Doom III: Project Mars City (Comments Thread)

elite.mafia said:
... starhawk I've said this before... I'll say it again: SHUTUP. There, I said it. Never post some pointless shit again, noone posts 30 times a day.

if you look in his profile it does in fact say he posts 31 times a day...
Lothar the Lotharian said:
Actually, I created it on your request. Since it's your fault, I expect you to make good use of it. ;)

Oh, you BET I will......(buhahahahahahaha...... :D

Thanks again!
It's been a busy week here for me, but there will be updates posted this weekend for sure. I'm just about wrapping up the entire front part of the case and preparing to do some airbrushing.
it's monday here now... where's the pics? although technically i suppose that you have another day... 4 day weekend for me:D
Berating him for pics and updates isn't going to make him post them faster. I'm sure he has other PAYING jobs to work on and sometimes you just don't feel like working on your mod no matter how much you want to get it done. I know I'm guilty of this. I'm sure he will post an update as soon as he can and give us an explanation why he didn't sooner.
hey folks...take it easy --it's enough work to build mods, take good pictures, write about it, post it--

I don't wanna have to police the thread too :D

I'm a day behind with my schedule..I'll post asap..thanks for being patient :p
I'm just going to delete all of Darth Fluffy's posts from now on regarding this thread. I've had enough. He's obviously spamming, and has been doing so since i started this thread.
How about just out right ban him? Take your time with the updates, I can patiently wait.
i am getting a little impatient with the updates, but i think that Dark Helmet Kitty should have his fair say... if he is actually trying to say something worth saying. if he's spamming, tho, shoot him down.
starhawk said:
i am getting a little impatient with the updates, but i think that Dark Helmet Kitty should have his fair say... if he is actually trying to say something worth saying. if he's spamming, tho, shoot him down.

Too bad..I'm not on your schedule. deal with it.
Guys, guys: true art takes time. Let him have the time he needs to make his mod. Then, if it sucks, we can rag on him. :D
wow guys, I can't believe it. Whys everybody giving him a hard time for no recent updates? so he's a little off schedule, deal with is HIS schedule after all. There are plenty of worklogs around here that go weeks or months without updates. and what the heck is with all the off-topic-ness? I come home from work, drop in, and theres 18 billion deleted posts....why can't people just keep the conversation worklog related? (ok, end rant)

Anyway Crim, like others, I can't wait for the updates, I'm sure we'll be pleased. But don't rush it just to get it posted (I know you wouldn't do that anyway). It may not look like it but we all (most of us anyway) know that people have day-jobs and modding can't always be #1 priority - and even if it is #1, things happen and things take longer than expected...Don't let everybody's pushing for updates get to you.

Guys come on, relax. Its not like he HAS to post here or anything

siege out
siege said:
wow guys, I can't believe it. Whys everybody giving him a hard time for no recent updates? so he's a little off schedule, deal with is HIS schedule after all. There are plenty of worklogs around here that go weeks or months without updates. and what the heck is with all the off-topic-ness? I come home from work, drop in, and theres 18 billion deleted posts....why can't people just keep the conversation worklog related? (ok, end rant)

Anyway Crim, like others, I can't wait for the updates, I'm sure we'll be pleased. But don't rush it just to get it posted (I know you wouldn't do that anyway). It may not look like it but we all (most of us anyway) know that people have day-jobs and modding can't always be #1 priority - and even if it is #1, things happen and things take longer than expected...Don't let everybody's pushing for updates get to you.

Guys come on, relax. Its not like he HAS to post here or anything

siege out

just read the last few pages but i've been scanning for pics for a while...

all i can say is.. wow...

wow, wow, wow wow, WOW

i'm dumbfounded... and here i thought my mod was "all wonderful"

i'd post a pic, but... embarassing myself is probably not the best idea

like siege said, take ur time, art takes time... and this sure as [H]3ll is art :D

have fun!
lorcani said:
Then, if it sucks, we can rag on him. :D

its funny, cuz i know ur kidding, but i'll say it doesn't matter how bad/good it is, its the time and effort put into that really i'd hafta say, if someone doesn't like it, that's great, that's your opinion, but if Crimson likes it, then its "good". but, at the rate you're going, it can't look bad...
hey thanks Deathman...You really should post your pics here on [H]...Most of the folks are pretty damn genuine--we all started our case modding with projects we thought were not so hot--Hopefully you'll share with us sometime ;)

MEANWHILE...what may not seem like a big update on this project actually took a tremendous amount of work on my part--in between dealing with other projects/clients I managed to create the final piece that finishes off the front of the case--the molding above and around the airlock door. The design is pulled from the game with a few added touches to make it blend in with the LCD module that lives above it.

This scratchbuilt part had to fit nice and snug with the airlock while allowing it to open smoothly, so many hours of measuring and cutting the styrene sheets was needed to get a tight seam. The decorative panels that were laminated onto it made it so strong that when knocked on it sounds like knuckles on a football helmet--yeesh..very strong indeed.

Once this section is airbrushed and blended in with the rest of the front, it will start to come together. I'll put all the parts together tomorrow and post a pic of the entire case. You'll also notice that i started painting the Martian terrain. I'm waiting on a few bottles of paint before i add the final touches by hand and airbrush.

Reference shot:






haha, at first, i thought you said stop taking ur goddamn time, but then i actually read it :p

very nice looking job on crim said, i can't wait for the painted version!
CrimsonSky said:
hey thanks Deathman...You really should post your pics here on [H]...Most of the folks are pretty damn genuine--we all started our case modding with projects we thought were not so hot--Hopefully you'll share with us sometime ;)

MEANWHILE...what may not seem like a big update on this project actually took a tremendous amount of work on my part--in between dealing with other projects/clients I managed to create the final piece that finishes off the front of the case--the molding above and around the airlock door. The design is pulled from the game with a few added touches to make it blend in with the LCD module that lives above it.

This scratchbuilt part had to fit nice and snug with the airlock while allowing it to open smoothly, so many hours of measuring and cutting the styrene sheets was needed to get a tight seam. The decorative panels that were laminated onto it made it so strong that when knocked on it sounds like knuckles on a football helmet--yeesh..very strong indeed.

Once this section is airbrushed and blended in with the rest of the front, it will start to come together. I'll put all the parts together tomorrow and post a pic of the entire case. You'll also notice that i started painting the Martian terrain. I'm waiting on a few bottles of paint before i add the final touches by hand and airbrush.






very encouraging but... u REALLY don't wanna see it :D
it's a sony rz with a window slapped on the side and a fan in the middle of that... but

great update... i just realized this too... u probably spent hours and days and weeks doing all that amazing stuff while people just glance at the pictures and just go "give me more pics!"

take time to *deep breath* appreaciate...

maybe i'll get around to posting a pic of my *cough* horrendous computer someday :D

just ask Alex (Alex41290) it isn't exactly.... well... "good"
DeathMan said:
very encouraging but... u REALLY don't wanna see it :D
it's a sony rz with a window slapped on the side and a fan in the middle of that... but

great update... i just realized this too... u probably spent hours and days and weeks doing all that amazing stuff while people just glance at the pictures and just go "give me more pics!"

take time to *deep breath* appreaciate...

maybe i'll get around to posting a pic of my *cough* horrendous computer someday :D

just ask Alex (Alex41290) it isn't exactly.... well... "good"

hey, u modded ur case more than i commend you for that...but my 1337 overclocking skillz r0xx0r5 y0ur s0xx0r5...jkjkk he said, looking nice crim...its not a bad mod, tj, its a start...
Alex41290 said:
hey, u modded ur case more than i commend you for that...but my 1337 overclocking skillz r0xx0r5 y0ur s0xx0r5...jkjkk he said, looking nice crim...its not a bad mod, tj, its a start...

... encouraging?


i'll take pics now, but beware... i was attacked by the glue monster...

i'll put them in a thread, keep ur head up

once again... (staying on topic)

great case... looks AMAZING and is coming along quite quickly for all the work that is involved...

wow Crim, that piece is freakin amazing. I seriously doubt I would have the patience to produce a part half that good. I don't know what else to say, I'm speechless.
I don't know how you do that. It's simply incredible. I wasn't really excited about the appearance of it until now, since it's mostly covered with the "kitbashing" stuff. A-freakin-mazing! :eek:

yeah...from the beginning i kinda thought it would be a "rough" case that would be kinda jagged and strange...not in a bad way....but now you've changed my whole view of it and now its just a work of art....
Alex41290 said:
yeah...from the beginning i kinda thought it would be a "rough" case that would be kinda jagged and strange...not in a bad way....but now you've changed my whole view of it and now its just a work of art....

yeah its hard to see my final vision by looking at it all in pieces--but once all the elements are in place and its painted up, you will see it too. It's probably one of the toughest types of mods to show "in progress" without drawings and renderings.
yeah, i know what you mean...but still, i'm sure everyone can attest that, if you said it was done now, it would still amaze people...but seeing it step-by-step has really opened my eyes to how much time you've put into it and how challenging its been...thanks for giving something to the community for people to enjoy and try to emulate (one of this week's vocab words in english...:rolleyes: )
Alex41290 said:
yeah, i know what you mean...but still, i'm sure everyone can attest that, if you said it was done now, it would still amaze people...but seeing it step-by-step has really opened my eyes to how much time you've put into it and how challenging its been...thanks for giving something to the community for people to enjoy and try to emulate (one of this week's vocab words in english...:rolleyes: )

wow... putting school to use :D

that case really is a work of art, so take your time and have fun!

that's really what anything is about, having fun

amazing... again...

don't have any vocab words to use, since i'm in the stupid reading class, jkjk

ok, sleepy time
I love this mod, but the Doom logo on the base - is that the final color? cause i dont really like the way it looks - I think it would be nicer if u had it all in one color...
Hey Crimson, do you attend Quakecon? And if so do you bring some if any of your creations? Because they all look so great online but in person.... :eek:
If you dont attend Quakecon, where do you display your creations if anywhere?
Josh2k4 said:
I love this mod, but the Doom logo on the base - is that the final color? cause i dont really like the way it looks - I think it would be nicer if u had it all in one color...

It's not finish painted at all . Like Lothar said its just overspray from the terrain.
UT-Jackal said:
Hey Crimson, do you attend Quakecon? And if so do you bring some if any of your creations? Because they all look so great online but in person.... :eek:
If you dont attend Quakecon, where do you display your creations if anywhere?

Yeah QuakeCon is def going to be an event I'll take this to next year, among several other LANs ..As soon as I get a schedule for them I'll be sure to post it. ;)