Don't I Know You Guys?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - August 2007
Mar 30, 2001
Hello my old friends, and perhaps some new friends, too.

You last visited: 08-24-2011 at 04:11 PM :eek:

Guess I've been away for quite a while. (understatement of the year award?)
Seems there is still quite a bit of activity on the [H] DC team.
What the latest? Any of the (really) old guard still around?
The latest is a bit of a split. Many of the team members recently got fed up with FAH (Vijay and FF's) and moved over to BOINC projects. Many are still around though. Glad to see an old name come back.
Thanks, good to be back.
How are the [H] teams doing?
Depends on where you look. BOINC is a much different machine and the BigAdv systems aren't kings among the world of GPU's. So, it really just depends on the projects looked at. Plus, there are much larger teams to contend with. When you look at WCG, we are competing with colleges and large companies like IBM. So, our rankings are much lower. Other projects that are less popular, we are sitting much better. The trouble is getting the masses to support more than one project at a time. Some don't like this approach. Others love the variety as it keeps things new.
I keep a project list here:
We have a challenges thread here:

And if you feel like getting started with any of them, feel free to let us know and we will get you going. :)
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Yeah, I'm sure you remember "back in the day" we focused on one project (for the most part) for a few years and obviously did very well. But it took a crazy sh!t-ton of time/effort to keep the team focused and working together.
It looks like things are still pretty active around here. Very cool.

Hard to believe it's been almost 15 years since I first got [H]ard. ;)
We actually have a very popular (in the BOINC world) challenge starting very soon called the BOINC Pentathlon. WCG will run the entire event, but there will be 3 other categories to be announced as well involving 2 other CPU based projects and 1 GPU project. You can win one event but lose the others. So, the goal is to do the best you can in all events. You can win a single category if you like and is most likely what we stand the best chances of doing. However, I do not know what kind of response we will have from our team yet. This will be the first year we participate. We are lucky WCG is the Marathon category as most of our team that runs BOINC supports WCG as well.
Sounds like fun. Not many CPUs here anymore, but I might toss something together to play with the team.
Welcome back dude! Definitely long time no see.

How goes the mojo?
Hi DooKey, still stirring up the mojo, but I'm a bit more careful these days. ;) Wassup?

Gilth, I think I'm already on WCG....been a few years, let me see if I can remember my login.
Hi DooKey, still stirring up the mojo, but I'm a bit more careful these days. ;) Wassup?

Gilth, I think I'm already on WCG....been a few years, let me see if I can remember my login.

You sure are
Yup yup...that's me, been [H]ard for decades. ;) Makes Mrs. relic a little crazy, but she's still smiling.

Logged in and running. So how do we tweak this client?
What is the system? Is it fully dedicated or also used for other work? My installation guide has the typical setup, but there are more advanced tweaks depending on desired setup.

Also, are you running all sub projects of WCG or are you only running certain ones?
Some systems are "used for other work" some can be dedicated. Can't just use one system...I am relic after all. ;)

Never do anything small.....

Will look for your installation guide. Couldn't find where to select projects...guess I need to RTFM.
If you are in the "advanced view" click on Tools > Add project...

I would also encourage you to use BOINCStats BAM! account manager if you plan on connecting to other projects as well. It will make things much easier in the long run.
Here is the link to the instructions for setting up the BOINCStats BAM! account manager.

And no matter what projects you choose, I encourage you to always attack to WUProp. It is non-CPU intensive and will run alongside other work without using much CPU at all. It is actually a handy project as the results benefit everyone that chooses to use them.
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Ok...we have this challenge coming up so I'll WCG for a's the [H]ard thing to do.

Do we still have an "official" DC project?
FAH is still "official" as far as that goes. But unofficially many have seen WCG as the nicely fitting alternative with a few other projects taking up the GPU slots...
Ok. SSDD, then. So who is running the [H] DC team these days?
Hello my old friends, and perhaps some new friends, too.

You last visited: 08-24-2011 at 04:11 PM :eek:

Guess I've been away for quite a while. (understatement of the year award?)
Seems there is still quite a bit of activity on the [H] DC team.
What the latest? Any of the (really) old guard still around?

Wow. Almost 4 years?

Nice to see you, old man! Glad you are still [H]ard for your wife!

Ok. SSDD, then. So who is running the [H] DC team these days?

Running the team? No one ever runs this team! ha! We have always been a bunch of independent iconoclasts.

There are still a few older timers kicking around, though compared to you, I am a young pup.

Hey guys! Good to see ya!

Guess I'm DCing's good to be [H]ard. :D
I am pretty new around here, only having joined [H] last summer, but I would still like to welcome you back to the [H]. Glad to have you crunching again!
Welcome back Relic, nice to see you dropping in again. You're return was enough to bring me back in an post something... While the landscape is still active thanks to Gilthanis, it's nothing like the days of old.

Regardless, welcome again... :)

Hello there relic, I have heard the name and seen the old mojo post, (Quite entertaining) anyway nice to see your post once again. And welcome back from the land of the lost.:cool:

I know a thing or two about disappearing around here. Went dark from early-2007 to mid-2011... and even then rarely ever posted for the next four years. Life and all that, right? :)

Throw in what you can and have fun while doing it. Welcome back! :D
Hi folks! Good to see some old friends and some new ones as well.

Looks like I'm throwing a few boxen into the WCG challenge to help out the team.
Prob. only have a dozen cores or so to play with, but we all know about how that goes...

"D" is always the correct answer.
Malaria Control has been announced as the second project in this challenge. That is another worthy CPU project that brilong has really championed us in.
Welcome back, Relic :)

Been out of the [F]old myself for a few years now (circumstances...), but may get back into things later this year. First need to figure out WTH I'll be spending my cycles (and electricity) on. It's been too long :cool:
Welcome back, Relic :)

Been out of the [F]old myself for a few years now (circumstances...), but may get back into things later this year. First need to figure out WTH I'll be spending my cycles (and electricity) on. It's been too long :cool:

Always glad to make a few suggestions.... :D
Welcome back, Relic :) .......

Heya. Good to see you. Hope all is well with you and yours. :D

Plenty of crunching to do, F@H is still the [H] official DC project as I understand it, but everyone seems to have their pet project. ;)
Heya. Good to see you. Hope all is well with you and yours. :D

Plenty of crunching to do, F@H is still the [H] official DC project as I understand it, but everyone seems to have their pet project. ;)

Hi :) Struggling through some health issues at the moment, but hopefully that will sort itself out in a few months time.

I have been doing F@H since about 2002 with some gaps, but beyond it I haven't really looked at any other projects. My main concern is with doing something 'useful', on the level of F@H ;) I guess I will have to look at the other projects out there to see what their goals are.
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WCG is pretty hard to beat. They have actually had some real life results with their completed work. Definitely check them out.

Here is a quick article on probably one of the best results and

Sounds very much like what F@H is/was aiming for, though with a more practical-oriented approach? Definitely sounds good.
I started running WCG to help the team with the challenge coming up in a few days.
Pretty nice client, haven't gotten it all configured to my liking yet, but seems like it's got a lot of options.
Relic, Elledan, Axdrenaline and Oldie posted on the same page? I feel like I just stumbled out of a time machine. Someone wake up Alan.
Been a long time since I've been around myself. Can't believe you guys still have my DC-Vault 2 thread from 2011 still kicking. :p

(You may have noticed a small bump in SoB, might have to start turning on some old machines again. The itch never truly goes away.)
etothe3ric, no need to get rid of that thread.... :D

We are actually getting ready to start a big challenge tomorrow if WCG finds out what is happening with their work units tonight... perhaps hopping on board with the 2015 BOINC Pentathlon. And always great to have you back.

And no... I hadn't been paying attention since SOB's stats were a bit flaky off an on lately...didn't notice anyone else had jumped in...
Welcome back, relic. You missed a ton of crap over at F@H. We were kicking EVGA's butt for the longest time, but then things got ugly and most of us moved to various BOINC projects. Good to see so many "old" folks respond. :)
Welcome back, relic. You missed a ton of crap over at F@H. We were kicking EVGA's butt for the longest time, but then things got ugly and most of us moved to various BOINC projects. Good to see so many "old" folks respond. :)

Hi beilong, yeah I heard there were some issues at f@h. But, yes, it's still good to see everyone. These days I'm BOINCing too, at least for the challenge.