Doom 4 you might be waiting a while...

I'm still recovering from Doom 3.

Though 50 - 140 developers working on a single game? WTF?
I figured the Doom 4 early access was all bullshit with the preorder of Wolfenstein...
I remember when Carmack said Doom 4 wouldn't take as long to develop as Rage. It's starting to look like Doom Nukem Forever.
"around every four months, management will say that the current direction is wrong for DOOM 4, and will force the team to reboot most or all of the game. So even though the team has been bashing out DOOM 4 for about two years, they have nothing to show for it save for one or two "blockout levels and numerous prototypes."

Sounds like Duke Nukem Forever all over again.
You think this might be Job Security no matter what they do it will turn out bad...
So they keep rehashing it and milking Bethasada.
I'll save typing and words for everyone.

At this point id Software is nothing more than an empty shell. Man, Carmack really fucked Bethesda good. What a cesspool that company is. Just look who owns it...

Didn't know it took 500 warm bodies to make a rehashed game with game play that been the same the last 8 years or so.

Now you do. There's still a lot to do.

The whole Doom 3 was 20-something people and it was an amazing game. Times have changed, though. These days AAA games are lot like the movies. So they get to make them the same way by hiring a lot of people for 1-2 years max.
Oh well. For a Doom fix I load up the Brutal Doom mod. Doom 1/2, whatever .wad you want, runs in openGL with added fatalities and gore and other craziness.
At this point I feel that the new Unreal Tournament will get a decent Doom mod before Doom 4.
There is no actual proof that this was posted by a former ID Software employee. It could just be a troll post.

While this review is all full of doom and gloom (pun intended, sorry), we have to take it with a grain of salt given this person doesn't reveal his/her true identity. But if it's a legit entry, then we get a good idea as to why we really haven't seen any DOOM 4 evidence since before the project was rebooted.
I originally joined this forum because of the Doom 3 campaign HardOCP was running, check the date. ;)

Good times
Not at all surprising. Management is inept at a lot of software companies, and when you look at the games that id has put out since Doom 3 I don't hold much confidence in their remaining talent.
btw dont get a key from CJS CD Keys if you want wolfernstein, they say they have keys ready to go and its all good, but they dont actually have any keys and you will be waiting 12 hours for them.