Do quality headphones for people with a case of hot ears exist? ~.^


Limp Gawd
Jul 6, 2005
Does a pair of quality headphones (no earbuds) without the hot-head ear-muff effect exist? Something in the not-much-more-than-$100 price range.

Currently using these cheapies:

Which sound better to me in gaming than earbuds and typical wrap-around budget 'phones. And allow much airflow to my ears with the support of full-ear 'phones.

I also have a pair of Sennheiser HD 570 which sound lovely enough, but they are full ear and feel like mini ear-parkas.

Something tells me I'm screwed. edit: Some of these Grados look like they might fit the bill:

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I would suggest avoiding any Grados, as they will represent newfound levels of discomfort :p

Sounds like you are not a Circumaural guy; you would be better off with supra-aural type phones. (You want phones that rest on the ear, not around it.)
I would suggest Sennheiser PX100 for starters. Another option would be the AKG K81 DJ, though I have not used it personally.
You will sacrifice overall sound quality, and will reach the plateau of potential early, but coming from your current Logitechs, it shouldn't matter :rolleyes:
sennheiser hd465's should be good for u- only cost about 50$ -rest on the ear and sound many times better then the logitechs
AKG K1000


Unfortunately they are out of production and WAY out of your price range.

On a more serious note, Audio Technica ATH-AD500 would be a good choice, large ear cups with open back.
HD595. Nice and cool on my ears.

yeah most Senn open cans will be very comfortable, ie the HD555 as well. I also suffer from hot ears (I have elf like ears that stick out abit, and they get UBER RED and HOT and I look like a fool :p) and I used to own the HD55s, 595s and 650s and I never had that problem with them.

Come to think of it, I don't have that problem with my uber closed Darth DT770s either.