Doom III performance on 6800GT


Mar 3, 2004
Ok, first let me say, this is the best game ever.

Second, I wish it would play a little better on my system. The breakdown:

PNY 6800 GT oc'd to 410/1100, 61.77 drivers
Barton 3000+ (200mhz FSB)
1GB mushkin 222 special DDR 3200

I can play at 1600x1200, high detail, vsync on, and get 60 fps a lot of the time, but when the room is open or there is some heavy fighting going on it drops below 30 (don't think I have seen below 25).

If I drop it to 1280x960 it seems to never quite get below 30, though it often seems to get close. I see other people saying they are on similar systems playing 1600x1200 with AA on. Are they just willing to live with crappy frame rate spikes? Or is my system under performing? Just as a reference, I am getting around 11,500 in 3dmark03.

Your system is fine - I have a 3400+ on a k8t800 and at 1600x1200 with aa/af on I drop to 30 as well. At 1600x1200 with aa/af I stick right at 60 fps.
zbose said:
Ok, first let me say, this is the best game ever.

Second, I wish it would play a little better on my system. The breakdown:

PNY 6800 GT oc'd to 410/1100, 61.77 drivers
Barton 3000+ (200mhz FSB)
1GB mushkin 222 special DDR 3200

I can play at 1600x1200, high detail, vsync on, and get 60 fps a lot of the time, but when the room is open or there is some heavy fighting going on it drops below 30 (don't think I have seen below 25).

If I drop it to 1280x960 it seems to never quite get below 30, though it often seems to get close. I see other people saying they are on similar systems playing 1600x1200 with AA on. Are they just willing to live with crappy frame rate spikes? Or is my system under performing? Just as a reference, I am getting around 11,500 in 3dmark03.


I think DOOM3 is very cpu dependent in this situation, since your video card is fine at that rez. Though you certainly will see frames drop, especailly with fog/steam situations and large rooms with lots of things moving, I've found disabling FAST WRITES really made a noticeable difference for me.

I had the exact same feeling with the chopiness, I disabled FS with Riva Tuner in software only (since I have no bios option for it)...and the game is so smooth, i was playing last night @ 16x12 with 2x AA and man it was just simply unbelievable! The scenes all look cut from a movie. I only wish the monsters moved slower so I could appreciate them more.

shot at 16x12 with 2xaa

shot 2

My settings have Vsynch on too, the tearing can be horrible; but you have to enable quality settings it makes a noticeable difference in the quality of the environment and eliminates shimmering corners.