cards, Counter strike for the Geforce 3. Even Battlefield runs great on a 6800 era card.

Yes, this is meant to make us lust for better systems. If you're not pushing the envelope with what you can do, nothing advances. Programming for the lowest common denominator is stupid.
I'm not lying. I don't have fraps, but on a slimmed down system, the only time I don't is in the initial level inside the plane as the rest of the level loads. Once everything is up, it's fine at those options. It's still a beta demo, you may have a hardware edge case that's causing problems, but I'm doing just fine with it :confused: Heck, I played through it 5-6 times trying different things.

One other place it slows: The end cinematic, with the ice area, is slow. Combat is plenty fast though.

If you've played through it 5-6 times trying different things, then that means you're having trouble getting it to play the way you want to. And you have a fairly powerful system. You should be running smooth on high settings. Maybe some shaders and such turned to medium... Lighting, etc.
none of the games you've mentioned are truly pushing the envelope though. Bioshock is on an engine that was built to scale and not nearly as detailed as the CryEngine2 is.

HL2 was designed for the 9700 era cards, Counter strike for the Geforce 3. Even Battlefield runs great on a 6800 era card.

Yes, this is meant to make us lust for better systems. If you're not pushing the envelope with what you can do, nothing advances. Programming for the lowest common denominator is stupid.

I just played Episode 2. A brand new game, with dynamic lighting, motion blurr and all that stuff with a stinking X1950 Pro on the highest settings and didn't lag once.

My point is...geniuses, that this game is not meant for our enjoyment, like say a Half-Life episode is. It is specifically designed to extricate more and more dollar bills from our wallets. Period. End of story.
If you've played through it 5-6 times trying different things, then that means you're having trouble getting it to play the way you want to. And you have a fairly powerful system. You should be running smooth on high settings. Maybe some shaders and such turned to medium... Lighting, etc.

different things != different settings. I found settings that worked and played the demo 5-6 times trying different ways of killing people, stalking in the woods, etc. It's run perfectly fine at these settings from the get-go.

I'll eventually upgrade, partially for crysis, and probably jump to an 8800gt. As it is, bumping anyhting else to high pushes it a bit close to unplayable (sub 30fps). So I stick with medium.
I just played Episode 2. A brand new game


Do you even know what the hell you are talking about or do you just string buzzwords found elsewhere into pseudo-sentences?

Half-Life 2 is NOT a brand new game.
There have been many new games that just came out that my system, and many of yours can pwn. Why not this one? Maybe to get us to buy another vid. card for SLi? Maybe to upgrade to a Quad Core? Come on, dudes..... get real. This game is meant to make us lust for bigger and better systems.

Your are absolutely correct , at least on some level. LOL Thats what drives technology and inovation,the oportunity to make money.

I only disagree about the game performance you speak of since i am getting better. I for one am glad that Crytek wants to make money by promoting a game engine ,selling advertising and subsequently more hardware. If they did not then the masterpiece that is the cryengine would not exist.
I just played Episode 2. A brand new game, with dynamic lighting, motion blurr and all that stuff with a stinking X1950 Pro on the highest settings and didn't lag once.

My point is...geniuses, that this game is not meant for our enjoyment, like say a Half-Life episode is. It is specifically designed to extricate more and more dollar bills from our wallets. Period. End of story.

Ep2 is on an ancient engine (in computing terms). Less polygons, far less environmental effects, and far fewer animations.

This game is meant to be enjoyed... Do you remember when Far Cry came out? Awesome game, lots of fun... and the 6800U of the time couldn't play it cranked up either.

This has been this way for decades. You just somehow avoided it till now. Most of us are used to games pushing our hardware and making us want to buy new things.

If they didn't, nothing would ever advance.
I look forward to the day when we can play Crysis @ 2560x1600 w/ 4x SSAA 16x AF and everything on very high :)
different things != different settings. I found settings that worked and played the demo 5-6 times trying different ways of killing people, stalking in the woods, etc. It's run perfectly fine at these settings from the get-go.

I'll eventually upgrade, partially for crysis, and probably jump to an 8800gt. As it is, bumping anyhting else to high pushes it a bit close to unplayable (sub 30fps). So I stick with medium.

Yet another who proves my point. "I'm upgrading for Crysis". That's all i've been trying to say.
After reading more of your posts I've come to the realization you are the one in denial. Every time someone replies with a "game runs fine for me" message your response is the same:

Another person in denial pleads his case.

If you're laggin' in the first the dark...with no foliage, then you are MOST CERTAINLY laggin during the firefights in the daylight.

I want to see real-time fraps demos from you people before I believe a word of it.

That's the whole key isn't it? Just turn off the FPS counter and have fun. I'm glad you're all content doing that. Ignorance is bliss.

QUOTE lopoetve: then you need to work on your system some.

my 3800x2, 7950GT (256mb), and 2gb of ram, I can run 1280x960 with medium everything and get 35-40fps in everything but the inital plane section. You've got stuff running in the background or other problems with your box. [END QUOTE].

That's a negative. I can run all my other games cranked up to the max except this one?

Bioshock, Battlefield, Half-Life 2 Episodes, CounterStrike Source....all run like champs. But my rig all of sudden goes out of whack when I load Crysis?

Dude, you sound reasonable. But you are lying when you say you're running smooth most of the time with a 7950 GT.

These are people with identical video cards (or even slightly inferior ones) to your own, yet they are getting higher FPS. It doesn't take Sherlock Homes to deduce that the problem lies not with "liars" but with your own setup.

It's interesting to note the moment someone responds with a comment even remotely supporting your stance you jump all over it and use it as proof of your own "superiority".

I can't stand playing anything under 60fps....

For Crysis - I've made an exception.... I turned down the rest, and shadows/particles... and I manage decent frames. I hit 60fps+ in the beta easy as pie when I modified my config and it still looked great.

The game is fun as hell... I would enjoy a nice smooth frame rate - but once I get immersed in the game and all the detail they've put into it.. I forget all about FPS and enjoy it for what it's worth.

Allow me to adress a few things:

1. "If you're laggin' in the first the dark...with no foliage, then you are MOST CERTAINLY laggin during the firefights in the daylight."

This lag is caused by the close proximity of the volumetric clouds. While it appears to be a Non Interactive Sequence the engine is actually rendering everything you see on screen in realtime, thus causing the slowdown.

2. "I want to see real-time fraps demos from you people before I believe a word of it"

This is impossible to do. The moment you turn fraps on and start streaming to your HDD the games FPS will drop by 3/4 skewing the results. This is not a video card limitation.

3. "That's the whole key isn't it? Just turn off the FPS counter and have fun. I'm glad you're all content doing that. Ignorance is bliss"

You obviously see this game as nothing more than a tech demo as apposed to the GAME demo it should be. I would argue a game's value is not measured by graphics alone.

4. "That's a negative. I can run all my other games cranked up to the max except this one?"

That is correct.

Bioshock - Less particle effects, detail, physics processing and shaders to work with.
Battlefield - 6800GT can run this game max detail at 1600x 1200
Half-Life 2 Episodes - Can be played with a 7300GS
CounterStrike Source - Can be played with a 7300GS and get over 100FPS

You comparisons make absolutely no sense. The title you used even remotely close to Crysis is Bioshock which is based off a highly scalable and optimized game engine.

Honestly, you need to get over the fact that you screwed up somewhere. There is either a problem with your drivers, you forgot to install your motherboard drivers, or there is a physical hardware defect somewhere in your system preventing you from experiencing the same performance as everyone else.

Run the GPU benchmark with your card and post the results here. If you arent getting an average of 26FPS OR HIGHER after 3 runs at 1680 x 1050 with all "High" settings you have problems with your rig, nop debate. If you get higher than that, then you are complaining for no reason and wasting everyone's time.
Ep2 is on an ancient engine (in computing terms). Less polygons, far less environmental effects, and far fewer animations.

This game is meant to be enjoyed... Do you remember when Far Cry came out? Awesome game, lots of fun... and the 6800U of the time couldn't play it cranked up either.

This has been this way for decades. You just somehow avoided it till now. Most of us are used to games pushing our hardware and making us want to buy new things.

If they didn't, nothing would ever advance.

Actually, I have finished every FPS i've ever played, from Quake to Doom to Half-Life, Bioshock and everything in between, except for Far Cry.

And to be quite honest, I might not buy this game, though i'm sure I would fully enjoy it.

It just seems like too much of a marketing scam to me. It's really soured my view of the game.
You act like this is the first game to ever feature the Nvidia logo.. it's not, trust me.
I didn't bother reading many of the previous posts, but my buddy runs the settings on "Very High" in XP (yes, using the .ini "hack") and 0xAA with an [email protected], 2GB RAM, and a slightly overclocked 8800 GTS 640 at 1152x864, and averages 30-34 fps on the timedemo. It runs perfectly smooth.

So, most of you people need to stop bitching and play at resolutions that us "peons" have been used to for a long time... :rolleyes: There's no shame in playing a game at 1024x768 or so...
I didn't bother reading many of the previous posts, but my buddy runs the settings on "Very High" in XP (yes, using the .ini "hack") and 0xAA with an [email protected], 2GB RAM, and a slightly overclocked 8800 GTS 640 at 1152x864, and averages 30-34 fps on the timedemo. It runs perfectly smooth.

So, most of you people need to stop bitching and play at resolutions that us "peons" have been used to for a long time... :rolleyes: There's no shame in playing a game at 1024x768 or so...

My monitor looks like serious balls as 1024x768 - native res is 1920x1200, and on my 30" its 2560x1600 - my 30" won't even support anything that low.

I don't mind 1440x900 - but it all depends on who you're talking to =P
Run the GPU benchmark with your card and post the results here. If you arent getting an average of 26FPS OR HIGHER after 3 runs at 1680 x 1050 with all "High" settings you have problems with your rig, nop debate. If you get higher than that, then you are complaining for no reason and wasting everyone's time.

39 FPS avg. 1440 x 900 settings on HIGH. ( I can't wait to see all the liars post that they get 66 FPS at that res. with their rigs)

Any more questions smart guy? You see i've got a decent average (according to you guys who think 30 FPS is acceptable), I think the game play stinks during a firefight. If i'm crawling through the jungle....yeah no problem. When I go to cap some goons, it slows down.

I want it smooth.... Half-Life Episode 2 smooth. And I shouldn't have to pay 5 G's for it.
2. "I want to see real-time fraps demos from you people before I believe a word of it"

This is impossible to do. The moment you turn fraps on and start streaming to your HDD the games FPS will drop by 3/4 skewing the results.

What? Wrong. If you have a dual core system and a fast harddrive or RAID array, you will not experience much slow down when recording video.