Does PSN suffer the same issues as LIVE?


Limp Gawd
Nov 20, 2005
With LIVE acting lame last night it got me thinking. Does the PSN have similar issues as LIVE? This hasn't been the first time that LIVE hasn't worked for me, and I am sure that it won't be the last. However I wonder since you are not paying for PSN do they still have outages and and issues? I could understand that if PSN didn't work once in a while that wouldn't be a major issue, but it pisses me off when I can't use LIVE, I pay for it, so I don't think that it is too much to ask that it works when I want to use it. I am not asking LIVE for a free arcade or anything, I don't plan to join in a class action lawsuit, I just feel let down... Like Microsoft dropped the ball... Again... :D
PSN is pretty sweet, I've never had a problem with it. Going to blow LIVE out of the water with Home hopefully. Paying for LIVE was probably my main deterrent in buying a 360.
PSN is pretty sweet, I've never had a problem with it. Going to blow LIVE out of the water with Home hopefully. Paying for LIVE was probably my main deterrent in buying a 360.
Exactly the sam here!
I understand what you are saying, but that's not what I am asking. Do you also have fails in service from time to time like LIVE?? I know no one is perfect, but it seems like during big times when it is really important for Microsoft to put out....They fail..
I know R6V2 had issues on PSN at release, but was fine on Live. The difference between the two is that if PSN has issues, the developers get blamed whereas with Live MS gets blamed. Both have their issues.
Both services do have issues but generally PSN ever since the Christmas season has been considerably more reliable. Generally if there are problems on PSN it is limited to a single game, e.g. when CoD4 on all platforms was being bogged down by the Christmas frenzy, all of Live! was inaccessible (although half of that problem was the rush of new Halo 3 people), however you could still play Warhawk completely lag free on PSN even though CoD4 had insane wait times.

Whether this reliability holds up with Home coming out and PSN and PS3 closes the gap on Live and 360 is another story altogether.
Occasionally i'll have tons of lag issues, but I'm starting to think thats an issue with my wireless. I only play Tekken 5 online though.
PSN has been a lot more laggy to me and download speeds are much slower, as well. Also, I sometimes get these random disconnects that I never get with live. When I have problems with live, I simply can't connect to it. This is usually when live is down for maintenance, though. When I have problems with PSN, I either can't connect, lag out or other things happen. In fact, I couldn't get online *at all* last night for no good reason. But I almost never have any problems with live. The only time I consistently ever had problems was from December 25-27 last year when live got slammed. Comparing live and PSN right now, the $50 for live is worth it IMO.

edit- Both PSN and live are godlike in comparison to the Wii, though. Can you say "works 10% of the time?"
PSN has been a lot more laggy to me and download speeds are much slower, as well. Also, I sometimes get these random disconnects that I never get with live. When I have problems with live, I simply can't connect to it. This is usually when live is down for maintenance, though. When I have problems with PSN, I either can't connect, lag out or other things happen. In fact, I couldn't get online *at all* last night for no good reason. But I almost never have any problems with live. The only time I consistently ever had problems was from December 25-27 last year when live got slammed. Comparing live and PSN right now, the $50 for live is worth it IMO.

edit- Both PSN and live are godlike in comparison to the Wii, though. Can you say "works 10% of the time?"

Thats funny, I almost never have any problems with PSN. Maybe theres something wrong with your PS3. As for download speeds I'm getting about 650kb a sec... I don't think thats to bad....
Thats funny, I almost never have any problems with PSN. Maybe theres something wrong with your PS3. As for download speeds I'm getting about 650kb a sec... I don't think thats to bad....

I get about 150KB/s vs. ~700 on my 360.

Maybe there is something wrong with my PS3, but I've heard of plenty of others with exactly the same issues. *shrugs* It's not that bad, I only get randomly disconnected about once a week or so, but it's certainly happened.
I never have problems with PSN, I've only been disconnected from PSN once and thats when I first got my PS3 and was setting up the network. Once PSN in-game chat and home comes out this year, PS3 will dominate.
I don't know about domination, especially since Home was already supposed to have been out a while ago, but if it is as hyped up as it has been it will certainly be WAY better than everything is now.
PSN needs a few more users before it gets truly tested. Hopefully it will stay stable though.
Hmm... I have only had my PS3 for two months or so, but I have never once had a disconnect or a slow download.
I get about 150KB/s vs. ~700 on my 360.

Maybe there is something wrong with my PS3, but I've heard of plenty of others with exactly the same issues. *shrugs* It's not that bad, I only get randomly disconnected about once a week or so, but it's certainly happened.

You running it through a router? If so, the slow speeds are likely because you don't have it in the DMZ. The disconnects are likely because PS3's hate most routers.

I live in Alaska where internet is really crappy unless you pay over $100 per month (I don't). It is impossible for me to play PC games online up here. I have tried many games and all of them are very laggy and I usually get booted.

Every PS3 game I've played has been very smooth. Even UT3 which requires a pretty nice ping to deathmatch well.

I do not use a router. Though I have friends who do, and after they gave their PS3 a static IP and put it in the DMZ, it works just as well as mine.
You running it through a router? If so, the slow speeds are likely because you don't have it in the DMZ. The disconnects are likely because PS3's hate most routers.

I live in Alaska where internet is really crappy unless you pay over $100 per month (I don't). It is impossible for me to play PC games online up here. I have tried many games and all of them are very laggy and I usually get booted.

Every PS3 game I've played has been very smooth. Even UT3 which requires a pretty nice ping to deathmatch well.

I do not use a router. Though I have friends who do, and after they gave their PS3 a static IP and put it in the DMZ, it works just as well as mine.

Did all the above first thing, unfortunately. Changed the wireless channel as well. Same speeds.
PSN is way better than XBL in my opinion. A few reasons:

Home soon
Can make as many accounts as you want for free
Better games (arcade, etc.)
Looks better

Just a few.
With RB6V2, I have had it lock up on me while trying to navigate to a new game. I've only had Live give me an issue during one time period that was advertised. I've had my 360 since Sep '07 and have had my PS3 for about a week... I really do like Live and the dashboard better, but we'll see how I feel in a few months.
XBL is way better than PSN in my opinion. A few reasons:

Its good now. It was good when the 360 launched and not a huge work in progress like other systems.
Unified, since the beginning all xbl games supported the same basic features
You can invite your friend to join your session
You can see what your friend are doing and possibly join their session
Account Management is a client not a webpage.
Privacy settings
Universal voice settings
Profiles are actually interesting, they contain game/achievement history and last seen etc.
You can sign in with multiple profiles at once
The store is actually decently organized and easy to navigate. (Not a webpage, coming soon for PS Store)
Integration with the web, you can create a gamer card, see your that your friend on online (MSN,
Wasn't have assed from the start.
Better games (arcade, etc.)
Looks better
FB that doesn't know better.

Just a few.
XBL is way better than PSN in my opinion. A few reasons:

Its good now. It was good when the 360 launched and not a huge work in progress like other systems.
Unified, since the beginning all xbl games supported the same basic features
You can invite your friend to join your session
You can see what your friend are doing and possibly join their session
Account Management is a client not a webpage.
Privacy settings
Universal voice settings
Profiles are actually interesting, they contain game/achievement history and last seen etc.
You can sign in with multiple profiles at once
The store is actually decently organized and easy to navigate. (Not a webpage, coming soon for PS Store)
Integration with the web, you can create a gamer card, see your that your friend on online (MSN,
Wasn't have assed from the start.
Better games (arcade, etc.)
Looks better
FB that doesn't know better.

Just a few.

I guess you forgot that XBOX had Live too.... maybe thats why everything was kinda organized "from the start".

Only reason I dont like live is the cost. I not about to pay money out my ass for P2P... sorry! Nor should I be exposed to ANY advertisements if I'm paying for the service. Almost every other "V.I.P." service out there takes away adverts. when you go with their "gold package".

And Silver is ok I guess, but the fact that you have to wait for a demos because your not paying for Gold, they can go fuck themselves. Plain and simple.
Considering that psn is free and xbox live is 50 bucks a year i think its crap.
Even XBOX live on XBOX 1 was a unified system and the PS2 had network capabilities too. Did Sony not learn anything from that experience? Do they not look at what the competition already had out in the extra year they took to get to market?

I can understand why people don't want to pay ~$50 a year, but does this automatically make PSN better? Is the free brick game on my iPod better then the games on my PSP/DS because it was free?

As for advertising, get use to it. Its no different then cable or satellite TV. Even Premium channels and movies have advertising or product placement. Plus with EA you'll get advertising no matter what platform you play on. In fact you already do.

As for the Gold vs Silver waiting thing, I wish they would do more things like this. Gold members should get more bang for their buck. Maybe not make silver accounts worst but give gold members free avatars or something.
I'd say the cost is pretty much a non-issue. In fact, I find it laughable when people say that don't like live because it costs $3 a month. You're the minority folks
depends what demographics you're considering.

there's a whole lot of PS3 and wii owners who do not want to pay for online matchmaking and messaging.
Whoop-de-fcuking doo! $50 a YEAR for Xbox Live isn't going to kill you. Fact still remains (yes, I have a 360 and PS3) that Live is still better than PSN, IMO. On PSN, my DL's are slow and online gaming has been much more of a hassle compared to my 360 that I don't even bother with it anymore.

It is a service and they $50 they charge is very reasonable.
Whoop-de-fcuking doo! $50 a YEAR for Xbox Live isn't going to kill you. Fact still remains (yes, I have a 360 and PS3) that Live is still better than PSN, IMO. On PSN, my DL's are slow and online gaming has been much more of a hassle compared to my 360 that I don't even bother with it anymore.

It is a service and they $50 they charge is very reasonable.

Completely the opposite for me. PSN downloads lighting fast and online gaming is as simple as picking a server and hitting X. I would gladly have 360 revert to a PSN like system insead of paying 50 bucks for what we get on live now.
If people are still complaining about the cost of live, they have found little to complain about. $50 a year is less than 1 video game. Even if you buy just one game over the course of the entire year, you are still going to spend more money on games than on Xbox live. You can say it's "bullshit," or you can just spend $3 a month and instantly get a great online service.

Matchmaking on EVERY Xbox 360 game is great, fast and has voice chat. Can you say this for every PS3 game? No way. This is why the $50 a year (or $3 a month) is totally worth it. On PSN, you get what you get: free. It's not as good a service as XBL, but it's really good for being free. Will it get better? Most likely. Will it get as good as XBL? Well, I suppose we will see, but PSN will have to see some major changes (not just home) to make it as good.

Also, you might have to wait a week on silver... or do people with gold get it earlier? It's a glass half-empty / half-full type thing that in the end doesn't matter because $3 a month for such a good service is awesome.
PSN is faster 650+ on downloads, never seen a disconnect. Umm its free.
did I say its free? Oh and umm did I tell you all that Bill gates didnt get his grimmy fingers on it either?
Um...most of the time your download speed is determined by YOUR ISP, not Live or PSN. to a point, that's what matters. So saying Live/PSN has better/worse speeds is bunk.

unless you have fiber or something.

You can have laggy/good experiences on either one...It mostly depends on whether you're playing with somebody with a crappy connection. If they have a 200ms ping then of course you're going to have lag.

As far as Live troubles, maybe i'm the only one, but the only trouble I've ever had was during the christmas fiasco. Nothing before or since--except for lag when joining games of Gears hosted by someone on crappy DSL...but that's another story (host some servers EPIC!)
If people are still complaining about the cost of live, they have found little to complain about. $50 a year is less than 1 video game. Even if you buy just one game over the course of the entire year, you are still going to spend more money on games than on Xbox live. You can say it's "bullshit," or you can just spend $3 a month and instantly get a great online service.

Matchmaking on EVERY Xbox 360 game is great, fast and has voice chat. Can you say this for every PS3 game? No way. This is why the $50 a year (or $3 a month) is totally worth it. On PSN, you get what you get: free. It's not as good a service as XBL, but it's really good for being free. Will it get better? Most likely. Will it get as good as XBL? Well, I suppose we will see, but PSN will have to see some major changes (not just home) to make it as good.

Also, you might have to wait a week on silver... or do people with gold get it earlier? It's a glass half-empty / half-full type thing that in the end doesn't matter because $3 a month for such a good service is awesome.
The cost of live is annoying as you basically have to throw down 50 bucks a year to get the whole value out of a game. When I primarily PC gamed I paid 50 bucks and got to enjoy the whole game, PS3 60 bucks, with 360 if you buy 5 games you're basically paying 70 bucks a game to get the whole value out of each game. But with todays trends of short single players and making up for it with multiplayer you basically have to have live. And no one is arguing about the price of live, they're upset about having to pay for something that should be free in the first place.

The only thing I really like about live over PS3 is voice chat... that is IT. PS3's server browsers and matchmaking systems work just fine. Is 50 bucks worth it for better voice chat? No. The only reason I pay for live is I'm basically forced to to get the full use out of my games because if I didn't, Forza 2, CoD4 and Halo 3 would all be sitting there not getting played as there would be nothing left to do in them.
Um...most of the time your download speed is determined by YOUR ISP, not Live or PSN. to a point, that's what matters. So saying Live/PSN has better/worse speeds is bunk.
My Xbox 360 is sitting right next to it and is running off the same router and I can download 10 demos with the 360 in the time it takes to download 1 with my PS3... How is that not comparing apples to apples, honestly?
I've had my PS3 for 6 months and the only issues I had were when "hot" games first came and the servers couldn't handle the initial load (such were the case with Warhawk, COD4, and R6V2.) The server issues weren't attributed to the PSN though as I believe developers are responsible for online servers. This does pose a problem as developers are inclined to shut down servers for their older/less popular games which has been the case for the PS2 and select PSP games. The nice thing about Live is that you pay to help support the servers so they'll always be there (unless MS goes under of course). That and the service is pretty unified.
This does pose a problem as developers are inclined to shut down servers for their older/less popular games which has been the case for the PS2 and select PSP games. The nice thing about Live is that you pay to help support the servers so they'll always be there (unless MS goes under of course). That and the service is pretty unified.

This is a good point, it sucks that some PS2/PSP and possibly PS3 games end up losing their online capabilities. I never got to try out MGS3 online. :( However with Live this won't happen because you don't actually get dedicated servers (exception EA), instead the games are hosted on the users console. The advantage is you don't have to worry about the developers shutting down the servers and the developers don't have to worry about paying for servers (though some want to). The down side is your probably not going to see huge servers like you see on the PC and the host can leave.

Microsoft charges because they can. Its business, they have a good service and people are willing to pay for it. The whole idea of a console is a closed system which the controlling company will make $$$ from.

Sony is not generous, they aren't being nice, they are a business, and they aren't in a position to be charging for PSN. I know I wouldn't pay a dime for PSN as it is today.
