DoA: Violates Child Pornography Laws

The world's crusade against child pornography is disgusting. It's not even about real child pornography anymore.
When we start basing laws on things that don't even exist in our physical universe, we as a species need to be eradicated. Of course, we passed that point decades ago but, even so... geez, can't these people find something better to do, like maybe go play some games and get over it? :

Somebody out there seems to like your species. After all, May 21 came and went and the Apocalypse is delayed yet again. Dec 21 2012 will be no different I think. I'm not sure why anyone wants to keep the human race around, much less why humans were made in the first pace. You don't fit in with any other life forms on this world. Perhaps they are macabre fans of bad comedy. :(
I can't recall the country, but a guy was arrested for possession of child pornography for having pictures of Bart Simpson banging Marge or somesuch. They're imaginary, cartoon "people". Not real, never have been, never will be. Yet, somehow, it's the same as if a live human being was the victim? Total insanity.
Surely the DoA girls are older than that by now. But they don't look like they've aged a day since 1996. ;)