Doom III Arrives Early For Some (Alot of people Got it already !! )

Jiggs said:
I got mine from Best Buy in King of Prussia, PA.

I called all morning and got lied to about them not having it. I went out there and overheard an employee talking to a manager, saying they should sell it. I asked if they were talking about Doom 3 and they were. So I started asking the manager about it. He said they would be fined for breaking the street date... I told him there is no street date on it, cause I work at EB Games and we're selling it the second we get it in.

He checked the computer and saw that there wasn't a date listed under the "additional info" tab of the item lookup, and sold me a copy.

Pics: *removed to save bandwidth*

i think i speak for everyone when i say, i envy you, you lucky, lucky, *******....
Well ladies and gents, here you are:
Why would I bother changing the stickers and posting it on here, I really honestly don't care what any of you think. Call BB in king of prussia, ask them if they sold it to me. Their phone number is 610 265 3185

Here is a screen and a pic of the discs, on the same table as my "fake box".

I live 20 min from king of prussia bestbuy,just called them,they have them in the store but arent selling them.So you got lucky i guess.
I believe you jiggs,but i am willing to drive to the king of prussia bestbuy,but the guy told me he wont sell it.
They told me they wouldn't sell it when I called too.


See where it got me? Where you from, Im about 20 min from KoP too...
In all seriousness if you wanna meet at the BB out there in like an hour or so I might be up for it. I'll find the people I talked to in order to get my copy.

Just call them back and give them the receipt #s from mine. Then be like.... so you can't sell it eh?
Jiggs said:
In all seriousness if you wanna meet at the BB out there in like an hour or so I might be up for it. I'll find the people I talked to in order to get my copy.

Just call them back and give them the receipt #s from mine. Then be like.... so you can't sell it eh?
Ok me and my fiance are gonna shoot down.If i drive fast i can make it there in 30 min.She needs to get ready yeah ill meet ya there in an hour.Im gonna PM ya some info
And by the way newsgroups arent illegal its what you do with them that are, i called Best Buy in Joilet Ill, and they got copies of them too, and im going to see if i can get my copy right now, crossing my fingers that they will sell them.
That meeting there is looking not likely - I just got an ear full of crap from MY fiancee when I suggested this brilliant idea of mine. I'll check that PM though and see what I can do though.
Jiggs said:
That meeting there is looking not likely - I just got an ear full of crap from MY fiancee when I suggested this brilliant idea of mine. I'll check that PM though and see what I can do though.
No big deal.She said she up for a road trip anyway,so if they give me crap oh well.Ill print out those pics to improve my chances.
Jiggs said:
I got mine from Best Buy in King of Prussia, PA.

I called all morning and got lied to about them not having it. I went out there and overheard an employee talking to a manager, saying they should sell it. I asked if they were talking about Doom 3 and they were. So I started asking the manager about it. He said they would be fined for breaking the street date... I told him there is no street date on it, cause I work at EB Games and we're selling it the second we get it in.

He checked the computer and saw that there wasn't a date listed under the "additional info" tab of the item lookup, and sold me a copy.



I wonder what those medications are????
Jiggs said:
Well, just so there is NO doubt...[IMG][/QUOTE]

I think this might deserve a front pagemention.
i work at gamestop myself, and our Activision rep was making his rounds on thursday.

i asked him about the whole 7/30 date, and he didnt know. then later he called back from another store, and said there was no hard street date.

so. who knows what the deal is.

the best buys around here probably wont sell it early, since we have one of the few stores doing midnight openings, and they dont want to steal their thunder.
kcthebrewer said:
Giving proof so that the Best Buy near you gets fined 10 grand gains lots of friends.

That's crap. I doubt Activision would even have the authority to fine anyone 10k. How could they enforce it. It was just some dude making up an excuse as to why it was available for sale.
kcthebrewer said:
Giving proof so that the Best Buy near you gets fined 10 grand gains lots of friends.

Why do you care if best buy gets fined?DO you own the company?
L0s7 4 Lyf3 said:
Doom 3 graphics never impressed me, sorry to say but it's true.

You can't really make ths statement until you've actually seen the game played.
Tim said:
That's crap. I doubt Activision would even have the authority to fine anyone 10k. How could they enforce it. It was just some dude making up an excuse as to why it was available for sale.

selling the game before the release date is a violation of an agreement they have to make when they order their shipment from what i have heard. when i called bestbuy in lewisville, texas and asked them about buying it now, the guy told me that activision would fine them 10k if they sold it before the release date.
heyyoem said:
Did you play the game, Tim ?

Nope, but it's just one of those things where screenshots never do a game justice. I don't even know if my system could play it. I haven't upgraded my processors in about two years, so I'm "stuck" on dual athlon mp 1900+. :(
eraser_16 said:
selling the game before the release date is a violation of an agreement they have to make when they order their shipment from what i have heard. when i called bestbuy in lewisville, texas and asked them about buying it now, the guy told me that activision would fine them 10k if they sold it before the release date.

I had read that in this thread before, which is why I felt compelled to say something when it was posted a second time. The only thing Activision could do would be to pull the game from Best Buy's shelves, which I doubt they'll do since Best Buy is such a huge retailer. Fining them would imply that Activision was some sort of governing body over Best Buy, which they are not.
RagingGecko said:
Damn, just called the bestbuy near me and they won't sell it to me until Tuesday. :mad:

Try bringing in the receipt that Jiggs posted.
My local Best Buy told me the game doesn't come out until October 4th.

Fucking idiots.

Trying another one now.
After waiting on the phone for an hour, i started to think they wouldnt pick up, so i decided to call back later :rolleyes:
No one around me has it :( I've called the local Best Buy, EB Games, Circuit City, etc. and they either say they don't have it, which I believe (I'm in NSB, Florida) or that it isn't coming out until October (the person at Best Buy, heh..)