Does everyone need HDTV by late 2008?


Aug 18, 2005
I read somewhere on the Internet that most current TVs won't even work in late 2008, and that all TVs will have to be HDTV later on. Is that true?

Another thing,

I don't plan to buy an HDTV until late 2008, but someone I know keeps telling me to buy an HDTV even though HE is the one who REALLY needs a new TV, because his current TV (which is a regular TV) keeps getting "snow displays". My current TV is in good condition, so why is it so important for him that I get an HDTV soon when HE is the one who needs a new TV right now? Thank you in advance for your response.
They'll work. You just won't be able to get over-the-air analog TV. You'd still be able to use it with a cable box.
Nope, cable companies (the only ones still doing analog) aren't going to risk losing business and they'll offer you a converter box for your 10 year old crt's if you don't have one already. Also, even if you don't have a set top converter all you will need is a tv with a digital tuner...not neccesarily HD.
Do you need HDTV for movies? Cable TV shows currently bite the llama's arse. 'Cept for Discovery channel of course. :)
Do you need HDTV for movies? Cable TV shows currently bite the llama's arse. 'Cept for Discovery channel of course. :)
What do you mean "for movies"? Like I said above...all you will need is a converter box or a tv with a digital tuner...either NTSC (standard def) or ATSC (high def)
LOL I was told the same thing when I boguht my HDTV in 05...Supposedly Regular TV was going to require a box by the end of 05...

My HDTV was a waste of money. other than I prefer the image of my CRT HDTV over many crappy LCD's