Don't despair, help is on the way


Limp Gawd
Nov 7, 2004
I just got some early order info from one my suppliers on the E4300! This is great news for us SFF people. Also, mid Jan the E4400's are due out. E4300 price $202.00CDN. For those who need to know:
E4300 9X200FSB, 2MB shared cache
E4400 10X200FSB, 2MB shared cache.
Those of you who know what this means, and are about to go back to an ATX chassis and mobos, rejoice.
I have been waiting for two months for some kind of M-ATX mobo that would take us to the promised land. I love my Silvestone EVO case, my P5B-VM. But 300FSB, and a failed PCI-E lock(now at 110), she is maxed out. My E6300 needs a living will, sitting at 2100MHZ its a bleedin' shame! I almost went back to ATX, but the cases are all to big, and ugly. People would look at my case and say "wow, thats a small gaming rig. I never would have thought you could build a powerful computer that size" I never got cool comments with my ATX rigs, I love the SFF, love the space savings on my desktop too.
Get ready.
Wait for reviews of the new abit boards, if they suck- then all hope is lost
AntiSocialMunky said:
Any info on the 4mb L2?

No, nothing on that one, I assume you are talking about the E6390 maybe? The E4XXX series wont have more than 2MB cache. As I understand it, they are made that way from scratch. I think the E6300's are made with 4MB and 2MB is diabled, don't quote me on that.

As for Abit, I will wait and see, but not much longer. I need to sell my E6300 while it still has value. Or, I could get the Abit board, and one of the E4XXX's and have some real fun, and sell my current combo.
*was thinking backwards.
*LOWER* FSB = good as it means higher multipliers*
Oh, and that "review" is almost impossible to read. Is it really written in english?
Oh yeah, there's no doubt its hard to read. I dint translate it, must be crudely translated within the site. You get the just of it though.
If Im understanding it right...
Essentially the e4x00 series is the e6300/e6400 on a lower FSB (higher multiplier) and without the virtualization stuff?

Do the e6300/e6400 run with half cache disabled or is it just not there? If its disabled, is there any known way to get it undisabled?
Anyone got any more specific info on when these will go retail? Article says Jan 21st.
E4X00s are Allendales with 2mb Caches. E6X00s are Conroes with 4mb Caches with 2 mb disabled.

Anandtech has a review out.
Wait for reviews of the new abit boards, if they suck- then all hope is lost

Yeah, if they suck then I go ahead with the NF-M2 and make do. It'll serve good enough for what I have planned but Conroe overclocking goodness would be really sweet.
Wait for reviews of the new abit boards, if they suck- then all hope is lost
Any sort of ETA on a release date? I'm buying in the next few weeks (as soon as the E4300's price goes down to something reasonable) and I would love to be going MATX. As it stands now I have to ATX with this build.
Any idea on when the Abit boards will be out. I do not know how much longer I want to wait. May just stick with AMD if it is going to be a couple months.
Ive been waiting months too.. right now it still seems like a pipe dream that Abit will release anything soon.. I go to their site everyday hoping for something and they wont release any info other than rumours.... :mad:
You know, considering how much the threads for Abit and the 4300 are starting to resemble each other, we should just merge them and title it "Hope."
After much fooling around, I decided to have some fun and get an E4300. I know its the same price as my E6300 up here in Canada, but who cares, I'm trying to have fun, its cold now, lol. The P5B-VM is a bear to work with, I thought I could just change cpu's and set the fsb to 300(9X300). My 6300 ran at 300fsb with a 110 PCI-E setting and everything else at auto.
well, after bending this E4300 over for a few hours, I can only get the fsb up to 250 with any kind of stability in windows. 250X9=2250. Runs all benchmarks like a rock. BTW, cpu temp will not go over 31C, this is a cool chip.

Here's what I know so far:

1. If I try and adjust the cpu voltage at all off of auto, it wont even post.
2. If I try and adjust cpu voltage off of auto, same crap.

I had it boot into windows at 266FSB, which was a solid 2400MHZ! But windows just froze, then rebooted. I figured it might have been cpu voltage, but it wont adjust.

Anyone using the new beta bios from Asus, 0606? Maybe I should backdate to 0405.

I'm trying everything I can not to go ATX, am I alone here? I am getting tempted by the dark side, I saw a nice P5B-Deluxe calling my name today when I bought the E4300.