Domain Registrar Scam?


Jan 14, 2004
I'm posting this here since this is more of a "security" concern surrounding domain names.

A client receive a phone call from a company called "Profile Business Services" (in the UK?) claiming a person in NJ was trying to register a domain name using the same business name as my client. I spoke with a representitive from Profile Business Services and attempted to find out any information on this supposed "person", but he refused to give up any information citing EU privacy laws (I am unfamiliar with EU specific privacy laws). He also stated that the person was uncooperative in providing them with any information as to the intent or materials that would be published using the new domain names.

He also advised that we should register the domain names ourselves to protect the business identity. I told him I was not authorized to make such a purchase without the comptroller's permission and would have to get back in touch with him. He then asked that would we consider registering the domain names with HIS company since they brought this "issue" to my client's attention. I simply told him it was possible, but I would have to return his phone call.He advised that they (Profile Business Services) would have to make a decision by the end of the day on whether to allow this "person from NJ" to register the domain names or not and we should act quickly on this.

Now to me, this sounds very fishy since when did domain registrars care about who uses what domain name unless there is a dispute? Has anyone else dealt with a similiar experience?

Has anyone heard of Profile Business Services? If so, What have you heard about them?

FYI - We registered the "other" domain names already, but not through their company.

Edit: Found this link which indicates another person had the same experience.
WHOIS information indicates was *created* on November 2nd, 2006.
I read an article recently about a domain name scam operation based in China. This supposed domain name registrar would contact businesses with an official-looking letter citing business identity protection.

I say the person that contacted you is trying to scam you. No telling what kind of mess you will get into if you register something with them...
Seems like a scam. I looked at Netcraft to see what the site was running, and the last (and only change) was January 29, 2007! My anti-phishing stuff did not pick up the site when I visited it though. I would still remain leary of this company.

I would contact their hosting company ( at admins @ and see what they say.
Seems like a scam. I looked at Netcraft to see what the site was running, and the last (and only change) was January 29, 2007! My anti-phishing stuff did not pick up the site when I visited it though. I would still remain leary of this company.

I would contact their hosting company ( at admins @ and see what they say.

Thanks for the info, I think I'll do just that.:D