Don't like how Tuniq Tower clips in, alternatives?

Dec 7, 2005
I don't feel the mounting clip is as secure as it should be. I went to the Tuniq from a Scythe Mugen, which secured rock solid.

My question is-- what HSF, besides the TRUE120, will get the best cooling and secures better? I was pretty mad that my old Mugen cooled better than the TT.

Unless I'm missing something, I'm just not a fan of the single cross clip that some HSF's are using.
Noctura NH12-U is in the top 5 coolers. The fan used being the determining factor
i have the tuniq tower on an AM2+ mobo - feels like its on real shoddy but boy does it do its job!
I <3 my OCZ Vandetta 2, mounted it with a Scythe S-flex and it cool ridiculously well
Love my True 120

Agreed ! :D:D;)

I recommend OCZ Hydrojet!! And if you can not get that, get the worlds biggest HSF from Scythe (I think it was, but I forgot the model) You will need big cases for both of em' ^;)

The Scythe Shogun Heatlane looks pretty good:

Or Maybe this?

Or probably this: Mugen/scythe_mugan_11.jpg
Yep, friend of mine just picked one of those up for his ATX case. I like my mATX so I couldn't get one :p

He's running a C2D OC'd to 3.6 @ like 35idle/50load

He must have some kind of a effective wind tunnel blowing through to get those temps with such "a" HSF.