do the AM2 processors have the trusted platform modules?


Limp Gawd
Oct 4, 2004
I was reading a discussion on Tomshardware forums about the core 2 duo chips coming out and someone was ranting about how they have the new trusted computing modules embedded which means that media companies might have access to our computer contents. He also said that AMD is one of the few companies right now that isn't doing this. I thought that AMD did have something similar. Is this true, is it built into the new AM2 processors? I have MP3's from the days before the RIAA even knew they existed and don't want to have to monkey with things embedded in my hardware. I have done some cursory googling, but direct answers to my questions are proving to be a little hard to find. Can anyone shed some light? I need to build a new computer, and while the performance of the core 2 duo's interest me, I have no interest in dealing with drm issues and will happily go AMD if I will have a more userfriendly experience. Thanks!