Does upgrading from 19" to 23" put my FPS down?


Nov 16, 2008
Hi guys...

I'm thinking of upgrading my 19" to the ASUS VH232H...Will my FPS drop?

I'm running a single Sapphire 5770 @ 905\1225...At that point I was thinking of either sell this and get a 5850, or get an another 5770...What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance

your fps will go down if you increase the res. Example from 1600 x1200 to 1900 x 1200.
Yes, unless your 19" is also 1920x1080, but I'm guessing it is either 1280x1024 (non-widescreen) or 1680x1050 (widescreen).

Rendering more pixels requires more power. Your 5770 should be able to play any game on the new monitor, but you might have to lower some settings to keep the same framerates.
I see...I'm running 1440 x 900 on the 19". What is the normal res for the 23"? And since I'm running 1440 x 900, and what I'm going to run on the 23"...Will it be a huge loss of FPS?
The resolution of the ASUS VH232H is 1920x1080 (1080p), and it's a TN monitor, so the colors and viewing angles aren't as good (as IPS), also you can get that monitor cheaper at newegg than the linked site. As far as FPS, well unless you like playing Crysis on Very High, you should be ok, and maybe that 5770 will even play Crysis on Very High at that res, I'm not certain. I know my gtx 260s in SLI are a little slowish (probably still north of 30 fps though) with my new 1680x1050 UltraSharp 2209WA in Crysis with everything at Very High.
your fps will go down if you increase the res. Example from 1600 x1200 to 1900 x 1200.

Chances are your resolution will increase significantly. A 5850 would be a good move. Otherwise you may have to change from very high details and 8x AA to high details and 4x AA, for example, to keep your FPS at the new resolution.
Too bad the 5830 didn't benchmark as well as the 4890, and it costs 40$ more. Not sure why, I guess people like their eyefiniti and low power usage.
FPS will take a small hit but if a game was playable before, it'll be playable again with the settings turned down, just a little enough to not really notice the difference.
Also, it really depends on what the bottleneck of your system is. I wouldn't worry about it too much.
Have you thought about getting a 22" instead. Theyre not as wide as a 23" but they are taller. Best of all the resolution is smaller so your 5770 should be able to max out 98% of games out today at 1680x1050.