Don't Call Your Customer a "Dumbass" On Twitter

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A pizza joint in Massachusetts learned the hard way that it isn't smart to call a customer a "dumbass" on Twitter. Why? Apparently your other customers following you on Twitter might take offense. Who is the dumbass now?

When one of the eatery's Twitter followers said they shouldn't call a customer a dumbass, the pizza place replied: She made a scene in my store when she was told how much something that is not on the menu cost. Called like seen + MYOB.
When I worked at a pizza place over a decade ago, I had a customer cuss out one of the check out girls on the phone, then come up to the shop to cause a scene.

I made him look stupid for acting the way he was acting, so he called the district office, they called the GM and I got fired.

The customer in this story probably did act like an idiot, and probably deserved what she got.

I fucking hate how entitled people act towards people in the food and service business.
That dumbass shouldn't have let the other dumbass get his goat. Or is that meatballs? :p
I don't see the problem..the customer was clearly a dumbass.

Oh wait, I forgot..people don't like the truth.
The Soup Nazi would not have apologized.

I am sick of all this PC nonsense. Lets all just tell it like it is and if someone takes offense they probably deserved it.

And the lady was a dumbass.
I'm not sure why nearly every human being on the planet seems to be offended by the truth these days. If you're a dumbass, you're a dumbass. No getting around that.
The Soup Nazi would not have apologized.

I am sick of all this PC nonsense. Lets all just tell it like it is and if someone takes offense they probably deserved it.

And the lady was a dumbass.

you had me at Soup Nazi :)
This customer is always right nonsense has got to go!

Customer service is a whole different world. Unless you run your own business, it's pretty common to see the employee take the punishment, rather than allowing them to point out a customer's stupidity. Company image > your employment.
The Soup Nazi would not have apologized.

I am sick of all this PC nonsense. Lets all just tell it like it is and if someone takes offense they probably deserved it.

And the lady was a dumbass.

Tell it like it is? Okay.

If you work in a job that has to deal with the general public day in, day out, you should expect to have to deal with some bullshit from time to time. If they can't handle dealing with stupid or irate customers calmly, then they are in the wrong line of work and need to be shit-canned.

I worked customer service for a credit card company for a couple years and I had to take all kinds of abuse, most of it from a certain portion of the US population that I don't name for fear of coming off as ageist or racist. Do you think me telling them what I really thought of them would have improved anything? No. They'd still be stupid, and the situation would only escalate.

There are rules for dealing with customers for a reason, and they aren't about being "PC." The reasons are entirely practical. One reason being: They don't want an angry customer returning and splattering your brains all over their expensive cooking appliances with a shotty.
There are some truly nasty customers out there, and it's despicable that corporations will bend over backwards to accommodate them. Show the dumbasses the door and back your employees. I'm also sick of this PC nonsense. The customer is not always right.

This was a local pizza place. He should have stood his ground, but with way a better explanation. The first tweet was also poor, since it looks like he is picking on an average customer.
Customer service is a whole different world. Unless you run your own business, it's pretty common to see the employee take the punishment, rather than allowing them to point out a customer's stupidity. Company image > your employment.

or as my old boss put it "Making the company base happy means we keep business, even if they're wrong or if it costs us money."

People are stupid. I include myself in that statement.
Why would you even put on the menu "substitutions are welcome" that sounds like something inviting, something that's ok to do.

That said, putting EXTRAS on a sandwich isn't a substitution. Can I get a burger, hold the mayo and onions and ummm exchange that with bacon and cheese... all for the same price right?
To the store owner:

Learn how to punctuate, spell, and stop appreviating you as u when you post. It makes you sound like a... wait for it... dumbass.
I think the mistake the owner made was using twitter. God forbid Kyle should ever use twitter if they think this guy was offensive.
It's Twitter, who cares, seriously, we need to stop letting things like Twitter and Facebook rule our lives, THERE WAS LIFE WITHOUT Twitter and Facebook! Ima smack everyone with a dose of reality. /rant off
I think the mistake the owner made was using twitter. God forbid Kyle should ever use twitter if they think this guy was offensive.

I would love to see Kyle use his Twitter account to call out idiots on HForum. It would be hilarious.
Wow seems that almost everyone here posted without reading the actual story, the review on yelp, and the way the owner of that place answer to reviews.

For those who care, she was willing to pay extra but here is the deal, a Veggie Sub = 7.50; a Meatball Sub= 8.50; her veggie sub with one ingredient replaced with meatballs = 10.50... see something wrong there?
Wow seems that almost everyone here posted without reading the actual story, the review on yelp, and the way the owner of that place answer to reviews.

For those who care, she was willing to pay extra but here is the deal, a Veggie Sub = 7.50; a Meatball Sub= 8.50; her veggie sub with one ingredient replaced with meatballs = 10.50... see something wrong there?

No, it could be the meatballs are actually $3 out of the meatball sub. Don't see a problem there.

That being said, it's never good business to be rude to customers, even rude customers. Just politely see them out of the establishment.
It's Twitter, who cares, seriously, we need to stop letting things like Twitter and Facebook rule our lives, THERE WAS LIFE WITHOUT Twitter and Facebook! Ima smack everyone with a dose of reality. /rant off
Truth! Facebook and Twitter has just given everyone some entitlement to post their feelings/actions as if it's fricken fact. I hate to break it to about 99% of the facebook and twitter clans, "NO ONE FUCKING CARES"... :p
There are things you just don't say about your customers in a public venue, regardless of how truthful the statements may be.
She was a dumb ass, and the pizza place employee was just as much of one, if not more so for putting his hands on the keyboard. This is not about PC, this is the reality doing business. It is no different now than it was 20, 50, 100 years ago. You did not shit talk your customers, to other customer back then either. At least you didn't if you wanted to keep your customers.

Judging by the comments, a lot of people around here have either never been in a customer service position, or just plain suck at it. I would have prolly fired that guy. Save the lip for your own private time, and in private.
the customer was a dumbass and dumbass^2 for posting about it on twitter.

the whole thing makes me love that place a little more, though. . . .
when its on an anonymous website like you see all kinds of "amen brother" kind of remarks. but once the statement can be traced to an establishment, such as in this case, everyone is shocked that someone in the line of business just gets fed up with the bullshit every now and then. I worked in Domino's most my life before joining the Air Force, and my god... there were times I wanted to tell people they had no business reproducing after the shit they would pull over a piece of bread with cheese on it. I never, ever, EVER again want to hold a job a job where I must pick up a phone and say something that includes "how may I help you".

One story that stands out in my mind was when a woman brought a pizza back having eaten 3/4 of it and wanted a brand new one because there was a 4 inch hair on a slice. She had picked her pizza up herself, so no driver touched it. I was the only person working inside and I had buzzed my head down to 3mm. It was physically impossible for the hair to have come from me, but the the woman (with long hair) denied it was hers and said it had to come from me. She went as far as to say it was pubic hair of mine. She did not get a new pizza, she did not get her money back, and her phone number was blacklisted. Fuck you very much ma'am. I have no doubts that the woman in this Twitter story was from the same village of idiots as mine was.
For those who care, she was willing to pay extra but here is the deal, a Veggie Sub = 7.50; a Meatball Sub= 8.50; her veggie sub with one ingredient replaced with meatballs = 10.50... see something wrong there?

A veggies sub is more than a meatball sub minus the meatballs. If this weren't so, she would have just ordered the meatball sub.

And, I believe what happened is that this women made a scene because the price was more than the price of the veggie sub. In her hysterical mind, if they say they'll do substitutions, that means free. She argued that the menu "doesn't indicate an extra charge" and "as a matter of "principle" she "stands her ground" (euphemism for acts like an ass). After the fact, she's just trying to spin it and claim that she was polite and reasonable.
No, it could be the meatballs are actually $3 out of the meatball sub. Don't see a problem there.

That being said, it's never good business to be rude to customers, even rude customers. Just politely see them out of the establishment.

That would be over 3$, after all she took out an ingredient that was staple of the veggie sub, so what is it, 5$ meatballs on a 8.5$ sub?
Also please read how he answers to bad reviews on Yelp.

He is condescending to say the least against non positive reviews, and his answer can always be boiled down to "don't buy again from us".
That would be over 3$, after all she took out an ingredient that was staple of the veggie sub, so what is it, 5$ meatballs on a 8.5$ sub?

Meh. If you start building your own shit from multiple menu items that is nowhere on the menu, you pay more. Welcome to life.
Meh. If you start building your own shit from multiple menu items that is nowhere on the menu, you pay more. Welcome to life.

BAM! This is it right here.

It'd been a while since I ate fast food, I but I seem to recall at Taco Bell a Taco was 99c, and a taco supreme was $1.29 (at least here)... difference is sour cream and tomatoes. If you order sour cream and tomatoes separately, then each of those additions costs 25c, bring a taco with tomatoes and sour cream to 1.49
BAM! This is it right here.

It'd been a while since I ate fast food, I but I seem to recall at Taco Bell a Taco was 99c, and a taco supreme was $1.29 (at least here)... difference is sour cream and tomatoes. If you order sour cream and tomatoes separately, then each of those additions costs 25c, bring a taco with tomatoes and sour cream to 1.49

Conform or be cast out.

Good god, can't even post about ordering off the menu or you pay more without some kind of random anarchist comment/damn the man! comment in here.
A veggies sub is more than a meatball sub minus the meatballs. If this weren't so, she would have just ordered the meatball sub.

Ding ding ding.

From their website...

Pressed Veggie:
Grilled yellow squash, roasted red peppers, fresh sliced tomato, red onion, goat cheese and cilantro pesto pressed on sourdough

Toasted Meatball Hero:
On French with melted mozzarella and parmesan

...substituations are welcome

Look at it this way, they wanted $2 for the extra ingredients on her meatball sub. This isn't subway; veggies aren't free. It's a pizza shop, where you'll find a list of toppings and the corresponding price to add them to a pizza. Why wouldn't the sub be the same? I wouldn't order their $6.25 BLT and expect a swap of bacon for meatballs, and then act like a dumbass when they upcharge me.
There are things you just don't say about your customers in a public venue, regardless of how truthful the statements may be.

Tell that to my old sales manager at the car dealership I used to work at.

He said out loud in the middle of the show room straight to a customer's face.

"Your mom's an asshole"

Not 100% on what the problem was. My understanding was that the mom was going on about how the dealership ripped off her son bladeblabla.

Good times, good times.