Does anybody else have Guitar Hero?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 17, 2000
I finally got a copy locally a week ago. It has been hard to find since Christmas.
But I've been playing the hell out of it for the past week, and I really hope they make a sequel.

Easy and medium (other than Bark at the Moon on medium) were easy like Sunday morning. And now I'm stuck on Cochise on hard. I've also started some of expert.

Anybody have any neat tips or tricks for it?

i have finished the game, except for the cowboys from hell, frankenstein, and bark at the moon on expert. my advice is to play the game a LOT.
Well I plan on playing and practicing this alot, I've improved alot on it in the week I've had it, I hope I don't plateau and get bored.

I haven't been able to play my real guitar in a while (taken apart for maintance) and my amp is broken, so maybe this will help my get my ring and pinky finger into shape.

I know I need practice transitioning to the reb-blue and red-orange chords, I wish there was a practice mode where you could setup a A-B loop in a song. Also the hammer-on/pull-off without picking, I need to pay attenion to the song more to see where I can optimize my movement.
I love it. The only thing I don't love is trying to go back to my real guitar after playing, I think it has made me worse. But much better at Guitar Hero... y'know its all about priorities. ;)

I can't think of any tips that have really helped me beyond the sage advice of practice, practice, practice. Just don't try to wedge your lit joint under the strings of the headstock while you jam out... mainly just because there are no strings and its only plastic.
I'm playing through on hard, and I still don't use hammer ons or pull offs. I think the tutorial needs more chances to practice them. I never get them to work during songs.
I got Guitar Hero for Christmas with an extra guitar. Every time my friends come over we always end up playing Guitar Hero. It's so fun and addicting that some of my non-gamer friends are considering buying a PS2 just for the game.

As for getting better at it, like everyone else has stated, just practice as much as you can.
I've got Eddie Van Halen's tongue in a jar. Does that count?