Domino's Is Launching A Self-Driving Pizza Delivery Robot

It's our friend until it replaces those pizzas with saw blades and starts shooting them at us.
Be kind and peaceful to each other. Eat recycled food. It's good for the environment and okay for you.
Great, so your pizza will arrive in an even colder condition than standard delivery?

And if it is limited to residential communities, they need a delivery guy to deliver the delivery robot?
Pizza theft is going to go through the roof
Eh, if crime is that bad in your neighborhood, do something about it. Arm up, setup neighborhood watches, coordinate with police, and throw out the hooligans.

Sucks always having to say, "this is why we can't have nice things". I want nice things!!! :D

What would be REALLY clever is if the delivery bot was also a toaster oven, so they put the pizza in there uncooked, and it cooks it and shuts off heat into a low "warming" mode once finished and comes as fresh and quick as robotically possible right to your door!

And they are absolutely right that its retarded to dedicate a human and 3,000+ pounds of steel to deliver a little pizza. Inefficient!
I saw this coming:

When your pizza is not as good as the competition, you come up with gimmicks like this and that car they've running on their TV commercials.
Also have concerns about the security of the food.

You will have idiot teenagers that are just looking for ways to attack this thing and get its contents, also what about bums on the streets etc.

I think its a great idea but what neighborhoods and how secure this thing is are big questions.
I can already imagine mischievous youths loading this into the back of a truck or trailer, disabling the global tacking and making it the conversation piece of a party, or reprogramming it to be their Robie the Robot Butler(still in the basement).
How about putting the money towards non-funky cheese, and fresh meat's ? In other words, maybe make a great pizza instead. Like you did in the early 80's. When you were owned by someone who really gave a shit about quality instead of, well, gimmicks.

Now ain't that a fucking concept....
I'm genuinely curious about the power system this thing uses.

It drives at 20kph/12mph which is a fast sprint for most people.
It has a cooling chamber and a warming chamber side by side.
It has enough lights to be a portable dance club.
So how does it handle stairs?

In addition to the aforementioned compartment locks, each DRU unit will be festooned with IP cameras which means any thefts or acts of vandalism will be sent straight to the cloud. “We think there’s no doubt things like that will happen,” Meij admitted. “We have to go through that journey.”
So just cover your face as you break it open to steal pizza or be a hobo who doesn't give a crap.
Well, not going to happen around here. If it can't go at least 50kmph it'll never be road legal in Canada.
So how does it handle stairs?

So just cover your face as you break it open to steal pizza or be a hobo who doesn't give a crap.
If that really represents a significant threat, rather than a very rare loss, I would say we have serious problems in society to address, and can perhaps look towards Chinese culture. Have you seen how the random Chinese strangers respond to a criminal? Those fools gang up like nothing against thieves, and if the criminal can't get away fast he'll have an entire mob on his ass beating him down as everyone that witnessed the crime delivers swift justice.

We need more instant karma like that in the US. See some a-hole thief cracking this open, you surround his ass and let him know you'll crack him open if he doesn't lay down and wait for the cops to throw his ass in jail.

Unfortunately, in America we just laugh and pull out our cell phones and shoot a video like its someone else's problem. :(
How about putting the money towards non-funky cheese, and fresh meat's ? In other words, maybe make a great pizza instead. Like you did in the early 80's. When you were owned by someone who really gave a shit about quality instead of, well, gimmicks.

Now ain't that a fucking concept....

Exactly. Now I know why they make the worst pizza you can buy; putting everything into these gimmicks instead of the product. Seriously, Dominos is the worst for pizza around here, it's gone way downhill in the last 8-10 years. Pizza hut isn't far behind either in the race to the bottom. It's funny how the big American names are the worst pizzas to buy here anymore, used to be good, but yea, they engaged themselves in a race to the bottom on price, and something has to suffer for it. Plus they put these stupid "gourmet" toppings on which are like a few big arse strips of ham and other crap. You get toppings in like 1 out of 4 bites. It just tastes like the sauce on the base which they put way too much on of. The eating experience isn't there at all. Go back to using the "minced" ham bits like everyone else does. Really a shame that America has a reputation for good pizza, yet your representatives here are backward arsed in doing this.

Rather buy Eagle boys as a fast food, or lucky for me there are a few other places around including a wood fired pizza place. Now that is quality. :)
We all know what happened to Hitchbot and he didn't have any money or pizza on him. Yeah, I see this ending poorly for Domino's.
at first glance it looked like a close cousin to the Oscar Mayer Wiener-mobile :p
Autonomous Pizza Delivery Robot only carries $20 change and a flame thrower. Hasta La cook you like the pizza, baby! :eek: