Doom 3 Benchmarks + Others Notebook Style


Nov 13, 2003
Since I was bored I figured I would do some D3 benching with my new note book, specs in sig.

The setting in the driver control panel were : AA and ANISO set to "Application Preference"

MipMap and Texture quality were set to "Highest"

Radeon 9700 Mobile clocked @ 405mhz Core/230mhz(460) Mem

I ran the standard demo 1, 3 times to make sure the results weren't screwed from disk I/O activity that happens when you run the demo the first time.

Doom 3 setting were "Low" "Medium" "High" with all the advanced options enabled.

Low Quality

640x480 = 48fps
800x600 = 34fps
1024x768 = 22fps
1280x1024 = 14fps

Medium Quality

640x480 = 48fps
800x600 = 34fps
1024x760 = 22fps
1280x1024 = 20fps

High Quality

640x480 = 42fps
800x600 = 30fps
1024x768 = 20fps
1280x1024 = 14fps

3Dmark 2001 "11,233"

3Dmark 2003 "3200" (Orb screwed so no url on this score)

3DMARK 2005 "1192" :rolleyes: Won't let me publish the score

Looking at the results(For doom 3) it kinda seems like my CPU (Dothan 1.6ghz) is somewhat of a limiting factor at the low and med quality settings, but the graphics card scales very nicely with the bump up in resolution (its only 128mb)

I'm quite happy with these results becasue I never really intended to play games on my notebook. Considering its only 6lbs and 1.3inches thick I'm very impressed battery life while benching this with screen brightness at max and speedstep off was just over 2 hours with the standard 8 cell Lithium Ion battery.

I'm curious to see what others have got in respect to 3d performance out of their notebook/laptops

***EDIT*** I'm using the OMEGA dRIVER
Good stuff bro, it's nice to see ppl getting some pretty nice gaming performance out of recent notebooks without breaking down and buying a Dell XPS or Alienware 'book. :)
Thnx, yes I know lots of people are getting the desknote gaming lappy's and I was tempted to get one as well however this is my school notebook so I can't have a 10lb laptopto carry. There are a few people around the U of S here with Inspiron 9100's han't sen any XPS's yet
SILVR 6 said:
Thnx, yes I know lots of people are getting the desknote gaming lappy's and I was tempted to get one as well however this is my school notebook so I can't have a 10lb laptopto carry. There are a few people around the U of S here with Inspiron 9100's han't sen any XPS's yet

yeah man, first time I ever booted up one of those massive Area51 laptops in person it seemed really stupid......cus the effin keyboard was almost as wide as my desktop keyboard.......and it was WAY to heavy to be considered an actual laptop. :p