Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

PC_Commando said:
come on FLECOM there just having a little fun dont be a butthead

i dont mind fun, but spam is annoying, and against the rules im here to enforce, which i do loosely mind you... i like this place being fun as much as everyone else... also its Mr. Butthead to you :p

anyway, keep it on topic

fucking awesome mod btw, its stuff like this that made me wish i had talent/imagination/creativity etc :p
wow. shaping up to be yet another award winning case. can't wait to see the final product! :)
This looks really promising! Keep the good work up! :)

Low-tech-sullotion of the pentagram:
Paint a pentagram where you want it with red (and yellow/orange?) UV-paint, place a UV-CCFL or an UV-LED to illuminate the UV-paint. Voilá! With a little circutry you could have the UV-light pulsate or so :)
Random Digits said:
Crimson ... This is just a thought, as are everyone else's who are trying to par-take in this great mod. What about the idea of hooking up a strobe light (set to random, no pun intended) to the inside (might have to box it in a little, so as to not have it shine through every crack in the case) as it would add to the illusion of whatever window mod you are going todo, that there would be flickering lights on and off inside the "building". Take it, leave it, whatever, but at least i know i tried to contribute to this beautiful thing. BTW, excellent show of true time built skill, ingenuity and craftmanship.

A lighting control module is def going to be installed, I'll talk to Robert from this week, he is really helpful. I would like to have several different lighting schemes built in--one of which will be all hell breaking loose inside and outside the case with strobes.

As soon as major parts arrive like the Motorized LCD Display I'll have a better idea of where the special effects will fit in.
JrCamacho said:
lol crimson. Too bad your camera cant get better FPS.. its really choppy hard to make what your doing..

Yeah the video is currently being served from home, (cable speeds) however Mashie and i are working on a better solution (dedicated server) for We hope to make the video a little smoother, cleaner and serve up more cams from other modders in the near future.
i liked flecoms idea with the little floodlights, i think it would look badass in that.
cheers tho on the mod.. beatiful, keep us posted :)
This mod looks like a maquette with a computer hidden somewhere inside :)
Just a fringe idea, but how about a torch, or the like, on top of the case that shoots off a ball of fire. An igniter would be easy to fabricate, and I know there is equipment out there designed for this. Monster House did a larger scale version for the fire-breathing prow of the Viking ship in the Viking House.

Just a thought.
Also, don't know about this...but.....a vibrating device to "tremor" the case on long as everything is very sturdy i suppose.
once again, this mod is BADASS (in a good way ;) ) kind of inspires me to do something with my computer, maybe a halo 2 related mod when it comes out. nothing could compare to your mod though.
Hmm, is it just me or is there a lot of artifacting going on in those shots?
Let me throw this oddity out there:

Has a kind of Q3/D3 rail gun look to it, kinda sorta and only $5 to boot
cgrant26 said:
Hey Crimson, I got some good sentry bot shots for you. I used a mod that allows you to spawn sentry bots that follow you around. Only problem was, they always want to face you unless they are shooting. I had to kill one to get some of the finer detail shots. :) Sentry Bot

Thanks mucho, those shots are excellent--I don't think i ever could have gott'em as good. The only problem is thus: If I stick with the current "scale" of the project, those bots would be quite small---far too small for an animatronic webcam---Maybe there is a larger scale element from the game I can incorporate into a robotic webcam? Suggestions?. Maybe scrap the idea--?
definitely dont scrap the idea. it would be awesome. i dont have any ideas on what it could be though. it would be awesome if you made it motion detecting, so it would follow people that walked by around :p

edit: just thought of this, maybe you could make it a gun turret?
dargon said:
Hmm, is it just me or is there a lot of artifacting going on in those shots?

Yeah, it's not just you. I was a bit pissed with the artifacting. I have been running my watercooled 9800 Pro at 497/386 for the past 6 months. I just installed SP2 last night and the artifacting started. (???) I turned down the clock to 476/378 and all is well.

BTW, on another note:


I had like 16 of these guys spawned for the part in the caverns when you get jumped by 2 of the giant Boss spiders. It was really fun to watch, an army of sentry bots VS the Boss spiders. I made a sweet demo of the mayhem, but forgot to stop the recording so it's 165mb :eek: otherwise I would have posted a link for it too.
lets end this tangent now please
hmm...really wish I knew what some of this stuff you guys were talking about was...I just started playing doom3 today and I won't be playing it any more till I get a new machine...runs like complete ASS at 640x480, low detail. (1.3ghz t-bird, 1gb ram, gf4mx440). I did see some of the outside stuff and the airlock - looks like you nailed it. can't wait to see the mars terrain. are you gonna add a jacked up walkway like in the game or just leave it plain terrain? and is it just me or are the red lights not flashing but turning? (like siren lights and such - if that makes sense)

can't wait for more updates
CrimsonSky said:
A lighting control module is def going to be installed, I'll talk to Robert from this week, he is really helpful. I would like to have several different lighting schemes built in--one of which will be all hell breaking loose inside and outside the case with strobes.

As soon as major parts arrive like the Motorized LCD Display I'll have a better idea of where the special effects will fit in.

Outstanding. I really can't wait to see the final product, like many others. Would you happen to have any other screenshots for "us" to drool over? Can never have enough of those:)
I've been around the net for many years. Seen all the mods (done a few myself), read all the tutorials, but your work puts all that to shame.

Damn fine job. Damn fine. I'll be watching this thread.
Man that looks like the best mod I have ever seen so far, true professional work. I know thats its probably just the love of labor but you should definately send pics into max pc for their mod contests. Thats a sure win for whatever prize there is.
megawzrd said:
Man that looks like the best mod I have ever seen so far, true professional work. I know thats its probably just the love of labor but you should definately send pics into max pc for their mod contests. Thats a sure win for whatever prize there is.

He has already won in the Max PC Mod contest so he's disqualified from winning again, but I remember seeing another magazine out there just on Mods, not sure how good it is but it's something to look into.
puck said:
He has already won in the Max PC Mod contest so he's disqualified from winning again, but I remember seeing another magazine out there just on Mods, not sure how good it is but it's something to look into.

Heh, I htink he should send them in anyway, win or not he'd atleast get some form of mention, and you never know, they may decide to bend the rules.
He should definately send it in again, despite winning already. MaxPC wouldn't let a GREAT mod go totally unrecognized..they'd probably feature it and then say it couldn't win again or something.
The way it's shaping up to be, I'd be surprised if ID themselves didn't commision him for some work.
small update, but its taking many hours to get just right. The top of the building was smoothed out with Bondo and shaped. After wet sanding a coat of primer was given to see how its shaping up. Working now in the vertical support pieces. Each one is 5 layers of plastic sheetglued together, then carved and shaped.
Lookin' good dude, I hadn't check in for the past couple pages, but it looks like you're doin' fine. ;) :p
awesome. Yea, whenever I get an update to this thread I just look for the name crimsonsky to come up to click it, haha.
CrimsonSky said:
small update, but its taking many hours to get just right. The top of the building was smoothed out with Bondo and shaped. After wet sanding a coat of primer was given to see how its shaping up. Working now in the vertical support pieces. Each one is 5 layers of plastic sheetglued together, then carved and shaped.

Are anyone else's nipples [H]?

But I digress.........
Hey Crimson,

Since you do this alot, do you think you could post a few links to where you like to shop for your supplies? (plastic sheeting, good priced kits, paints, etc) Where do you use most?

Also, can you give alittle more info on the sound board? That is something that would work great for a non-casemod project I am working on... Where did you get it and how much was it?

Thanks and keep it up!
Crim, I like the bondo job you did but you think that's sturdy? Bondo cracks easily :D
Qtip42 said:
Crim, I like the bondo job you did but you think that's sturdy? Bondo cracks easily :D

you talking about the rocks he made or the top of the case? I was thinking that about the rocks...seems awful thick for bondo (unless I read wrong, in which case I'm retarded)
while were still on the topic of bondo...
ive used this stuff called 'rage gold' autobody filler, its made by a company called evercoat. anyways this stuff is what professionals use at autobody shops cause its alot easier to sand than bondo and it also doesnt have any air pockets within the mixture so its less prone to crackin.
any experiance with this stuff crimson? nice work too! i was lookin through your case gallery and i cannot wait to see this one complete!
ghetto+ said:
while were still on the topic of bondo...
ive used this stuff called 'rage gold' autobody filler, its made by a company called evercoat. anyways this stuff is what professionals use at autobody shops cause its alot easier to sand than bondo and it also doesnt have any air pockets within the mixture so its less prone to crackin.
any experiance with this stuff crimson? nice work too! i was lookin through your case gallery and i cannot wait to see this one complete!

I've heard theres a lot better stuff out there than bondo...I think I've heard a little blurb about that filler somewhere but can't remember where/when/what was said. I'm real tempted to buy something like that when I start my case and just chuck my 1/2gal of bondo that I have sitting around