Does 10.3a work for you?

Does 10.3a work for you?

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So far so good. I noticed very little improvement in Dirt2 however. Crysis was the same. Didnt do any 3dmark stuff for synthetic testing
Did you run the dirt2 benchmark before and after to get concrete results? I'm not going to post it again, but I saw about a 15% improvement in my average FPS.
Dirt 2 freezing after 10 perfect on other drivers......Think I will pass unitl official drivers out to see if they work.
Works perfect for me; noticed my Unigene score go from 41.3 to 45.5.

In real world applications, I can't tell a difference performance wise. DX11 is still a stutter fest in Metro 2033 (though my DX10 performance appears a lot smoother) and Dragon Age Origins: Awakening/LOTRO seem to run equally good. Crysis does seem to perform a bit higher, but not a noticable amount.

Overall, I'm very pleased with them.
Drivers work fine, Half-Life 2 and Far Cry 2 still have choppy movement with vsync on...just like they always have for me.
Works fine for me. I was using the previous 10.3 preview drivers from February and had no problems with those either.

Works perfect for me; noticed my Unigene score go from 41.3 to 45.5.

In real world applications, I can't tell a difference performance wise. DX11 is still a stutter fest in Metro 2033 (though my DX10 performance appears a lot smoother) and Dragon Age Origins: Awakening/LOTRO seem to run equally good. Crysis does seem to perform a bit higher, but not a noticable amount.

Overall, I'm very pleased with them.

have you tried turning off depth of field in the config? Even my 5770 runs it at 30fps with that off. Enabled I get like 12.
have you tried turning off depth of field in the config? Even my 5770 runs it at 30fps with that off. Enabled I get like 12.

I have not messed around with the config. file yet; just haven't had the time to really. So once that's turned off, performance increases pretty substantially in DX11 mode on Very High?
I just realized, the poll options are bit weird, should've put more thoughts into it. :D
Good to see that most of you are content with the drivers.

Junkie: Yes, disabling depth of field will give you a massive boost.
Works perfect for me; noticed my Unigene score go from 41.3 to 45.5.

In real world applications, I can't tell a difference performance wise. DX11 is still a stutter fest in Metro 2033 (though my DX10 performance appears a lot smoother) and Dragon Age Origins: Awakening/LOTRO seem to run equally good. Crysis does seem to perform a bit higher, but not a noticable amount.

Overall, I'm very pleased with them.

Same here on the Unigene scores,about 45 for me up from 42 or so..
I've only tested BC2 and I really don't notice much of any performance increase with my 5870. But the good news is I haven't noticed any new bugs rearing their head either so I call win.
bumped my Dirt 2 average frames from 62.0 to 73.7! Impressive increase and no problems whatsoever.

I like to see this because there are so many people complaining, but you just don't see how many people are actually not having problems!
I have only run the 10.3a in Aliens v Predator.......I did not see any change.

I do not see any changes for me so far compared to the 10.3 beta Preview I was using. I am starting to think they are one in the same driver set.
10.3a appears to have issues with CrossfireX. It also BSODed on me when I ran 3dMark Vantage. But I haven't tested if the BSOD was due to CrossfireX being enabled or if it was just the driver. It feels like the hardware is being held back by the drivers. I'm thinking of selling off one of my 5970's since I can't fully utilize both of their horsepower at the same time.
I don't think 10.3a has issues with CrossfireX as I'm running CrossfireX and the 10.3a driver with zero problems, and seeing VERY good performance.
Im going to change my vote. The 10.3a's do seem less stable for me. Im not able to bench them as high as I did the 10.2's. I have had a GSOD in Dirt2 [first one ever]. Going to try them in Warhead tonight but might be going back to 10.2 quite frankly
I don't think 10.3a has issues with CrossfireX as I'm running CrossfireX and the 10.3a driver with zero problems, and seeing VERY good performance.

I mean CrossfireX with 4 GPUS. I know my configuration is a bit uncommon. But come on ATI. You'd think they would have anticipated someone trying it...
Forneus- you sure you don't have a hardware issue with that? try underclocking your GPU (Core and memory) and see if it still does the same thing.
anyone else play empire and napoleon total war and have an issue with all the graphic options jacked up?? I have an issue where I cannot see all the units on the screen until I get right up and close to them.
Well I just loaded these drivers up yesterday. Played WoW for about 3 hours and BC2 for about 4 hours without any hiccups so far. WoW is usually pretty good anyways but I've been getting black screen crashes with 10.2 in BC2 after about a half hour of play. Didn't get any errors last night at all. Too soon to really tell if it's fixed for good, but things are looking good so far.

Edit: Saph 5770
never had any issues till now, the 10.3 preview from before these are great in single and CF 5850's

with the 10.3a single 5850, AVP HARD LOCK, CF 5850's BC2 CTD clean to desktop and weird lines in the screen. Also when you join a game and pick your weapons in that screen, with fraps open slows to a crawl 5-7fps very strange. Not only this, uninstalling, driver sweeper in safe mode and reinstall of 10.3 preview or 10.2 official is absolutely fubar'd STILL. Good thing i made an image and could go back to my previous w7 install before I put in 10.3a because nothing else would make things work again after I used them. I even tried 2x and with 3 or 4 different card bios. So far NO LUCK, I really hope the 10.3 official come thru.You guys think installing the CF profiles that came with the 10.3a on top of the older 10.3 preview driver (8.71.3) would have any benefits for me in BC2? I am very happy with CF performance on just the 10.3 preview driver honestly.
It cured a problem I had with slowdown when displaying dense particle effects in World of Warcraft.
10.3a Working like a charm, 3 days lots of games and lots of time in. Better frame rates in each situation.....Heaven Bench mark scores are better also.:cool: