Doom 3 Not Working Right


Jun 5, 2004
I am currenlty not enjoying Doom 3 because of some difficulties I have been facing. My current specs (below) should get some good graphics going, but I have everything set on low and my computer still crashes and temporarily freezes mid game.

AMD 2600 Stock
Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
768MB PC2700
Gigabyte K7 Triton 400

When you get hit in Doom 3, your vision doubles and gets blurry. This really sets my computer off and I get a 3-5 second freezes every time I get hit. Any thoughts?
The screen freezes and the sound keeps repeating so I reboot. I haven't gotten any error messages. This is driving me nuts and I would appreciate any help.
almost sounds like a hdd problem to me , see what happens when u disable sound tho ?
What are you game settings at ? Try turning off AA completely, and/or lowering the resolution. That should help.
sp0om said:
Fast writes? That isn't in the list of options.
Check in your driver settings, or in the cards control panel, there should be something in there.
The graphics settings are as low as they can be, I reinstalled my video card drivers and Direct X, and I turned off fast write. Despite my efforts, the same problem is popping up. Any other Ideas?
Looks to me to be a hardware/driver issue. Windows crap wont normally cause that type of thing. Make sure you arent overheating, update all your drivers, reinstall DX9, run msconfig and disable all startup junk for the hell of it, dont have a swap file on another partition maybe (others have had a problem with that in D3), disable your second monitor if you have one, try again.
neuroquake said:
at this point i'd format and reinstall windows.

THats jumping to conclusions. Format just because of one problem. :rolleyes:

Try putting EVERYTHING to the lowest setting. See if it happens then.
neuroquake said:
at this point i'd format and reinstall windows.

thats a really bad solution to the problem, especially when the problem hasn't even been fully troubleshot yet.
i wold reply back with some smart ass comment, but i will admit, i am just a pissed off gamer with a low end gaming rig who cant play this and many other games, thats why i curse at you all, you and your fancy doom 3, besides, HL2 is goin to kick doom 3's ass.
Reinstalled drivers, Direct X and just about everything else except for the game and XP. What I found is that multiplayer everything is perfect. When I get hit, my computer doesn't crap up, but in single player it does. I'm so confused and somewhat angry.
hmmm, I'm not entirely sure if this has been done yet, but try searching the doom 3 support forum:

If that doesn't have any answers, try sending an e-mail to the support guys and see if they have any answers like possibly changing different config settings that may be in conflict with something:

other than that, you can always even call them (long distance only it seems):

Other than what everyone else has said here, you *might* want to try reinstalling drivers for your sound card (I know its a loooong shot, but you never know), or look around and try different things in the doom3 config file (it's in doom3\base\) and called "DoomConfig.cfg" ... I know when I changed my "seta image_cacheMegs" to 256 instead of the default 20 (raise it depending on how much RAM you have apparantly.. I have a gig) I noticed increased performance from the game with no side effects.

Just my 2 cents..
get the 4.9 beta cats.. my doom 3 was running like crap even at low settings (low frame rates.. random crashing evey 2 minutes).. i installed these and now i'm smooth sailing at 1280x1024 at high detail.. it also got rid of the bad artifacting so i can OC my card to the max now.. worth a shot.. it worked for me
XxMe_LoCoxX said:
i wold reply back with some smart ass comment, but i will admit, i am just a pissed off gamer with a low end gaming rig who cant play this and many other games, thats why i curse at you all, you and your fancy doom 3, besides, HL2 is goin to kick doom 3's ass.

what, and you think HL 2 will run on your crap ass computer? :p
Guys Guys. We all know that Doom 3 Pwns our mothers. I'm shure HL2 will run on your guys's Emachines :D
I'm having the exact same problem. My specs:

AMD Athlon 2100 XP
Abit KX7-333
1 GB (2 x 512) Geil PC3200
ATI 9600XT 128MB
Audigy MP3

I'm not overclocking any components. Certain cutscenes almost always freeze in the same place (intro just as the drop ship is docking, when recieving the PDA, etc). I can bypass the cutscenes but will usually lock up in the middle of play. Here's some of the things I've tried:

Reformatted with Windows XP. Applied all Windows updates.
Installed 4.7 Catalyst drivers
Installed latest Audigy drivers
Installed latest VIA Hyperion drivers
Installed Doom 3.
Installed DirectX from Doom CD.

I didn't install any other software other than what is listed above. Doom behaves exactly the way it was before I formatted. After viewing a couple of posts on this and other message boards I tried the following things:

Updated to the beta 4.9 Catalyst drivers
Lowered all detail to Low, turned off AA and VSYNC, and set resolution to 640x480
Turned off Fast Writes in the ATI control panel
Turned off Fast Writes in the BIOS
Lowered sound card hardware acceleration in the Windows Sound and Audio control panel
Modified the DoomConfig.cfg to use the "seta image_cacheMegs" option. I tried this at 512, 256, and 128.
Set desktop resolution to 800x600 @ 32bit color (Activision's suggestion)

At this point I don't know what else to try. Any one have any ideas?
Activision said (in their support page) to try and lower the AGP Aperture size to 64mb.
I'm having the same problem myself, and I haven't tried this yed so I don't know if it has any effect, but i guess It's worth a try...
My Specs-
P4- 3GHz
512MB ram
ATI radeon 9600xt
S.B Live value

I also tried reinstalling every driver for everything in the system, didn't help...
I noticed that after the first crash (which happened after about an hour of play) when i reboot ang get back in the game the next crash happened a few minutes afterwards, which led me to belive that it's a heat related issue. but the more i think of it i realise that it's not that- I ran far cry at the top settings at high resolution and it never hang, also, I can run 3Dmark 03all day without even a glitch, so i dont see why doom 3 should be a problem.
My aperture size is already set at 64MB.

Found this in the tweak thread that relates to setting the image cache size.

seta image_useCache "1" //This enables the cache
seta image_cacheMegs "1/4 your total memory" //This is the amount to use in MB
seta image_cacheMinK "20480" //You need to raise this limit so it doesn't crash

So I might give that a try but I honestly don't think it will do anything. I think the next step will be to swap out the video card with my old one (GF Ti 4200). If I don't get the lock ups then we know there's probably a problem with the ATI cards or drivers as the only people I see with this problem are running mid to high level Radeons.

I should point out that when the game locks up for me it always requires a reset. Can't get task manager to come up to kill the process. I also get a message in the event logs that indicate a fault problem with gamex86.dll.
This sounds like the same problem that I am having. It still does it when I set my CPU to default speed. I am going to try the 4.9 beta cats and lowering the AGP aperture. This is weak because I haven't been able to play the game for more than 5 min without a lockup.
How many sticks of ram do you have? If you have 2. Try taking one out and test, and if you still get the same problems, try the other stick. I had similiar problems about a year ago with certain games just freezing my system. I found out that one of my RAM sticks was bad and just had to replace it. No more problems since.
I could possibly have some bad RAM but since all other games (FarCry, UT2K4, etc) work without a problem I can't really believe that there's a problem it. I also tend to use a lot of RAM intensive applications and if I had a problem it should have happened a lot sooner than now. In any case I'll run a RAM diagnostic when I get home and see what happens.
XxMe_LoCoxX said:
i wold reply back with some smart ass comment, but i will admit, i am just a pissed off gamer with a low end gaming rig who cant play this and many other games, thats why i curse at you all, you and your fancy doom 3, besides, HL2 is goin to kick doom 3's ass.

All of your anti-doom posts here lately are starting to irritate me.

I know I'm not alone.
you all need to set your video settings on AA and AF to application prefrence.... this helped me lots

I play the game at high at 1024x768 and with the in game AA at 2x
I think I will search for a floppy drive and a copy of memtest86 and test my system tonight.
You're not alone man. I'm having the same problem. It just lock us randomly after about 5 mins of play time & the sound repeats over and over and I have to shut off my machine.

...highly frustrating.

EDIT: I found on the activision Tech support page that you have to set your windows desktop resolution to 800x600 and 32 bit color and set your AGP aperture size to 64 MB in the BIOS. It says the same thing for Call of Duty which I had the same problem with. For that though the problem seemed to just go away on its own. ...I dunno
ok, I tried the stuff on the Activision page and it still freezes. It took much longer for it to do it this time though so I actually got to play some of the game. I'm still at a loss as to what to do to resolve this.
Well, i did the last thing i forgot 2 do eralier... I changed the ingame graphics setting to medium (i ran it on high and it kept getting stuck) changed the resolution to 1024x768 and manually added 8x anisotropic filtering, and voila! it doesn't get stuck anymore. It runs with super smooth framerate all the time and looks gorgeous. I guess it the DDR RAM on my GeCube radeon 9600xt (256) just suck... I touched it it during gameplay and it was burning hot- hotter than the GPU... it also doesn't have ram sinks on it. anyway, if it runs now and doesn't hang, then it's fine by me... :)
I am actually quite pleased at how well my 5900XT runs Doom 3.

Averaging 40 FPS, dipping to 25 and as high as 60 (max anyway). High Quality at 1280 x 768. (Native res for widescreen monitor)
I fixed it. My problem was not heat after all. It was the drivers. The new beta drivers from 4.6 to the 4.9 beta cats from ATI. I also put my newest sound blaster drivers and my nforce drivers also.
I can now run at High detail at 1024x786. It looks really sweet. And best of all, no crashes.