Domain name registrar which allow to registry name servers


Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2006

I'm looking for domain name registrar which allow to registry name servers in easy way (option from the control panel, not to call tech support etc). As far I have bad experience with 1&1 and BlueHost - both of them require to call tech support to get NS registered.

One registrar on my list which allows to registry NS in an easy way is

Any other suggestions?


I'm looking for domain name registrar which allow to registry name servers in easy way (option from the control panel, not to call tech support etc). As far I have bad experience with 1&1 and BlueHost - both of them require to call tech support to get NS registered.

One registrar on my list which allows to registry NS in an easy way is

Any other suggestions?


i use my own DNS servers with godaddy, and they are named as hosts through them.
I have domains through active-domain and namecheap. Both allow this, but I am not using it either place.
DynDNS does this, very easy.

Most registrars allow access to change nameservers..
You just have to be able to navigate their (normally attrocious) interfaces
I've used 1and1 and don't remember this being an issue, though I don't currently have any domains with them to look at the UI. They did something to piss me off though, I don't remember what, but it caused me to move to namecheap. You can do it there. can do it as well, but they also pissed me off and I'm in the process of moving those domains to namecheap as well.

So far, namecheap hasn't pissed me off, so I guess they get my vote.

I've heard hover has great customer service, but they're too expensive for me.
1and1 advertised gay porn on the parked site of my dead son. I alerted 1and1 to the fact and they didn't care. I also don't do business with them anymore.
I've used 1and1 and don't remember this being an issue, though I don't currently have any domains with them to look at the UI. They did something to piss me off though,.

At 1&1 you can add A-Name record as NS but you need to call them to let them know to registry that IP as a name sever. I'm also moving off 1&1 due to poor support for legacy packages.
At 1&1 you can add A-Name record as NS but you need to call them to let them know to registry that IP as a name sever. I'm also moving off 1&1 due to poor support for legacy packages.

They also just jacked up their rates :(
