Dog Fighting App Causing Controversy

Yeah,look at all the great things humans have done for the planet since they came along.:rolleyes:
Maybe they hold them to higher standards because they're supposed to have standards. Animals only have instinct to go on,we're supposed to be intelligent enough to know right from wrong,although we seem to be awfully slow learners in that respect.

Right. Entertainment is evil. Gotcha.
Actually,I can see the point of people who are protesting this game. There is a difference between games where you have to kill dogs to keep from becoming a hot lunch and a game that pretty much endorses a real life illegal activity that's about as despicable as they come. I'm not saying they should ban it,because censorship like that can be a slippery slope,but it's definitely in bad taste.

Might as well go ban every rockstar game ever made, or any other game that lets you choose an illegal path (Oblivion as someone mentioned earlier is a good example).
I understand the "fantasy" aspect and the correlation to other games where we kill virtual people, etc. However, in the context of most of those games, you aren't doing something illegal (GTA et al being notable exceptions, of course, each with their own controversy). FPS' where you kill people generally involve war. War is legal. Other times, you're killing orcs or dragons or other fantastical creatures, which clearly separates the game from reality and there's no law against that either. In this case, you're emulating a real-life, illegal activity.

Would people be upset at a game which had you being a drug dealer who had to kill border patrols? Or a game where you were a mafioso or drug lord and the object of the game was to kill cops? What about a game where the sole object was to rape women... or children? Would anyone have an issue with these games?

I know I would.

No, because they're goddamn fucking games. I wouldn't care if their was a pedophilia game. It's a game, and nobody gets hurt.
No, because they're goddamn fucking games. I wouldn't care if their was a pedophilia game. It's a game, and nobody gets hurt.

The law... well, US law at least... disagrees with that. Not only would the maker of the game be arrested for pedophilia, but so would anyone who played it.
It's a game. Animal lovers will defend their pets more than people to the death. Usually because some human hurt them in the past, and they think animals are innocent.
There is the argument that this could promote a real life illegal issue. If that's the case, why aren't they attacking street racing games where you evade the police? If you ask me, those are much more dangerous by their standards.
The law... well, US law at least... disagrees with that. Not only would the maker of the game be arrested for pedophilia, but so would anyone who played it.

Untrue... if it's animated, you are allowed to play as much as you wish. If it's 3d though....
Lol. Wow seems like a app I can soup up my dog, and make him a trained assassin. Just like souping up my car and making it faster. Racing is illegal in all states, and so is cockfighting and dogfighting. But getting rid of that in video games is retarded. But, then we will have nothing fun to play with.
I dunno man. Mortal Kombat and Angry Birds are unrealistic. AB is cartoony and absurd and MK, while more realistic, is fighting between consenting human beings.

Dog fighting is a real thing, and it's horrible cruelty. Dog fighting simulations are right up there with rape and child abuse simulations. These are real and terrible things, and allowing people to virtually participate in them makes me queasy.

It should be legal but I wouldn't want it in my app store, and the author should expect severe public backlash.
There may still be a little hope left in humanity yet: Said game has been pulled from the Android Marketplace after gamers, the Humane Society, actress Alicia Silverstone, and NFL player Michael Vick all called for its removal. Vick, as you may know, went to jail over real-life dogfighting, which makes his actions either ironic, hypocritical, or all the more genuine depending on how you look at it.

"I've come to learn the hard way that dogfighting is a dead-end street," said Vick. "Now, I am on the right side of this issue, and I think it's important to send the smart message to kids, and not glorify this form of animal cruelty, even in an Android app."

According to All Things Digital, the creators of Dog Wars said that the same free speech that enabled others to criticize the game also protected the game's existence. Of course, while free speech is a legal right in the USA meaning that the government couldn't do anything about the app, Google is a private entity that has the right to control its own services however it damn pleases, so crying "free speech" here is about as legitimate a defense as tissue paper is legitimate body armor.

The most popular mobile game may involve flinging birds at castles, but until Angry Birds becomes a real-life problem I don't think we have to worry about that.

While I don't think Vick has earned human being status yet I agree with the rest of this especially the last part. Angry birds isn't a problem, Dog fighting is. It's rampant and is torturing of animals that can't even comprehend what's happening to them. All they know of people is pain and hate.

You know what happens to Fighting dogs when they're freed? They have to be put to sleep because they're too much of a risk to other people. That's fucked up and free speech is a paper thin excuse.
I don't think anyone here is supporting dog fighting. Many, however, do fully support dog shaped groups of pixels engaging in simulated fighting to a simulated death.

I do not support people that toss free speech under the bus whenever the speech in question does not suit their sensibilities or agenda. A dog fighting game puts no dogs at any additional risk, any more than a game of GTA puts hookers at any greater risk. There is no clear and present danger here, no minors being exploited, no libel, no distribution of classified documents, and no threats against any politicians.
Oh snap.... that reminds me, I need to run down some hookers to get couple of bucks from their dead bodies, then roll out unscathed.
Im glad its banned and removed. A victory for common sense and decency.

Modelling a game on such a depraved sick activity should be a no go area, just as modelling a game on rape would be etc. I dont care what people say about 'its just virtual', ' a game' , 'not real'... there are enough retarded humans in existence who get off on stuff like this and then take it further. Decency and taste should tell anyone that 'games' like this are not welcome. If you think otherwise, then u probably need some form of therapy (or locking up)

There are a lot of games out there which probably touch upon or cross lines of decency, but animal cruelty is not something that needs any promoting whatsoever.

If people want to get their kicks, then there are lots of games out there where you get to shoot, kill, butcher your fellow human beings (all fair game in my opinion)

While I don't think Vick has earned human being status yet I agree with the rest of this especially the last part. Angry birds isn't a problem, Dog fighting is. It's rampant and is torturing of animals that can't even comprehend what's happening to them. All they know of people is pain and hate.

You know what happens to Fighting dogs when they're freed? They have to be put to sleep because they're too much of a risk to other people. That's fucked up and free speech is a paper thin excuse.

From one of the comments

People get to pick-and-choose what they're offended by, especially when entertainment is concerned. Exploding people's heads and melting monsters into a molten sludge is fine, but nudity and sex is absolutely off-limits. You can raise and train animals to fight and kill each other, but only if they are cute and make adorable noises and can collect them like baseball cards. You can make a video game that very realistically simulates the killing of other humans, but you can't call them the Taleban or al-Qaeda. Yes, very hypocritical and nonsensical. But it's what the kids like and it sells.

The trick is to not to make it so obvious.
I seem to remember there being dog fighting in Mass Effect 2. Well, alien dog fighting, but the similarities were at least as great as this game. You could bet on the fights too.

While I don't think Vick has earned human being status yet I agree with the rest of this especially the last part. Angry birds isn't a problem, Dog fighting is. It's rampant and is torturing of animals that can't even comprehend what's happening to them. All they know of people is pain and hate.

You know what happens to Fighting dogs when they're freed? They have to be put to sleep because they're too much of a risk to other people. That's fucked up and free speech is a paper thin excuse.

The arguments against having such a game have, most definitely, less merit than the free speech argument.
Im glad its banned and removed. A victory for common sense and decency.

Modelling a game on such a depraved sick activity should be a no go area, just as modelling a game on rape would be etc. I dont care what people say about 'its just virtual', ' a game' , 'not real'... there are enough retarded humans in existence who get off on stuff like this and then take it further. Decency and taste should tell anyone that 'games' like this are not welcome. If you think otherwise, then u probably need some form of therapy (or locking up)

There are a lot of games out there which probably touch upon or cross lines of decency, but animal cruelty is not something that needs any promoting whatsoever.

If people want to get their kicks, then there are lots of games out there where you get to shoot, kill, butcher your fellow human beings (all fair game in my opinion)

So, to summarize your position:

Murder and mutilation of human beings - good to go
Simulated dog fighting - how dare you!
I seem to remember there being dog fighting in Mass Effect 2. Well, alien dog fighting, but the similarities were at least as great as this game. You could bet on the fights too.

alien [Strike=option]fuckingsexlove[/s]kissing, too.
This is bad, but virtual hunting games are okay? Killing bambi is okay vs killing fido (although Rogers already did that).

Wasn't there a game where you could be a deer that goes after hunters? Wasn't there an outcry from outdoors people about that game?

Where is the deer hunting people game?? I must know! Are they zombie deer? That would be even better. :p
Found it!
You know what happens to Fighting dogs when they're freed? They have to be put to sleep because they're too much of a risk to other people. That's fucked up and free speech is a paper thin excuse.

Not nearly true...the real story of what happened to Michael Vick's dogs from none other then Sports Illustrated.

Don't take what PETA and other animal rights wackos tell you as gospel long as there are decent human beings on planet earth, there is hope. :)