Do you have a NEC 2490? (LCD2490WUXi) How would you compare it to ....

Sep 28, 2008
Hello everyone,

If there's one thing I hate about all this lcd monitor shopping, it's not being able to see the actual monitor in person. Supposedly, the NEC 2490, and the Apple Imac 24 inch use the same lcd panel, it's just that the Imac is a glossy screen.

Having gone to BestBuy and looking at the monitors there, I really, REALLY liked the look of the 24" Imac. Text was absolutely beautiful to read (at my bestbuy, it was hooked up to the internet and I could check out a few websites on it), and colors looked great. Yes, I'm aware that the glossy has something to do with that.

If you have/use a NEC 2490, how would you compare the way text and colors look on your 2490, to how things look on the Imac? If you haven't seen the 24" Imac, perhaps you wouldn't mind taking a trip to BestBuy and checking it out for a few mins? :D (c'mon.. we're all in love with technology, and BestBuy is like the adult version of Toys R Us for us! hehe)

Very curious... thanks!
I believe most people which bought 2490 (or would have) would never buy a glossy monitor, so they can't compare :)
I have added a page to my 2490 review about why I didn't want a glossy screen:

I have seen the new iMac 24" in store and aside from the gloss it is a fine monitor with similar characteristics, but I haven't compared them side by side. If you read my post above you will understand why I think matte is the more sensible choice and why it will look just as good in the home.
If you have/use a NEC 2490, how would you compare the way text and colors look on your 2490, to how things look on the Imac?

I've seen iMac many times. It's really nice, true.
I have not had a chance to compare it side by side with my 2490.
I can assume text is little better on glossy iMac. Never about colors - iMac is just a panel while 2490 is a top level monitor.
I would love to have a glossy 2490, but that version does not exist.
We have a Mac Lab at my college filled with 24 inch iMacs. They look nice but working on them and seeing yourself (and everyone behind you) the whole time is really annoying. Glossy is the most annoying monitor "feature" ever. It looks nice... until you actually spend some time on it.

If you haven't already, take a look at what the Internal LUT does for image quality, and check out some examples of what an AT-W Polarizer does for viewing angles/contrast. (there are some excellent examples on this forum, I would post them but i am about to run to school and do not have time to hunt them down) The iMacs do not have either of these, and I am am betting they will more than make up for any advantage glossy gives. If Provantage ever ships my 2490 I will give you a more direct comparison.
Thanks guys.

I wasn't really trying to compare glossy to matte though, what I was primarily interested in, is how easily readable the text on the Imac is, to how it is on the 2490? (Text looks beautiful on the Imac, and looks like I could spend many many hours reading on it, and I was wondering if it looked similarly wonderful on the 2490?)
Thanks guys.

I wasn't really trying to compare glossy to matte though, what I was primarily interested in, is how easily readable the text on the Imac is, to how it is on the 2490? (Text looks beautiful on the Imac, and looks like I could spend many many hours reading on it, and I was wondering if it looked similarly wonderful on the 2490?)

I really wouldn't want to spend hours fighting reflections to read text on an iMac.

Text is essentially perfect on my 2490. The matte coating is not so strong that it creates any kind of screen fuzz issue like the 30" panels.

I have a couple of macro pics of text on my review thread. Cleartype on and off. With cleartype off you can see there is zero blur or color fringing as reported on the HP2475. Each pixel is clean and well defined.

Unless you have vision problems and need a bigger pixel pitch I don't see how you would have issue with 2490 text.
Well I haven't actually compared the Imac to my Nec 2490 side by side but my Dad owns an imac and when I go over to his house I get to play with it. The picture quality looks beautiful, and text does indeed look better then on my Nec. Dont get me wrong, the picture quality on my Nec 2490 is great but it looks a bit dull compared to the Imac, I guess that's because of the glossy finish. I actually prefer glossy monitors, my last monitor was a Sony X brite, unfortunately there really arent any glossy monitors that compare to the Imac. If the Imac was sold as just a monitor then I would probably have gone with the IMac.
Thanks for the info everyone.

Liight, definitely looking forward to hearing what you think when you get your 2490!