DOJ Wants Mandatory Data Retention

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The U.S. Department of Justice is seeking mandatory data retention by internet service providers so that the information may be "accessible" to law enforcement.

Data retention is fundamental to the department's work in investigating and prosecuting almost every type of crime," Jason Weinstein, deputy assistant attorney general for the criminal division, will say, according to his written testimony. "The problem of investigations being stymied by a lack of data retention is growing worse.
Of course the DOJ is in touch with reality as usual. The ISPs are going to need 10TB just for the roflcopters alone.
Of course the DOJ is in touch with reality as usual. The ISPs are going to need 10TB just for the roflcopters alone.

The thing is, reading the article it makes it sound like they don't want full data retention. The article is confusing full data retention and instead want data retention policy minimums that link IP Addresses to Accounts. Which, honestly, isn't that horrible a thing to want.
The thing is, reading the article it makes it sound like they don't want full data retention. The article is confusing full data retention and instead want data retention policy minimums that link IP Addresses to Accounts. Which, honestly, isn't that horrible a thing to want.

I guess I could have read the article but then what would the fun be in jumping to conclusions? :D
The only thing I care about is usenet and I see that service moving out and away completely from the US where there will be no data retention.

Not that anyone cares about my titty and sappho pr0n collection
Laws, rules, and regulations oh my. Makes me wonder how good the government is at keeping its own house in order...
The old “protect our children” or “help fight terrorism” by giving up any assemblance of privacy you may have mantra.

So if this pile of crap gets passed, (by Comcast standards) ISP’s will be forced to store up to 6 TB worth of data per user. I wonder who’s going to end up footing the bill for this… hmmm…
Maybe we could go back to java based chat rooms for everything. Which wouldn't have databases of stored information on the server end :D Then if you wanted to store something you could just keep the page open. It would mean we could just get IVY bridges when they come out and have 32GBs of chat and an extra 64GBs in the page file stored on the backs of hovering swine cases.
Working for a Hostin Company / ISP, I'm just laughing at this. This alone would force all ISP's to at least double their backup / retention services, doubling their current expensives to put SANs/NASs in place to deal with the additional backup requests.

Yah, I don't see that happening on top of what most ISPs have. Sure the larger ones can, but what about the smaller ones (Yes they still exist)?
Working for a Hosting Company / ISP, I'm just laughing at this. This alone would force all ISP's to at least double their backup / retention services, doubling their current expensives to put SANs/NASs in place to deal with the additional backup requests.

Yah, I don't see that happening on top of what most ISPs have. Sure the larger ones can, but what about the smaller ones (Yes they still exist)?
Dear US DoJ,

Here's the bill for the cost of your request. When you pay, we'll comply.
Maintaining CALEA compliance is bad enough and retaining anything costs money. The DoJ can provide us with the additional equipment and maintain it themselves...
I think I am going to write a book called "Encrypted Foreign Proxies For Dummies".

I don't even surf anywhere that would embarrass me, let alone land me in jail, and I don't want this.
I think I will set up a torrent to loop back to myself through my ISP and run it continuously :)
we use a crap load of space tracking only 5000 users with a 6 month retention.
I think I will set up a torrent to loop back to myself through my ISP and run it continuously :)

My buddy hates Comcast, so he sets up his Netflix to stream to his system and both his Xboxes whenever he's not using them. Just to keep the bandwidth flowing.
I like the poll on the site linked. 2% think the government should be allowed to require ISPs to retain data on their customers' online activity? I bet those 2% also think guns are evil.