doom 3 game source


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2004
when is the doom 3 game source gonna be released, or has it been already? any news?
g3no said:
as source, or the sdk so people can make mods?

He said *game* source, as in gameplay source, or the source to gamex86.dll. I was wondering about that too, because we desperatley need a coop mod.
I'd guess about as far into the future as doom -> doom source release?
IOW, don't hold your breath :D
I think he means all the 3d models textures sounds etc used to make the levels. iD already said they were going to do this.
the mod tools shipped built into the game, this includes game source (or at least that is what is said in th readme)
damn i need to look i guess

doom3 doesnt all become open source for a long, long time. for instance quake3 becomes open source later this year.
kronchev said:
damn i need to look i guess

doom3 doesnt all become open source for a long, long time. for instance quake3 becomes open source later this year.

i'm not talking about the rendering engine (the graphics engine), i'm talking about the game code, the programming that drives the AI, weapons, physics, menu, etc. this has always been released by id to the general public for making mods for their games. it's something John Carmack usually makes sure happens, he likes for the n00b game programmers out there to be able to learn from their code. and so far i haven't been able to find the workspace for the game code...