do y'all go through gaming phases too?


Sep 25, 2003
I've been gaming for a long time, and as long as I can remember I tend to go through these strange phases where all I can think about gaming for a few weeks, then a few weeks where I don't even want to game in my spare time (such as now, I am browsing forums to kill time), then back to gaming like a bad I can't wait to put the wife in bed so I can crank it up and enjoy it

tell me I'm not the only one that goes through these phases
I go through gaming phases and hardware upgrade phases. Usually the two do not co-exist.
I've been gaming for a long time, and as long as I can remember I tend to go through these strange phases where all I can think about gaming for a few weeks, then a few weeks where I don't even want to game in my spare time (such as now, I am browsing forums to kill time), then back to gaming like a bad I can't wait to put the wife in bed so I can crank it up and enjoy it

tell me I'm not the only one that goes through these phases

*Raises hand*
My gaming career started with tons of fps games then tons of fps, rts, racing both sim and arcade sports games.

After getting tired of generic fps 1000 I found flight simulation. Later on I got really hooked on simracing started competing online whereas I always run against the AI earlier. That hobby will probably be with me for life there is no other game genres that give you such adrenaline rushes :).

flight simulations will stick with me too because of the meditative and soul healing capabilities of IL 2 and MS flight simulator type of games.

Of course I still do fps games I still love that genre but can´t do to much of it anymore. RPGs of course can really immerse you. RTS games however I am not sure if I ever will get into again... The last good one I played was Rise of Nations. It just seems like I have played them all before whereas there is fps games that feels new and fresh. I like to explore and there is not that much to explore in rts titles may be that...

I do love more strategic titles like the Total War and Civ series.
Otherwise I also do run Tiger Woods at times. Golf is like racing you can always improve your game.

However overall since I work that much I have less energy for games so sometimes I just watch movies instead.
I thought maybe it was a gaming phase, but honestly, I think I just got old. I rarely think about games anymore but I've got a huge list of em, yet, I just don't play as much as I use to. Only game I'll spend maybe an hour in a week on at the most is Tekken 5 Online. Sigh.
Yah, I'm pretty sure 99% of gamers go through same phases at one point or another. Currently I'm stuck on MMO's. Prior to that I'd play nothing but FPS's and before that, strictly Racing or RTS's. Go figure, /shrug!
Yeah, I have gone through the same things. LOL
I like the fps games but get tired of doing the same thing and playing the same levels over and over. It's nice to play custom maps and mods but that gets old as well because usually there are not that many people playing those. Like others, I go through the change of RTS and racing games. Then there will be periods where I don't even want to play but I want to mod. Then times when I don't want to do any of that and just search forums. And then the times where I don't do anything on the computer but want to upgrade the hardware.

haha so I know what you are talking about. I thought maybe it was just me as well when I know people that play some of the same games for years and years and don't touch anything else.
Absolutely. My phases alternate between consoles and PC also.
I would normally spend 3-4 weeks heavy into gaming, then 3-4 weeks into TV shows, then 3-4 weeks into books, then 3-4 weeks into movies, a few weeks of automotive work, then back into gaming.
since I was about 14 (Im 29 atm) I had been game crazy... playing everything from dumb indiana jones games through civilization through starcraft and then crysis.

however... a couple of months ago, i upgraded my PC (see sig) and now im just bored off my ass.

i just watch shit on tv or movies on this beast... while i could do the same on an old athlon 1.4ghz tbird w- a geforce 2mx...

its dissapointing, but i find call of juarez boring and stalker is just meh... i blasted through CoD4 and Crysis singleplayer and find very little replay value in both.

in wow i got my ele shaman to 7/8 pc t6 and sold the account. i bought the game again and rolled a rogue to get ready for wotlk, but i am not even enjoying the rogue (rogue, druid and priest are only 3 classes i have not leveled to 60+) which ive heard is a lot of fun to play but to me it aint...

sigh... am i getting old? do games suck? 15 years of non stop pc gaming and now i just... stopped.
Mine's kind of weird. I have six games installed. I'll play the hell out of one, and dabble in the others and then switch to another and continue the process.
Ya going into the console faze right now untill the big games like gt4 and Burnout Paradise City are released on the pc. Just like gtasa play 100% 6 to 8 times till released on pc then play the heck out of it on the pc. Play some games but the games like gtasa/4 draw me back over and over till I can recite how to over the phone to any friend needing help. :eek:
My gaming "phases" correlate directly to the number of good new releases. I've purchased three games in the last week. FarCry 2, Stalker and Spore. Unfortunately the first two are just waiting on my STEAM games list until they're released.
Yep phases come and go.

Over the next week or so we have the new american wave of TV shows coming back (huuuuge list of decent shows) which will all start up and I'll go from watching no TV at all, to watching about 15 eps a week, between download and watching them I'll have less time for games.

I go through MMO streaks as well, WAR is coming up, and tend to go through competative streaks as well, where I focus on 1-2 games and get really good at them.
yeah im in one at the moment. i used to play ut2k4 heavily for 2 years. the game is dead here in New Zealand now, and im playing nothing online even though i own a lot of awesome MP games (tf2 and cod4 to name 2). The only game that has my attention at the moment is oblivion. I was hoping ut3 would be awesome, but unfortunately it was utter trash.
i stopped for a long time then figured id play less time demanding games such as Pro evo (pc ofc)

then the news of diablo 3 got me into diablo 2 again now im up all hours playing that on q6600 & 9800gtx (nothing out there is catching my eye to use this hardware for)

i generally swap between gaming and upgrading right now im doing both as my new development machine is comiong through tomorrow so im upgrading to server 2008 tonight :) ready for development machine tomorrow :)
I've been gaming for a long time, and as long as I can remember I tend to go through these strange phases where all I can think about gaming for a few weeks, then a few weeks where I don't even want to game in my spare time (such as now, I am browsing forums to kill time), then back to gaming like a bad I can't wait to put the wife in bed so I can crank it up and enjoy it

tell me I'm not the only one that goes through these phases

Hello OT brethren. Don't let Fazle see you :eek:

I haven't "thought" about gaming since before I was 18. The only game I have played in the past four years on any system has been WoW and that's only due to the interaction with other people that exists in the game. I simply can not sit and play a non-multiplayer game at all anymore. I have bought and sold an Xbox 360, PS2, and currently have my PS3 doing Bluray/DVD duties because all of the games bore me.

I did go through a phase two years ago where I played Oblivion like a madman for about a month. I played COD4 and BF2 for a while too. While Oblivion wasn't multiplayer, it was just that damn good to me.

It's really hard for an older gamer(25 lol) like myself to get excited over anything anymore. Most games are just rehashes and really do nothing interesting that I haven't done before.

Funny thing is...I currently have my Dreamcast hooked up in my living room running an NES emulator and my SNES is in my master bedroom.
It happens, but most of the time my gaming is fairly constant. However there has been a slow but steady decline in time spent gaming and an increase in time on the internet on forums and reading news and stuff over the years. Except when a really good game comes out like Mass Effect or Halo 3 I don't spend more than a few hours straight playing a game, usually not even that. I used to be able to play almost all day every day. When you've been gaming for 14 years you start to feel like every game is the same as some other game and almost nothing feels new and exiting. I can however really agree with the genre phases. Used to play a LOT of JRPG's, now except for a few games that comes out, all JRPG's feel pretty much the same and I tend to like western RPG's more which I hated 10 years ago. I also don't play nearly as many FPS's as I did between 2001 when Halo got me to like FPS and up until after HL2 when I was tired of pretty much the entire genre.
I'll tell ya what a weirdo I am, it seems I spend more time optimizing all the games I have rather than play them...I've spent weeks going through and turning on/off settings in the cfgs folder and then move on to the next game to do the same thing...I need to go and start to play the games I have instead of pimping them out and not playing them.
Yea, from time to time.

I came across the dreamcast emulator and start playing skies of Arcadia.
I'll tell ya what a weirdo I am, it seems I spend more time optimizing all the games I have rather than play them...I've spent weeks going through and turning on/off settings in the cfgs folder and then move on to the next game to do the same thing...I need to go and start to play the games I have instead of pimping them out and not playing them.

Haha. I do the same thing half the time. About two years ago, I loaded Oblivion to hell with lots of mods, and customizations. Only to complete the first Gate and not continuing after that. Recent game was Crysis with custom configs and tweaking. Besides having trouble running the game in the later stages, I got pretty bored by midlevel and it wasn't because I dislike the game. The last PC game I finished was Prey, two years ago oddly enough..
yea, sometimes I go through these phases where I don't game at all for like 2-4 weeks then suddenly I really want to play TF2/CoD4 or get out an older game like Halo 2, Guild Wars, or KoToR and just play them a bunch for a week.

like for the last two weeks I just suddenly really wanted to go out and buy Mass Effect and play through it, but now i suddenly could care less about it :D
Sounds like Menstrual cycles.;)

Lol agreed. But I have them too just not often. There was a time when i just spent two weeks on watching movies and did not care to play what so ever. But I agree that almost every gamer goes through these cycles.
I was going through a huge gaming drought before I bought mass effect, that game is just dang fun.
Hate to say it, but I picked up a road bike in March and haven't really touched a game since. I played thirty minutes of MGS4, went out and road. Same thing for GTA4. I work for a software company so I think I'm just sick of sitting in front of a monitor/TV all day. I enjoy getting away from that in my free time now.
I don't know a gamer that doesn't do that. If just talking gaming I tend to rotate on which system I'm giving attention to. Two weeks ago it was the 360, last week it was the PS3 and this week it's all PC. Usually it's only one game I'm playing for each so I just switch it up for variety.

I do hit spots where I don't play any games and read or watch TV/Movies for a few weeks though.
I'm burned out on WoW right now and have been for about 4 months, I guess I'm waiting on the xpac or w/e. Just got tired of waiting on standby for the hardcore end game raiding guild.

I have played the shit out of HL:2 and GH:3.
I go through phases every once in a while, but I never really stop gaming. I'll play TF2 for a few weeks and then I'll leave it alone for months, same thing for games like GTA and racing games. the time i got my desktop pimp juiced i had already played through everything
I never had these phases until I started college. I quit altogether for about a year, only playing some stupid games on old consoles with my friends occasionally (I'm thinking of Super Bomberman 2).

I then got back into it for awhile, but it didn't really feel the same. I really enjoy upgrading and building my computer, but I realized it was all for nothing as I ended up playing Diablo 2 on my expensive new PC.

I haven't really been into gaming all that much in the past year, but it's like a habit when I get off work to just fire up the PC and relax.

Since gaming for me is not important anymore and I don't spend much time on it, I am going to give it up completely. I'm pretty excited to actually.

My computer has been stripped of its 8800 Ultra and replaced with a passive video card, and is now just used for downloading, music, photos, and movies.
I'm currently waiting for StarCraft 2 to wake up me, until then I'm kinda dormant, play a few hours (total) of UT2k4, SupCom, and StarCraft 1 per week, maybe toss in a little ESIV:Oblivion and Crysis here and there. I just left Orange Box steaming when I left for work this morning, looking forward to giving HL2 a whirl since I've never actually played any of the HL games :eek:

I've tried some of the current popular stuff that has demos like WiC and GRID but I just don't find them that interesting. I've heard Mass Effect is good but I don't feel like spending 50 bucks on it and it's UE3-based, which I have personally found to be a universal boredom-pill.

The guy who said he usually games OR upgrades hit the nail on the head for me. I almost never game when I'm upgrade-obsessed, and when I'm really gaming, I rarely bother with upgrades.
I do the same thing as the OP of this thread.

For me though, even though I LOVE gaming - I would rather be outdoors or working out. But since I am on call 24/7 with my job about the only thing I can do is game because I can pause it and be out the door on a moments notice.
I don't go through phases of not playing but rather what genres capture my interest. My transition usually goes with FPSes, RPGs, Action, & rare times with RTSes.

Recently, I beat S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl, Deux Ex GOTY & Deus Ex Invisible War. Now I'm currently playing FF7: Crisis Core (PSP), Devil May Cry 4 (PC), Mass Effect (PC), Rune (PC), & Two Worlds (PC).

At the moment, I alternate between a lot of different games. I'll focus on a game for a long period of time and switch to another if I need a break from the prior. This way helps me with an enjoyable experience without getting burnt out.