Does No One Care?!?


Limp Gawd
Jun 11, 2004
Here I am surfing the forums, and not one person is talking about the upcomming nocona chips due to be released in about and hour! They are intel's new xeon 64 bit, 2.8ghz priced at $209. Come on people, get your priorities straight. Anyone gonna get some?
Usually they have a review then it it discussed. However you are welcome to start the discussion off. Besides "it's out", add something to the conversation.

I hope they do an AMD Opt. 64 versus the intel 64 comparison soon.
Maybe you should enlighten us as to why we should be so interested in this chip? My priorities (as far as hardware is concerned - which is pretty low in the grand scheme of life) are more set on seeing whether the X800XT or 6800U will be better with HL2 and Doom 3.
dude, its 64 bits, and everyone running duallies is going to want one. I think this is going to be way better and more powerful than the opteron.
You do realize that you can't really take advantage of 64-bit features unless you have more than 4GB of memory, right? Also, 64-bit chips will run in 32-bit mode when using regular Windows XP - which most people will, because the 64-bit edition has poor driver support.

More is not always better, as is the case with this.
You need 64-bit software and a 64-bit OS to use the 64-bit capabilities, so unless you have one (and sure, you can use the Win XP 64-bit beta, but last I heard, it was still horribly far away from being a replacement OS; Linux has been 64-bit capable for a while though if you care).

Plus, you already posted the same thread in GenHard.
LeadMetal1402 said:
dude, its 64 bits, and everyone running duallies is going to want one. I think this is going to be way better and more powerful than the opteron.
Intel's 64bit CPUs have bad support for 32bit applications unlike the AMD 64. These chips will be mostly for companies and servers so we don't care.
Kris said:
Intel's 64bit CPUs have bad support for 32bit applications unlike the AMD 64. These chips will be mostly for companies and servers so we don't care.
This latest CPU is supposed to run 32-bit applications at a decent speed. I guess we'll see when the reviews come out.
You are saying that they are going to have horrible 32 bit performance? WTF???? Have you seen benchies? That's right, no. SHUT UP. Go huddle up in a corner and stroke your arm until you take your medicine and feel like using something called a brain, you dolt
LeadMetal1402 said:
You are saying that they are going to have horrible 32 bit performance? WTF???? Have you seen benchies? That's right, no. SHUT UP. Go huddle up in a corner and stroke your arm until you take your medicine and feel like using something called a brain, you dolt
This forum is not for you. If you cannot carry on a civilized conversation and insist on acting like a orangutang then I suggest finding a more spam-friendly place.

Let me give you some advice.
1) When someone is wrong you correct them, but nicely. Maybe point out an article that shows the truth or something. Don't tell them to shut up. In this case he might be right, I don't know.
2) Personal insults are pretty stupid in a hardware forum... especially considering this isn't even AMD vs. Intel or NVIDIA vs. ATI. Use that information as you wish.
3) If you want an intelligent response try acting intelligent.
4) With that kind of attitude you will be banned.
kick@ss said:
You do realize that you can't really take advantage of 64-bit features unless you have more than 4GB of memory, right? Also, 64-bit chips will run in 32-bit mode when using regular Windows XP - which most people will, because the 64-bit edition has poor driver support.

More is not always better, as is the case with this.

Linux for x86-64 has had a year to mature. It's reasonable stable (atleast as stable as WinXP 32 bit), KDE still has some issues, GNome seems ok to most people though.
Driver support is a little lighter than what I'd like to see, I'm looking at you ATI.
But if you're on the Nvidia platform (chipset and graphics) it's really quite nice, so I hear.

And 8 new GPRs. That's something everybody from tetris to the [H] MySQL database can be happy about.
FreiDOg said:
Linux for x86-64 has had a year to mature. It's reasonable stable (atleast as stable as WinXP 32 bit), KDE still has some issues, GNome seems ok to most people though.
Driver support is a little lighter than what I'd like to see, I'm looking at you ATI.
But if you're on the Nvidia platform (chipset and graphics) it's really quite nice, so I hear.

And 8 new GPRs. That's something everybody from tetris to the [H] MySQL database can be happy about.
That's more for servers. It might be a good server chip - that's what it's designed for. However, most discussions on here tend to be about gaming and general desktop usage and in the context of this forum I would consider that to be the most important when not specifically addressing servers.
LeadMetal1402 said:
You are saying that they are going to have horrible 32 bit performance? WTF???? Have you seen benchies? That's right, no. SHUT UP. Go huddle up in a corner and stroke your arm until you take your medicine and feel like using something called a brain, you dolt

Calling all mods, Leadmetal needs a wack in the ass with the ban stick.
kick@ss said:
That's more for servers. It might be a good server chip - that's what it's designed for. However, most discussions on here tend to be about gaming and general desktop usage and in the context of this forum I would consider that to be the most important when not specifically addressing servers.

true, but I do hope somebody gives us a 64 bit UT2004 comparison.
kick@ss said:
This forum is not for you. If you cannot carry on a civilized conversation and insist on acting like a orangutang then I suggest finding a more spam-friendly place.

Let me give you some advice.
1) When someone is wrong you correct them, but nicely. Maybe point out an article that shows the truth or something. Don't tell them to shut up. In this case he might be right, I don't know.
2) Personal insults are pretty stupid in a hardware forum... especially considering this isn't even AMD vs. Intel or NVIDIA vs. ATI. Use that information as you wish.
3) If you want an intelligent response try acting intelligent.
4) With that kind of attitude you will be banned.

^ very good advice ;)

you might even have to resort to sarcasm, a rapier wit, and or the odd rhetorical question inorder to make your distain unmistakably known.
Base insults a mark of the incompetent :p

But even being nasty within the rules will not win you respect ;)
and if conducted at random or on targets of opportunity will also get one in hot water
In order for Unreal to be 64 bit, wouldnt it need to be written especially for a 64 bit proc.? I dont think such a version exists does it?
64-bit farcry is nearly done. ive seen it and it still has issues but it has some cool will have special maps twice the size of the regular ones or something.

I really havent seen much of this, shows how aware I am. is it supposed to be a competitor to Opteron? if it cant run 32 bit apps at at least regular speed (while opteron runs them faster than a 32bit proc at the same speed) then its probabily destined to fail, mostly due to the Xeon name alone making every price 4x as high as it should be.
Ben-mod said:
In order for Unreal to be 64 bit, wouldnt it need to be written especially for a 64 bit proc.? I dont think such a version exists does it?

It would need to be compiled for x86-64.
If you check your UT2004 install CD, you'll see it has a linux installer, and if you run that on an x86-64 version of linux it will allow you to install UT2004 as a 64 bit appliation. Performance is nothing special, often slower than the 32 bit version, but it exists, and it availible for anyone who buys the regular retail copy of the game.
kronchev said:
I really havent seen much of this, shows how aware I am. is it supposed to be a competitor to Opteron? if it cant run 32 bit apps at at least regular speed (while opteron runs them faster than a 32bit proc at the same speed) then its probabily destined to fail, mostly due to the Xeon name alone making every price 4x as high as it should be.

All I can tell you is that the Nocona is a 90 nm chip with an 800 Mhz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache (and I *think* it also has L3 cache like the Prestonia Xeons), and they'll have almost full compatibility with x86_64 (minus that one extension AMD decided to include after their specifications were released for x86_64).

I don't know what the pricing will be, and I haven't seen any performance tests or benches of the Xeons, so I can't say much. Judging by the current Xeon pricing though, the Noconas will probably still be prohibitively expensive.
BillLeeLee said:
All I can tell you is that the Nocona is a 90 nm chip with an 800 Mhz FSB, 1 MB L2 cache (and I *think* it also has L3 cache like the Prestonia Xeons), and they'll have almost full compatibility with x86_64 (minus that one extension AMD decided to include after their specifications were released for x86_64).

I don't know what the pricing will be, and I haven't seen any performance tests or benches of the Xeons, so I can't say much. Judging by the current Xeon pricing though, the Noconas will probably still be prohibitively expensive.

just curious, but what socket are they using?
i'm guessing my IC7-G cannot use this cool sounding chip?

really i just want one because it would be 3.6ghz already :S
LeadMetal1402 said:
You are saying that they are going to have horrible 32 bit performance? WTF???? Have you seen benchies? That's right, no. SHUT UP. Go huddle up in a corner and stroke your arm until you take your medicine and feel like using something called a brain, you dolt
....a good thing for you gentlemen to do would be to read and follow the rules, the first one being:
(1) Absolutely NO FLAMING OR NAME CALLING. Mutual respect and civilized conversation is the required norm.
It's important enough to be #1 on the list, and it's taken seriously. You can disagree and argue all you want, but when things get personal, you can expect a Mod, SuperMod, or Admin to step in.

Fair warning.......B.B.S.
kronchev said:
just curious, but what socket are they using?

Apparently, it uses socket 604 like current 533 Mhz FSB Xeons.

Pricing for a 2.8 projected to be $210, the 3.6 projected to be $800. Motherboards wil probably be a couple hundred to.
I wonder if the PC-DL Deluxe will support them after a BIOS upgrade. It uses socket 604 and has support for 800MHz FSB CPU's and DDR400 memory. It also has support for SMP.

How Asus got the i875P chipset to do SMP I'll never know. Please don't double post, I realize that you posted in the video forums, but you shoulda had someone move the thread instead of starting a new one.

-Now back to the subject: I think the reason why not too many people are excited about norcona's 64 bit extensions is that there still isn't a version of windows and the accompanying drivers to support it. It's getting closer, sure, but it's not quite ready. In addition, most enthusiasts don't use xeons in their main systems. Maybe a server administrator would be interested. About the only interesting part, imho, is how far intel deviates from amd on their implementation.

Edit Found another one:

You tripple posted... I think you care too much. 1 post in the intel forums is enough.
archevilangel said:
About the only interesting part, imho, is how far intel deviates from amd on their implementation.

Can you explain this some more?

To my understanding, I thought Intel had made their extensions nearly compatible with the AMD specification, except for one extension that AMD said was not included, but then later was. And of course, Intel also added their own extensions on top of these.

Am I wrong?
I think I might be wrong, that was the only thing I could think of, but I haven't read up too much on it.
the other 2 threads are now locked, (thanx archevilangel) and since it was spread all across the forum
I'll post my thoughts which since they are somewhat K8 oriented I probably wouldnt have if this was only posted in the Intel Forum

LeadMetal1402 said:
Here I am surfing the forums, and not one person is talking about the upcomming nocona chips due to be released in about and hour! They are intel's new xeon 64 bit, 2.8ghz priced at $209. Come on people, get your priorities straight. Anyone gonna get some?


Unless the new Xeon is going to be employing a new architecture and on die memory controller, its still going to be handicaped from a scalability standpoint, and while the massive L2 cache makes up for the latency, when scaled it still lacks the memory bandwidth

in the dual and quad config, Xeons are still playing catchup with the K8 architecture
its very rare for Intel to make such a mistake, but this one, opened the door to the tier one retailers for AMD
something Intel has been forstalling for years

LeadMetal1402, the majority of members arent focused on workstation or server platforms
thus you will not see alot of Xeon or Opteron threads outside of SMP or possibly Networking
there are a few in here in in the AMD forum, but the desktops still predominate ;)
Ice Czar said:
the other 2 threads are now locked, (thanx archevilangel) and since it was spread all across the forum
Edited: Oops thought there were even more double posts, thank you anyways. I'm sure there will be some good articles in the morning.
Are we not going to see any Nocona reviews today other than the little splurge on the Inquirer? I was hoping to see some good info by now. Or are they NDAs somehow not yet expired?
Now people are getting there.

It's a prescott with its 64 bit finally enabled. It wont suck in 32 bit format.... nor will it "own" opteron. We arent talking much about it because it is for servers as intel wont do it for consumer cpu's until win 64bit is out, but server software is available in 64bit all fleshed out and working.

Maybe cause Im an AMD guy, but it's a bit funny to randomly proclaim it will 'own' opteron when all signs point to it not. It's a prescott. Sorry guys, but just because it says intel on it, we cant just jump up and crown the thing. I'm only speculating too, but at least Im going on something.