Doom 3 Enviorment Interactivity -> BORING.

Sorry. I would have thought somebody of reasonable intelligence would have worked out the game doesn't work that way. I was worried the first time I used it, but the second time I didn't even notice it. By this time I had figured enough of the game out to know that it would never ever turn on me. Even after taking a few pot shots at it.
I rate the level of immersion in doom as its 2nd biggest problem.

#1 is all of the action = scripted. Yay for replay value... wait where did it go? Oh replay come back! 60 bucks for a lame multiplayer that will be lost forever when CS:Source hits.

Seriously folks, all of you focusing on the toilet thing from his post either have your head firmly up your ass... or have decided to ramble on preaching doom as the greatest game since you first saw a pair of cartoon boobs in Leisure suit larry.

The point is this: The standards of a quality shooter have been raised. << yeah that's a period. Doom does NOT match up to the level of immersion, give it the first few hours and then it's nothing more than waiting for the next monster to try (yes I said TRY, you all must get scared by Buffy to find this game in any way jolting) to scare you. WAAA! Oh another imp throwing something he threw at me a few hours ago, and dying in the same 1-2 shots like he did back then... wait he's on a staircase like I saw 30 mins ago.

The levels are NOT origional or creative, the AI is terrible (wow I can come from behind you, that makes me a smart computer script WHOOT), the environment immersion is terrible (if the toilets auto flush/destroy waste why is there a fat hunk of your grandmothers pie in one of em?). Hey watch as I shoot a FKING ROCKET LAUNCHER at this soda machine... HOLY GOD DAMN WHAT A SODA MACHINE, DEAMONS ARE WEAKER!

The game is this and THIS only... a 1 time through. After that all the monsters come in the same spots, doing the SAME things... and NOTHING YOU DO will change that. It's kinda like MAX PAYNE... except MAX PAYNE (1 and 2) WAS WORTH A SHIT.

BTW... the whole if you don't like it then don't play it doesn't hold water in the biggest pool your parents let you piss in... we paid 50 bucks + for a "revolution" in gaming. You all know that this game should be 39.99 on a GOOD day. I would LOVE to have the option of getting this hunk of crap off my desk. Good graphics and decent sound do NOT a revolution make. (and here come the fangirls, yeah I said girls)
Post malcontent syndrome? (lookie lookie i changed your PMS to my PMS, about as inspiring as doom gameplay) You betcha... got anything more creative than referring to a sexist comment used by online tuff guys since BBS era?
The toilets DO flush in doom 3, walk next to them for a couple seonds, then back up. You can here it flush. And im pretty sure if you shot windows in doom 3 you would die since you're on mars :p
i can't wait till the cs tards get ahold is cs source and find it competly diffenrt from that shit fuck game cs. and then get all pissed off..thats going to be funny
[RIP]Zeus said:
i can't wait till the cs tards get ahold is cs source and find it competly diffenrt from that shit fuck game cs. and then get all pissed off..thats going to be funny

Sorry... I ran off with your english teacher. I'm done with her so go meet in a corner to re type that so we can read it.

Thanks :)
>you would die since you're on mars

You frequently have to run across the surface of Mars fighting bad guys. So running across a hallway rapidly losing air pressure isn't near as much a stretch as running across the surface of the planet without PPE.
Wondernerd said:
>you would die since you're on mars

You frequently have to run across the surface of Mars fighting bad guys. So running across a hallway rapidly losing air pressure isn't near as much a stretch as running across the surface of the planet without PPE.

One for the good guys... there goes ANOTHER doom rox my box argument on game immersion.

Check gamespots review and read his list... fking amazing.
ozbej said:
I rate the level of immersion in doom as its 2nd biggest problem.

#1 is all of the action = scripted. Yay for replay value... wait where did it go? Oh replay come back! 60 bucks for a lame multiplayer that will be lost forever when CS:Source hits.

Seriously folks, all of you focusing on the toilet thing from his post either have your head firmly up your ass... or have decided to ramble on preaching doom as the greatest game since you first saw a pair of cartoon boobs in Leisure suit larry.

The point is this: The standards of a quality shooter have been raised. << yeah that's a period. Doom does NOT match up to the level of immersion, give it the first few hours and then it's nothing more than waiting for the next monster to try (yes I said TRY, you all must get scared by Buffy to find this game in any way jolting) to scare you. WAAA! Oh another imp throwing something he threw at me a few hours ago, and dying in the same 1-2 shots like he did back then... wait he's on a staircase like I saw 30 mins ago.

The levels are NOT origional or creative, the AI is terrible (wow I can come from behind you, that makes me a smart computer script WHOOT), the environment immersion is terrible (if the toilets auto flush/destroy waste why is there a fat hunk of your grandmothers pie in one of em?). Hey watch as I shoot a FKING ROCKET LAUNCHER at this soda machine... HOLY GOD DAMN WHAT A SODA MACHINE, DEAMONS ARE WEAKER!

The game is this and THIS only... a 1 time through. After that all the monsters come in the same spots, doing the SAME things... and NOTHING YOU DO will change that. It's kinda like MAX PAYNE... except MAX PAYNE (1 and 2) WAS WORTH A SHIT.

BTW... the whole if you don't like it then don't play it doesn't hold water in the biggest pool your parents let you piss in... we paid 50 bucks + for a "revolution" in gaming. You all know that this game should be 39.99 on a GOOD day. I would LOVE to have the option of getting this hunk of crap off my desk. Good graphics and decent sound do NOT a revolution make. (and here come the fangirls, yeah I said girls)

I dont necessarily agree with all of that, but in terms of buying a revolution I see it like having to own HL or BF1942 to get access to all that comes after. Even if you didn't like it, you'll still need it for the mods, etc. You bought a "gaming platform." :D
ozbej said:
Sorry... I ran off with your english teacher. I'm done with her so go meet in a corner to re type that so we can read it.

Thanks :)

you can have her back. she was fucking ugly and talked like shit..could be why i type like this...but oh well enough about me, lets talk about you. why are you fucking some english teacher, thats as ugly as these people are
Because you're home schooled.

Come on back when you figured it out. :eek:
ozbej said:
Because you're home schooled.

Come on back when you figured it out. :eek:

you haven't answered my question.
talk to me when you can answer a simple question
ozbej said:
One for the good guys... there goes ANOTHER doom rox my box argument on game immersion. .

Another thing my inner redneck noticed is that the chainsaw and all the projectile weapons fire on the Martian surface when they shouldn't.
Wondernerd said:
Another thing my inner redneck noticed is that the chainsaw and all the projectile weapons fire on the Martian surface when they shouldn't.

The chainsaw might not work in the reduced atmosphere due to lack of oxygen for the combustion process, but the projectile weapons would fire just fine. Everything the bullet needs to fire is inside the casing, so unless water seeps into the casing you can fire a gun in a vaccuum and it will go off just the same as it does at sea level atmosphere. External oxygen does not seep into the firing chamber and into the casing when the primer goes off in a bullet.
ozbej said:
BTW... the whole if you don't like it then don't play it doesn't hold water in the biggest pool your parents let you piss in... we paid 50 bucks + for a "revolution" in gaming. You all know that this game should be 39.99 on a GOOD day. I would LOVE to have the option of getting this hunk of crap off my desk. Good graphics and decent sound do NOT a revolution make. (and here come the fangirls, yeah I said girls)
You paid 50 bucks in something you are dissapointed in.

I paid 50 bucks in something that I am pleased with.

Which one of us, would you say, made the better choice?
This thread is full of kids I can tell, but anyway. Why would you want every non structural object in a game to be a physics object? After a fire fight everything would be everywhere, and that would get old quick, not to mention the sudden bursts of physics problems to be done in small time frames. And then you complain of objects not being deformable? Breaking a toilet would be quite a problem to do realistically, unless your content with gibbings of similar looking models; barren rooms dont look so great though.

The game is linear / scripted for a reason, it tells a story. Open a book and start skipping around, you should notice that your also skipping chunks of story. Games like farcry, gta, or thief all are linear when you consider objectives. One could make a map that is setup like an open facility. Sure you could walk where ever you want, but it would still require locking out areas, (unless you want a very short game) not to mention getting lost in area's you've been before.

If you are "bored" its because the story hasnt kept your interest, you dont care about progressing; dont buy games that dont interest you.
Looks like my head up the ass reference hit home 2x.

Don't buy games I'm dissapointed/not interested with? So you're saying to go warez myself a copy... we'll you're right I guess I should have broken the law to get this POS :rolleyes: . There would have been NO way to tell if it was an interesting game or not without buying/stealing it genius.

BTW as I described scripted in this game... having the creatures happen at the same time and doing the same things every time you play it, not the game going through a progression. I'm sorry that confused you the first time I said it... maybe you'll catch on this time. The game has zero replay value because of this major flaw. QUALITY GAMES such as Max Payne (as previous listed) have a GOOD story to tell with their scripting, you don't NEED replay because the game is of such high standards the first time through. Doom does NOT have this... it has no great noir story, no ground breaking modes of play, no interesting characteres, no fantastic AI, and holes all OVER the place (such as why your marine is the only one to survive, or the sentry drones only work for you apparently because they tear through everything in seconds... the list is nearly endless)

P.S. You're in the thread now... kid.
Ravenrex said:
External oxygen does not seep into the firing chamber and into the casing when the primer goes off in a bullet.

I thought the lack of oxygen would foul up the action. I know you can fire a gun underwater, but you can't do it repeatedly or for too long.
ozbej said:
Looks like my head up the ass reference hit home 2x.
Don't buy games I'm dissapointed/not interested with? So you're saying to go warez myself a copy... we'll you're right I guess I should have broken the law to get this POS :rolleyes: . There would have been NO way to tell if it was an interesting game or not without buying/stealing it genius.
There will be a demo, there have been reviews, and im sure you knew it was a retelling of doom. You dont have to buy everygame that is released the day it's released. You talk as you were forced to buy the game.

ozbej said:
having the creatures happen at the same time and doing the same things every time you play it
Now your just making stuff up, every creature doesnt "happen" at the same time and they all dont do "the same things"

ozbej said:
Doom does NOT have this... it has no great noir story, no ground breaking modes of play, no interesting characteres, no fantastic AI, and holes all OVER the place
Like I said, dont buy games you dont like. No one promised you a great story or ground breaking modes of play.

And why are you so hostile?
Lord of Shadows said:
This thread is full of kids I can tell, but anyway.

Because you decided to be genius. Don't generalize a thread and expect to get away with it as the good guy.

Really, creatures don't happen at the same time and react the same way every time? Try using that quicksave a few times and tell me that. An Imp is an Imp is an Imp is a boring ass AI.

Talking about modes of play and a story: I'm sorry you are intelligent enough to realise that was my answer back for why dooms scripting doesn't carry it as a quality title compared with other games that use scripting to tell their tales and make the game immersive.
Ravenrex said:
The chainsaw might not work in the reduced atmosphere due to lack of oxygen for the combustion process, but the projectile weapons would fire just fine. Everything the bullet needs to fire is inside the casing, so unless water seeps into the casing you can fire a gun in a vaccuum and it will go off just the same as it does at sea level atmosphere. External oxygen does not seep into the firing chamber and into the casing when the primer goes off in a bullet.

You guys are arguing about the reality of the game??? Then how the hell is a marine supposed to be able to carry a pistol, shotgun, machine gun, chaingun, BFG, rocket launcher, plasma gun,soul gun and a flashlight all at once? Not to mention the ammo for the chaingun and grenades? Yeah, that's real, maybe you're carrying around a little red wagon with all these weapons and since it's always behind you, that's why you don't see it. It's just a game, guys, enjoy it, it's pretty.
Now your just making stuff up, every creature doesnt "happen" at the same time and they all dont do "the same things"

I beat it on Veteren and going back through on nightmare I knew exactly where everybody was. And lost even more of the immersion because I was able to fruitlessly pop caps in what startled me the first time. I'm taking a break right now. I'm hoping that by the time I get my new card in and installed, my memory will have dulled enough so that I can pretend there is enough replay for a second sitting.
ozbej said:
Because you decided to be genius. Don't generalize a thread and expect to get away with it as the good guy.
I stand by my generalization...

ozbej said:
Really, creatures don't happen at the same time and react the same way every time? Try using that quicksave a few times and tell me that. An Imp is an Imp is an Imp is a boring ass AI.
Every AI is going to do the same thing if you give it the same scenario.

ozbej said:
I'm sorry you are intelligent enough to realise that was my answer back for why dooms scripting doesn't carry it as a quality title compared with other games that use scripting to tell their tales and make the game immersive.
Back for why? Scripting doesnt carry it?

wondernerd said:
I beat it on Veteren and going back through on nightmare I knew exactly where everybody was.
The monsters are placed at certain coordinates in the map, or are spawned to certain coordinates. I cant think of a title where the enemies stroll throughout the level completely by AI, unless you consider a bot match.
Lord of Shadows said:
I stand by my generalization...

Every AI is going to do the same thing if you give it the same scenario.

Back for why? Scripting doesnt carry it?

Me too smackass.

I'm not even going to answer the 2nd statement... you are a joke.

You're correct, it doesn't... hence all the hundreds of angry posts here and thousands on other forums.

Thanks for playing. :rolleyes:
ozbej said:
Me too smackass.

I'm not even going to answer the 2nd statement... you are a joke.

You're correct, it doesn't... hence all the hundreds of angry posts here and thousands on other forums.

Thanks for playing. :rolleyes:

Im sure the people on planetdoom will agree with you that doom sucks because it doesnt have what no other game created has.

Edit: You type slow... 7 minutes to reply and counting... Oh well, im off, have fun...
The guy is pissed because he can't flush a toilet in the game. LMAO. That's classic. Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

Too bad you couldn't take a dump, read the paper, and smoke a cigarette then flush the toilet in the game. Then blow a fart as your're getting off the bowl as the finale. lol.


I'm sure they do too... here are some reference links for you to waste your time with fangirl.

Ok, that took about 2 mins of my time... there are hundreds of threads like those, but I guess because they have an opinion that YOU don't happen to like they are all a bunch of kids who shouldn't have bought the game. Far be it for them or anyone else to expect something of quality beyond textures (even farcry had round heads rofl).

Edit: Sorry, busy playing quality games dumbass. I'll make sure to pay attention to your fangirl trolling more from now on.
JustForFun said:
Do you even pay attention to the game as you play it?

Toilets DO FLUSH in D3 - they have sensors that do it automatically for you after you step away.

There - feel better now?? You don't even have to touch the messy thing. LOL :)


Oh thank the lord. They do flush.

ozbej said:
I'm sure they do too... here are some reference links for you to waste your time with fangirl.

Ok, that took about 2 mins of my time... there are hundreds of threads like those, but I guess because they have an opinion that YOU don't happen to like they are all a bunch of kids who shouldn't have bought the game. Far be it for them or anyone else to expect something of quality beyond textures (even farcry had round heads rofl).

Edit: Sorry, busy playing quality games dumbass. I'll make sure to pay attention to your fangirl trolling more from now on.

Here is a prefect example of a simple minded moron, who has to piss in everyone's ceral cause he doesn't like a game that everyone else does. And that he is also mad at the fact he can't flush a toilet. Thats fucking comedy :eek:
Lord of Shadows said:
The monsters are placed at certain coordinates in the map, or are spawned to certain coordinates. I cant think of a title where the enemies stroll throughout the level completely by AI, unless you consider a bot match.

Off the top of my head, Thief 3, Hitman 2 and Far Cry have NPCs that patrol. And that you can kill from a distance and the enemy stays dead and doesn't attack you when you pass his trigger. The enemy may be here, he may be around the corner smoking or pissing or he may just be walking around looking for trouble.
lol, im laughing here, remeber everyone was praising nvidia for having such great fps in this game?
Now what happens? People think the game sucks and is boring.... while people still like farcry....which ati is the best at.... What a win for nvidia :D Dont get me wrong, those benches almost made me go nvidia too, but i knew somthing bad was gonan happen with this game... :rolleyes:

I still stick with my earlier post about takign a dump while defending ur ass from ass creatures and arms being ripped off and stuff :p
The true comedy is from the Nvidia fanboys who are trying to justify a $450+ videocard purchase for an average game... :rolleyes:
WickedAngel said:
The true comedy is from the Nvidia fanboys who are trying to justify a $450+ videocard purchase for an average game... :rolleyes:

I would never buy any brand card based on one game personally. What about when ATI was bundling Vaporware 2(HL2) vouchers with their cards and people were buying Radeons because of it and thinking they would see it sometime soon. :rolleyes:

I still have an ATI rig and a Nvidia rig, i'll eventually scoop up a 6800GT I guess for the Nvidia rig and a new ATI card for my ATI rig down the road. I guess i'll buy Doom III eventually too but i'm in no rush.
I'm just waiting for a game where you can flush a grenade and then watch all the toilets explode. :cool:

As for interactivity in D3....... Turbo Turkey Basher 3 ownz j00!!!!!!! :D
[RIP]Zeus said:
Here is a prefect example of a simple minded moron, who has to piss in everyone's ceral cause he doesn't like a game that everyone else does. And that he is also mad at the fact he can't flush a toilet. Thats fucking comedy :eek:

I don't think I'd go so far as to say that "everyone else does." There are quite a few people in here, and that I've talked to in real life, who found issues with the game. I'm not saying it's a terrible game by any means (I actually enjoy parts of it), but I am saying that it is not perfect, and it has flaws. It seems to me that the game is a little long, and there could have been at least some more variety in the types of environments that you encounter.
A game so interactive that you dont even need to play teh game, just walk outside or steal a shuttle and go home.. :rolleyes: i know i wouldnt wnana go in there.... :eek:
Doom3 f.anb.oys make me laugh, instantly flaming anyone that says a bad thing about their precious game.. Thanks for the entertainment!
To summarize:

side a: bitch bitch flame flame moan moan

side b: bitch bitch flame flame moan moan
