Does 8600GT put of significantly more heat that 8500GT?


Limp Gawd
Jan 20, 2005
Hi all,

I've got a nice three-monitor build going, 8800 BFG GTX OC2E driving the main monitor and secondary monitor and a paltry 8400 GS driving the last one.

I'm thinking long term if I want to go 4 monitors over DVI then I should probably get a 8500GT/8600GT...but heat and space is a major concern. I have an IP35 Pro, and a wireless NIC card is sitting right next the 8400GS (there's really no clearance, the cards are almost touching) so if I were to get a 8500GT or 8600GT would there be space? If so, does the 8500GT put out significantly less heat than the 8600GT? Because if it doesn't I'd probably pick up a 8600GT (it actually seems there's only one or two 8500GTs with 2x DVI).



Anyone know if the heatsinks on those cards are small than their respective PCI slot covers?
Can't be sure from the Image viewer at newegg, but the 8600 looks like it might only be as tall as the PCI cover. Plus the 8600's H/S mounting screws look to be alot shorter than those shown on the 8500. (back side of the card)
You can always undervolt and down clock 8600gt.

But yeah 8600gt is a little hotter.
There is a consolidated list at, but because it uses so many information sources it can have odd-looking results -- such as 8600GTS = 47W, 8600GT = 30W, 8500GT = 40W, 8400GS = 38W .

that site is for noobs. These guys don't even have anything original. They just copy and paste or wrong all together.

Seems a little off to me. A 8600gt is actually 43watts. A 8500gt is 40 watt. A 8600gts is 71watts.
It's funny because the video card that Marvelous and I have is essentially the same, except that mine is a standard clocked model and uses a molex instead of a PCI-E power connecter. o_O

I think my card is one of the few that is on PCI-E with a molex...

I guess it's great for compatibility with older PSUs though. I doubt it uses any less power though.