Do you think its possible for me to


Limp Gawd
Dec 9, 2005
trade a 1.6 inch highish? profile Seagate Cheetah 10k RPM 73 gig SCSI drive and like 20 bucks for a 74gig raptor? This drive retailed for like 350ish back in the day...rippin my self off here..any suggestions?
What's the model number? I'm guessing it's several generations old (unlike the MAU linked above) and thus not worth $350.

yeah its old. Not that old though, maybe two years? its 1.6 inches instead of 1, but still performs as well. Anyone intrested in it? Or have a raptor I could trade for?
is it currently for sale anywhere online? i.e. forums, eBay, also check pricegrabber/froogle to see if any online shops are carrying it. i'll bet some are on ebay, then you can probably get a good idea of what to sell it for.