Does this exist?

Regular Daddy

Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2007
Does any place sell an adapter to run the front case wires (power led, reset sw, etc...) into so it can go on the motherboard as one piece?
I figured the pinouts on all motherboards for the case button wires were all in same standard configuration. Maybe I can make my own :p
I just buy a 2x5 pin header thing from PPC [link] and remove the old pins from their housing using a swiss army knife and put them in this. Have done it on both of my builds.
I just buy a 2x5 pin header thing from PPC [link] and remove the old pins from their housing using a swiss army knife and put them in this. Have done it on both of my builds.

That works. I has a swiss army knife, but i lost it. What do i use now?????? LOL jk i have an asus mobo. Great idea for a future mod, well not really a mod. But thanks for the idea.
Yeah, it works great. Before I found I could buy them, I always removed them from the USB slot thingies. U know, the ones that everybody hates because of the massive cables?
Yea, i was trying to be sorta funny..:( Didn't work. But you gave me the idea of how to use those damn cables now.
Until there is an industry standard, I don't see any hope of this.

Asus is on the right track though. If they patented it, they just screwed us all though...
I figured the pinouts on all motherboards for the case button wires were all in same standard configuration. Maybe I can make my own :p

Trust me... I've been screaming for the same damn thing for years. It's beyond me as to why they didn't standardize the case connectors. Imagine you could have usb, audio, and all your front controls in one single rounded wire.....