Does overdrive in CCC oc both cores in a CF setup?


May 10, 2006
I know it's probably a daft question but both ATItool & rivatuner crash my system when I attempt any oc, but using overdrive I can get core to 660mhz no probs.... which is why I'm asking does it actually oc both cores? :confused:
Antho_ie said:
I know it's probably a daft question but both ATItool & rivatuner crash my system when I attempt any oc, but using overdrive I can get core to 660mhz no probs.... which is why I'm asking does it actually oc both cores? :confused:
Well the best tool to use to OC you x1x00 series card is the Overclocking tool available over at DriverHeaven. There's a link bellow if you're like to test it. You can change tweak both the 3D and 2D clocks. Clso change the fan speed and the voltages.

Click Here.
Have issues with Overclocker too; it seems to ignore my slave card. If I maunally set fan speed on either of the detected cards the Master card's fan is only affected!?