Doom 3 and GT stutter

Aug 30, 2004
Hello all,

recently got a leadtek a400gt and indeed is a definite spped boost from my trusty ti4200. However, when I run Doom 3 and say go up to a door the fps just drop suddenly to like 2fps and then once the door is open usually shoots back up to 60 fps. This is on hq which I should be able to run, I guess? Its really annoying and is detracting from the experience I bought the card to provide with Doom.

AXP 2800+
512 mb
256 mb Leadtek 6800GT
Audigy 2 zs
Definitly your memory. Run the command com_showmemoryusage 1 and you'll see how much memory is being used.

I have same video card and run 1600 x 1200 Ultra quality 16xAF and 2xAA and get 50-60FPS, when I run the memory usage command Doom3 Takes up 1235MB, and my total memory usage is over 1800MB. 512MB is going to cause a great deal of paging.
Thx for the replies.
King - I'd assume you'd have 1gb or more ram then to run Ultra HQ?

Oh well looks like its time to start saving for some more ram then!
make sure in the doomconfig that your card is being detected as 256MB card, mine was only detected as 64. Vidcard something or other...I'll provide a link below with more info.

Also, regarding stuttering, disabling fast writes helped me alot. I don't know how or why but it did.

There are several other tweaks people have experimented with that seem to help alot with the memory problems, and I suggest you do some research on doom3 tweaking in google.

1GB is plenty to run Ultra mode, but you can't tell the difference and there will be more paging so don't bother.

Here's alink to get you started:
Yes I have 2GB's of memory, I'd say 1GB is good enough for High quality but definitly not enough for Ultra, as you can see by my system it's over 1800MB just to load Doom3 and have the OS in the background.
I thought I better just clarify this. Its not actually a stutter as such but more a complete slowdown. Whenever I reach a door/room transition the framerate plummets to single figures. While I still think it probably is a 'not enough memory' issue I thought it was best I explain in case it seems out of the ordinary. Far Cry, nvidia demos, nfsu, pretty much nearly everygame I throw at it runs well, I guess D3 is just a bit too memory intensive.
Yup, that's what the studder is, it happens only on certain events, some door openings, or switching to a weapon that hasn't been used in a while, and occasinally when a "surprise" monster jumps out. It's only a fraction of a second and your back to regular speed. That's the caching and more will fix that.