Dolby Headphone for Gaming (2010)


Feb 7, 2008
I've seen this question asked time and time again, but I can't seem to find anything recent. The consensus back in '08: X-fi CMSS-3D is superior to Dolby Surround for gaming and vice versa for movies. Does this still hold true? Has the tech progressed at all? Or is this purely a personal preference thing and I won't know until I listen for myself? I'm looking to move up to an ASUS Essence ST from a cheap-ish X-fi offering, but I'm hesitant to sacrifice the better headphone positional audio option for my games. Does anyone have recent experience with CMSS-3D versus Dolby Headphones? I'm currently enjoying a pair of closed cans, Denon AH-D2000s, if that helps at all.
It's still the same for me. I have the ability to use both at any given time and have much better success in PC FPS and other games where positional audio matters when I use CMSS-3D.
I have to admit this is the one area where creative cards excel. From my personal experience playing bad company 2 with cmss-3d versus dolby headphone, cmss-3d seemed to have better positioning. I could tell exactly where a tank was just by the sound of it instead's coming somewhere from my right. But for movies Dolby kicks the living shit out of cmss-3d so I would agree with that consensus.
Is the positioning just all-round better? I hear Dolby provides a wider sound stage but can be imprecise at "close range" (when sounds are close to the player). Any truth to that?
Dolby Headphone on my Xonar Essence STX sounds like they just pumped up the reverb. OTOH, GX mode really brings games alive. (coupled with my Sennheiser PC-350's)
Yeah...Creative still rules for gaming, the ONLY reason I stick with them at this point. Gaming > All.
Is the positioning just all-round better? I hear Dolby provides a wider sound stage but can be imprecise at "close range" (when sounds are close to the player). Any truth to that?

What exactly do you mean by "wider sound stage"?
I'm going to have to disagree here. I have an Asus Xonar Essence St and upgraded from an Auzentech Prelude (Hi end Xfi). I used both with a pair of Sennheiser HD600's. To me the Asus is so much better in terms of sound quality and the headphone amp is icing on the cake. I play a lot of BFBC2 and L4D2.

I can see where some might think the DH is just "reverby". The first thing I would suggest is to check which of the three DH modes you're in.

DH-1: Small "Reference" Room
DH-2: Medium Room
DH-3: Large Room

Go here for a discussion on it:

I use DH-1 and can get awesome positional cues. DH-2 and 3 are too overwhelming especially in a game like BFBC2 which has a ton of reverb on the main mix already. I also noticed it's hard to tell the difference between the modes on a set of crappy headphones. You need to realize what DH does is simulate what your sound source would sound like when emanating within one of the 3 room types. You don't want to add a large room to the equation unless that's what you're going for.
I'm going to have to disagree here. I have an Asus Xonar Essence St and upgraded from an Auzentech Prelude (Hi end Xfi). I used both with a pair of Sennheiser HD600's. To me the Asus is so much better in terms of sound quality and the headphone amp is icing on the cake. I play a lot of BFBC2 and L4D2.

I can see where some might think the DH is just "reverby". The first thing I would suggest is to check which of the three DH modes you're in.

DH-1: Small "Reference" Room
DH-2: Medium Room
DH-3: Large Room

Go here for a discussion on it:

I use DH-1 and can get awesome positional cues. DH-2 and 3 are too overwhelming especially in a game like BFBC2 which has a ton of reverb on the main mix already. I also noticed it's hard to tell the difference between the modes on a set of crappy headphones. You need to realize what DH does is simulate what your sound source would sound like when emanating within one of the 3 room types. You don't want to add a large room to the equation unless that's what you're going for.

I've used DH-1 but I still prefer "GX" mode. I get awesome positional cues with that on without the reverb overload.
with the STX you need to enable DX mode and game mode at the same time. I forget which feature it is but it only turns on when these two modes are turned on at the same time, and it sounds great.
-I think it's the same audio decryption used in creative cards that is activated hence why it's only for games, but not 100% sure
Hmmm. I've been using GX mode on its own and loving it. Maybe ill try it with Dolby Headphone.
Hmm. GX is the EAX emulation. I'm not sure why that would improve positional audio, but I have read that some prefer a pair of high end cans to either surround sound algorithm, claiming their setup provides accurate cues. Not sure how that works.

Thanks for all the input so far. I'm still struggling with the decision. The ASUS card will provide far superior SQ but it's not ideal for gaming, which will be the primary purpose of the rig. I'd probably opt for one of the Auzen gamer-centric card if not for my groundloop issue (I've tried for the better part of a year to eliminate it; no dice). I require a card that includes aggressive EMI counter-measures. Only the Essence line and maybe the Auzen Bravura jump to mind.

What exactly do you mean by "wider sound stage"?

Sorry, missed that quote. I've read that Dolby gives the illusion of more space, but can also bring the player "out of their head". This is all second hand gibberish I'm spouting, mind you. I believe this refers to DH-1 to 3, as jahjahwarrior outlined. It allows you to opt for a "large room" sound, which might be great for certain games.
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here is a good explanation/comparison:

i use the same headphones as OP. cmss-3d in general is better for positioning and dolby is preffered for movies. however, when using the asus cards that allow you to tweak dolby headphone to unbelievable ends, then dolby hp is very close if not equal to cmss-3d for positioning. factor that in with the better build of the asus cards and i would not go creative.