DOA Movie Trailer

MH Knights

Mar 25, 2003
Saw this over at the Shack.

It gets points for having AC/DC music (my DOA: XBV music list is about half AC/DC) but you know this isn't going to be anything else other than brainless chop socky.

+ The aforementioned AC/DC music
+ It has volleyball
+ Corey Yuen is doing the fight scenes
+ Cheesy TnA

- Probally too much cheesy TnA
- Its a movie based on a video game
- You know dang well the producers/writers/directors have never played a single game of DOA
-Corey Yuen can do fight scenes but can he direct the whole thing?
Man that movie looks to be reeeaal cheesy. They should have left it CG, probably would have had more appeal.
GGREAATE, another sword movie where a million "ninjas" come after a handful of "leet" people and all the millions of ninjas die while the small group of "leetnesses" is left without a scratch. Just hang your sword out and spin around in circles! :rolleyes:

This type of movie reminds me of Hero, complete and udder crap. At least Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon had fantasy action that made you think it could be possible, or at least made you wanna wish you could do thoose kinds of stunts.

Kill Bill the original came close to becomming my ultimate figher/sword movie, it was just the last scene in the movie that ruined it.

Blah, This movie will suck more than Tomb Raider. It will only be good for a little fan service peekaboos.
That looks horrible!

The only remotely good thing is Miho from Sin City is in it.

Anyone who pays to see that should be shot.
jeez, they couldn't find any good looking asians? :mad: I'd rather watch the Street Fighter movie...or maybe not
Dachink said:
jeez, they couldn't find any good looking asians? :mad: I'd rather watch the Street Fighter movie...or maybe not

Seriously, why couldn't they get some hotter asians!! IDK about this one....
SuddenDemise said:
Seriously, why couldn't they get some hotter asians!! IDK about this one....

Seriously, my wife has some of her Japanease friends from Japan that are visiting for the holidays. OOOOOOoooooo I like gigly Japanease girlies. They are sooo full of fun.

Oh, what were we talking about again? Oh yea, the asian chick could be better looking.