Do I need eyefinity to run three monitors?


Mar 26, 2007
What kind of graphics card do I need to run three 24 inch LCD monitors in portrait mode? I won't be doing any gaming. I will be doing some light Photoshopping here and there. Do I need eyefinity to do this?
I do this easily with a AMD HD6870 (which supports eyefinity, but you don't need to use it).
you could also just use add a cheap secondary graphics card
the first one does all the processing (which is isn't needed for 2d either way)

stuff like the matrox triplehead is useless for anything other than gaming because windows sees it as one large screen
Almost any AMD card will support three monitors out of the box, provided that at least one monitor accepts displayport input. Nvidia cards usually support two monitors, though some OEMs have added triple monitor support. You do not need Eyefinity.

If you're not gaming, anything from a 5670 on up will have no problem driving three 1920x1200 monitors.
Maybe I'm in a minority, and this is slightly OT, but one of the few drawbacks I found to running monitors in portrait was working with something like photoshop. As much as you want the bezels to just "blend in" and not be noticed, its hard to do that in photoshop. Just my 2c.
you could also just use add a cheap secondary graphics card
the first one does all the processing (which is isn't needed for 2d either way)

stuff like the matrox triplehead is useless for anything other than gaming because windows sees it as one large screen
