does anyone still play starcraft here


Limp Gawd
Apr 18, 2007
i was wondering if anyone still plays the game starcraft on the computer lol

just got back into it after two years. its too addicting.

im guessing none of you do since everyone here seems to have awesome computers and dont like playing old games anymore
I play every now and then...I usually have a torrent client going, so I just play the single player.
I actually just reinstalled this last week and started playing it again in anticipation of SC2.
I play it from time to time. You can /w Expert on US West sometimes if you see me on.

NO money maps please!
still have lan parties at my place every month or so.... Still playing starcraft... awaiting starcraft 2.
I play it from time to time. You can /w Expert on US West sometimes if you see me on.

NO money maps please!

lol yeah i hate money maps too. so boring and no skills are involved.

i play on east but maybe ill stop by on west to see if you are on

/msg kpark on east