Does Raptor come with a CD that is needed?


Limp Gawd
Nov 30, 2003
I ordered a WD raptor (74gb) and came with no software.
Cant remember if HD's come with any firmware or anything needed
since i havnt bought one in so long.

I ask b/c i dont really notice a speed difference compared to my old 7200 rpm maxtor
60 gb and it doesnt sound any louder. actually i cant even hear it like many have talked about.
did you fresh formatthe system ? or ghost it, could be you got alot of crap on your system

but everything should bve snappier, windows should load quicker, programs start faster et.
MrGuvernment said:
did you fresh formatthe system ? or ghost it, could be you got alot of crap on your system

but everything should bve snappier, windows should load quicker, programs start faster et.

i did a fresh format (the quick version....should i be doign the format that takes a long time?)
also, i only have 11gb far as speed, from what i can tell everything loads the same speed.